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Uttar Pradesh

ABDUL ZAHIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27364 Immovable Property -
ADBHUT KUMAR SHUKLA BSc.(Civil Engg)., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31595 Land & Building -
ADITYA DIXIT B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30496 Land & Building -
ADNAN ZAFAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29115 Immovable Property -
AERON, RAVINDRA MOHAN B.E. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20357 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL RAJEEV KUMAR B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13136 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, A.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12717 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, AMIT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12907 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, ANIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Aeronautical), F.I.V. F-13722 Aeronautical Engineering -
AGARWAL, ANUJ B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22702 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, ARUN GOPAL ICWA, Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23469 Stocks and Shares -
AGARWAL, ASHUTOSH Master in Valuation, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19508 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, AVIRAL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19644 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, B.B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18072 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, B.K. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8568 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, B.L. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6147 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, BRIJENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 15/3/Cat-I F-17336 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, D.P. AMIE, F.I.V. F-3645 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, DEVESH ROOPKISHOR B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27017 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, GAURAV B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21212 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, JAI PRAKASH B.Tech. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2590 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, JYOTI BHUSHAN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19437 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, K.C. B.Sc.Engg. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3533 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, K.K. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-13223 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, KANIKA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26578 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, Lt. Col. D.S. B.Sc., B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4299 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, M.K. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14437 Machinery and Plant -
AGARWAL, M.K. B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16739 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, NAND KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-562 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, NAVEEN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18741 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, POOJA B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25367 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, PRAMOD KUMAR B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26138 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, PRIYANKA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26309 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, PROF. V.K. B.Sc., B.E., M.E.(Phe.) M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6243 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, R.P. B.Sc., B.Tech.(Meta.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8162 Mines and Quarries -
AGARWAL, RAKESH KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/208/2000 F-10784 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, RAVI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23854 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, RAVINDRA K. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5771 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, REENA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21213 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SACHIN B. Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16839 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11773 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SANJIV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23309 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SATISH CHANDRA B.Arch., M.E., F.I.V. F-8650 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SUMIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24437 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SUNIL B.Tech., M.Plan.(Housing), MBA(Finance), M.Sc.(P&M), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8569 Immovable Property Plant & Equipment
AGARWAL, SURAJ A.M.I.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-13498 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, TRILOK CHANDRA B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/KNP/Cat.- I/243/2008 F-16837 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, ALAKH PARSHAD B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22132 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, MAHENDRA PAL B.E. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1828 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, N.K. F.I.P.W.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7561 Immovable Property -
AGNIHOTRI, BHUVANENDRA B.Sc.(Prod. Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27929 Production and Industrial Engineering -
AGNIHOTRI, MUKESH CHANDRA M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19359 Immovable Property -
AGNIHOTRI, P.N. B.Sc., M.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7516 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAHARI, GYAN CHANDRA D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19706 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, A.S. B.Tech. (Hons.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1557 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, AMIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23103 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, AMITABH AMIE, M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24679 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ASHOK KUMAR M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6212 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ATAL VIJAY B.Tech.(Textile), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19646 Textile -
AGRAWAL, HIMANSHU M.Val.(R.E.), AMIS, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 02/Vara./2005-06 F-24365 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, J. K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17435 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, JAGDISH P. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-13711 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, JITENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23749 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, KRISHNA SWARUP B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21136 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, O.P. A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13029 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, O.P. B.Sc., I.R.S.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5405 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, R.K. B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4804 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAWAL, R.P. B.Sc., M.Sc., F.I.V. F-11377 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, RAJENDRA KUMAR B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23388 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, RAVINDRA PRASHAD B.E., M.Tech.(Struc.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19789 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SALIL B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12825 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAWAL, SAURABH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22320 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAWAL, SIDDARTH KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14776 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SUSHIL KUMAR M.I.S., MICA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/Meerut/ITC/Valuer/11 /06-07/4346 F-22778 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, TARUN KUMAR M.Val., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 02/GKP/2013-14 A-24098 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, VINOD CHANDRA B.Sc. Engg., M.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9154 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, VIVEK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13220 Immovable Property -
AHMAD, ASAD B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. F-17847 Immovable Property -
AHMED, S.M. B.E., LL.B., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4086 Machinery and Plant -
AHTESHAM Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28002 Immovable Property -
AHUJA, ABHISHEK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19709 Immovable Property -
AHUJA, B.S. M.E., F.I.V. F-4164 Immovable Property -
AISHVRAY B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28491 Immovable Property -
AISHWARY SINGH B.Tech.(Civil), MBA(Construction Project Management), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31548 Land & Building -
AKHTAR, SALMAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 08/2012-13 F-22781 Immovable Property -
AKHTAR, SOHAIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18777 Immovable Property -
AKHTAR, WASIM B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23973 Immovable Property -
AKSHAT SAXENA B.Arch., C.O.A, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29598 Land & Building -
ALANKAR JAISWAL B-Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30900 Land & Building -
ALI, SATTAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18410 Immovable Property -
ALOK KUMAR BHATNAGAR B.Sc, B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31078 Land & Building -
AMAN KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30336 Land & Building -
AMAR NATH GAUR B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31724 Land & Building -
AMIT KAUSHAL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30815 Land & Building -
AMIT KUMAR KANKANE AMIE, B.E.(Electronic), MBA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29457 Immovable Property -
AMIT KUMAR KANKANE B.E.(Electronics), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30547 Plant & Equipment -
AMIT KUMAR SINGH B.Tech., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-26935 Immovable Property -
AMRISH KUMAR SAXENA Dip.(Civil), B. Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32215 Land & Building -
ANAND PRAKASH BARNWAL Dip. Civil, AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30340 Land & Building -
ANAND YASH PAL A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17017 Immovable Property -
ANANT TRIVEDI B.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28486 Immovable Property -
ANANYA AGARWAL B.Arch, A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29170 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30035 Land & Building -
ANIL KUMAR MITTAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29454 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR NIM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29433 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR PANDEY I.M.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12479 Machinery and Plant -
ANIL KUMAR SHARMA B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29456 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR SINGH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31197 Land & Building -
ANKIT AWASTHI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27651 Immovable Property -
ANKIT SHARMA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29446 Immovable Property -
ANKUR DUBEY B.Tech., M.Tech. (Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30813 Land & Building -
ANSARI, JAMAL YUSUF B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15898 Immovable Property -
ANSARI, ZEESHA N AHMAD B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26579 Immovable Property -
ANUJ KUMAR SHARMA B-Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31678 Land & Building -
ANUJ PRATAP SINGH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29107 Immovable Property -
ANUP KUMAR Diploma Civil, B.Tech., M.Tech. (Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30182 Land & Building -
ANUPAM KUMAR SRIVASTAVA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19606 Immovable Property -
ANVIT SHARMA B.Tech.(Civil), M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32152 Land & Building -
ARCHIT YADAV B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26762 Immovable Property -
ARORA, CHANDRA PRAKASH A.M.I.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. MSc (PM) Year: 2007 Category: VII F-6713 Immovable Property -
ARORA, J.S. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9313 Immovable Property -
ARORA, KARAN B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14899 Immovable Property -
ARORA, SUNIL B.E.(Elecro.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8673 Computer Technology -
ARPIT KATARIA B.Tech, (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31746 Land & Building -
ARUNESH KUSHAWAHA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30429 Land & Building -
ARVIND GUPTA Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31105 Land & Building -
ARVIND SINGH B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Stru), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31904 Land & Building -
ARYA, PRIYAVRAT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17216 Machinery and Plant -
ARYA, RAMAKANT AMIE, MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11593 Immovable Property -
ARYA, VIJAY KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22411 Machinery and Plant -
ASATI, OM PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16312 Immovable Property -
ASHISH KUMAR KANNOJIYA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32367 Land & Building -
ASHISH KUMAR SINGH B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24050 Immovable Property -
ASHOK KUMAR JAIN B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31875 Land & Building -
ASHU ASHWANI Dip.(Civil), B.Tech, M.Tech.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31017 Land & Building -
ASHUTOSH KUMAR RAI B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32523 Land & Building -
ASHWANI B. Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29435 Immovable Property -
ASRANI, S.K. B.E. (Elect.), M.I.E., A.I.V. A-3500 Machinery and Plant -
ASTHANA, BIPIN BEHARI B.E., F.I.V. F-8451 Immovable Property -
ASTHANA, SHARAD CHANDRA B.Tech., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18481 Immovable Property -
ATIN JAIN AMIE(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32065 Land & Building -
ATISHEY MITTAL B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29444 Machinery and Plant -
ATTREY, AKSHAY KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28901 Machinery and Plant -
AWASTHI, OM PRAKASH D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12707 Immovable Property -
AYYANGAR, S.K. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20848 Immovable Property -
AZIZ ULLAH A.M.I.E.(Elect.), C.E., F.I.V. F-12334 Machinery and Plant -
BAGGA, CHARANJEET SINGH B.Tech.(Chem.), M.Tech.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27108 Chemicals -
BAIRATHI, H.C. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13030 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, SUNDEEP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15251 Immovable Property -
BAJWA, HARBINDER SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15254 Immovable Property -
BAKSHI, LT. COL. K.J.S. (RETD.) M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I-263 of 1994 F-23311 Immovable Property -
BALWINDER SINGH BAJWA AMIE(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29447 Machinery and Plant -
BANSAL, ANURAG B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27758 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, G.C. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9316 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, KIRTI BHUSHAN B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23468 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, RICHA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27019 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, S.P. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1254 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, SANJEEV KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 22/06-07 F-19150 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, UTTAM CHAND B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. F-16529 Immovable Property -
BANWARI LAL GUPTA AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29442 Immovable Property -
BARSARIA, S.B.L.M. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17782 Immovable Property -
BATRA (RETD.), MAJ. GEN. M.M. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.S., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10564 Immovable Property -
BEG, Y AMIE, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-1 S.No. 349 Approved Valuer F-26940 Immovable Property -
BEHL, CHANDRESH B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10204 Immovable Property -
BHADORIA, AWADHESH KR. SINGH B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5509 Immovable Property -
BHARADWAJ, SANJEEV KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20372 Immovable Property -
BHARAT B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26669 Immovable Property -
BHARDWAJ, NAND KISHORE AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27926 Immovable Property -
BHARGAVA (Retd.), LT. COL. RISHI M.B.E.M., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9745 Immovable Property -
BHARGAVA, H.N. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9852 Machinery and Plant -
BHARTI, PRAMOD B.Sc. (Elect. & Comm.)., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26496 Computer Technology -
BHASKAR (RETD.), COL. K.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/7/93- 94 of 1993 F-6915 Immovable Property -
BHAT, A.K. B.E. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5123 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, COL. V.K B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10788 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, DHARM PAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25683 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, KAPIL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18999 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, PRABHDEEP SINGH B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27473 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, VIDHI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22623 Immovable Property -
BHATNAGAR, AJAI KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. F-19920 Immovable Property -
BHATNAGAR, S.N. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8189 Immovable Property -
BHATT, PAWAN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18409 Immovable Property -
BHATTAR, RAJAT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21419 Immovable Property -
BHUPENDRA KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31931 Land & Building -
BINDRA, U.S. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10053 Machinery and Plant -
BIRDIE, JITENDER S. B.E., C.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-5364 Immovable Property -
BRIJESH KUMAR KATARA Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21779 Land & Building -
CHABRA, COL. O.P. B.E., M.I.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. F-5644 Immovable Property -
CHAKRAVORTI, N.K. B.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5029 Immovable Property -
CHANDER, SURESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9582 Immovable Property -
CHANDNA, V.K. B.E.(Mech.), A.M.I.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17633 Aeronautical Engineering -
CHANDRA MANI RAI B.E., F.I.V. F-19512 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, ASHUTOSH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8231 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, HARISH B.E.Civil, P.G.Structures, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10200 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, KHAZAN D.E.C., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5291 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, MAHESH B.Sc. (Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22876 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDRA, RAMESH Dip. Mech., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18940 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDRA, RAMESH B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3789 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, SATYA PRAKASH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17224 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, SHEKHAR M.Tech., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11926 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDRA, SHREE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17614 Immovable Property -
CHATTERJE, RAMENDRA NATH G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10981 Immovable Property -
CHATTERJEE, DEBASHISH B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4912 Immovable Property -
CHATTERJEE, G.B. B.C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2144 Immovable Property -
CHATTERJEE, TARUN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18942 Machinery and Plant -
CHATURVEDI, SAMARTH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24748 Immovable Property -
CHATURVEDI, T.N. B.Tech., C.E., F.I.V. F-7162 Machinery and Plant -
CHAUBEY, C.B. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21048 Machinery and Plant -
CHAUDHARY, AMIT B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14439 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARY, HIRDESH B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26037 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARY, J.S. B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12906 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHRI, NARENDRA SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19063 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHURY, SATYENDRA KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27854 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN RAJESH R.S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27111 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, JAINATH SINGH B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15248 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, RAJESH KUMAR A.M.I.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13610 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, SURESH PRASAD B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20923 Machinery and Plant -
CHAWLA, B.S. B.E., B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8631 Machinery and Plant -
CHAWLA, D.C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24516 Immovable Property -
CHAWLA, MONA B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9401 Immovable Property -
CHAWLA, OM PRAKASH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9851 Immovable Property -
Chawla, Prem Nath M.Sc.(Hons)., F.I.V. F-2950 Jewellery -
CHEMMANNOOR, BOBEN ANTO B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21777 Machinery and Plant -
CHHABRA (RETD.), MAJ. RAMESH B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3526 Immovable Property -
CHHONKAR, SURENDRA PAL SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9653 Immovable Property -
CHIRAG GUPTA B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29672 Land & Building -
CHOPRA, SANJAY B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22782 Machinery and Plant -
CHOUBEY, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28701 Immovable Property -
DAGA, ADESH MOHAN B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26224 Machinery and Plant -
DAS, BHAGWAN B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. F-16525 Machinery and Plant -
DAS, RAGHU NATH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27277 Immovable Property -
DAS, SUNITI KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Metallurgy), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26576 Metallurgical Engineering -
DAS, VISHNU P. B.E., F.I.V. F-7161 Immovable Property -
DASH, S.S. A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6827 Immovable Property -
DAVENDER KUMAR JAIN B.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30128 Land & Building -
DEEPAK JYOTI B.Tech.(Chem), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11781 Machinery and Plant -
DEEPAK KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31531 Land & Building -
DEEPAK PANDEY B.Tech.(Mech Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30426 Plant & Equipment Land & Building
DEEPANSHU RAJPUT B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30258 Land & Building -
DEODHAR, V.D. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8346 Immovable Property -
DEOPUJARI, A.S. Dip. C.E., F.I.E., F.I.A., F.I.V. F-1294 Immovable Property -
DESH DEEPAK B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26668 Immovable Property -
DEV BRAT SINGH B.Arch. COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29808 Land & Building -
DEV, MUKESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16664 Immovable Property -
DHAMA, VIRENDRA KUMAR B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13218 Immovable Property -
DHEERAJ KUMAR GUPTA B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29916 Plant & Equipment -
DHIMAN, JAGDISH LAL A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18850 Machinery and Plant -
DIKSHIT, SHASHI BHUSHAN B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19209 Immovable Property -
DINESH KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29106 Immovable Property -
DINESH, ANIL KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23390 Immovable Property -
DIVYANSH GUPTA M.Sc.(REV), BBA(Marketing), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32012 Land & Building -
DIWAN, ASHWANI KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18676 Immovable Property -
DUBE, VINAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-14768 Immovable Property -
DUBE, VINOD KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18860 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, AVADH NARESH LL.B, A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8866 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, HARI PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20846 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, P. RAMESH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. F-12335 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, PIYUSH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- 1/242/2008 F-16415 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, R.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11376 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, RITU B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18997 Immovable Property -
DUTT, ROBIND KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26315 Immovable Property -
DUTT, VED BHUSHAN COL Degree (Civil), C.M.E. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18158 Immovable Property -
DWIVEDI, AMIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22562 Immovable Property -
DWIVEDI, R.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10987 Immovable Property -
ER. SHARMA, DINESH N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6662 Immovable Property -
FAUZDAR, AJIT B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-10499 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, INDRAJIT B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 0125.KNP/CCIT Cat.-I F-23392 Immovable Property -
GANDOTRA, V.D. B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7222 Immovable Property -
GANGULY, UJJWAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25453 Immovable Property -
GARG, ALOK KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28490 Immovable Property -
GARG, ANKIT KUMAR C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26761 Stocks and Shares -
GARG, ARVIND B.Sc., B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15111 Immovable Property -
GARG, DEEPAK B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25364 Immovable Property -
GARG, GIRISH CHANDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25762 Immovable Property -
GARG, H.P. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14559 Immovable Property -
GARG, M.C. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2754 Immovable Property -
GARG, MAYANK B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27652 Immovable Property -
GARG, MUKESH B.E.(Com. Sci.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24967 Computer Technology -
GARG, NITIN B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19847 Immovable Property -
GARG, PRAMOD KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17436 Immovable Property -
GARG, R.P. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15665 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAJEEV KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26227 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAJEEV B.Tech., F.I.V. F-17338 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAJENDRA PRASAD B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17993 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAM BABU B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21670 Immovable Property -
GARG, S.K. B.E., B.Sc., A.M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12220 Immovable Property -
GARG, S.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15458 Immovable Property -
GARG, SAMEEP B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18740 Immovable Property -
GARG, SANDEEP B.Arch., F.I.V. F-21422 Immovable Property -
GARG, SATYAKAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19436 Immovable Property -
GARG, SAURABH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15459 Immovable Property -
GARG, VINAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16107 Immovable Property -
GARG, VINEET KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 2307/95-96 Cat.-VII Approved Valuer F-28102 Machinery and Plant -
GAUR, SUSHIL KUMAR SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14566 Immovable Property -
GAURAV VIKAS B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23027 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM BARANWAL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29600 Land & Building -
GAUTAM, ABHISHEK D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24051 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, NEERAJ B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24278 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, PRABHAT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24753 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10501 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, VINOD CHANDRA Settlement Officer, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17227 Agricultural Lands -
GAUTAM, VISHNU DUTT M.I.S., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4486 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, YOGENDRA NATH M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5663 Immovable Property -
GAYATHRI, N. AMIE(Elect. & Comm.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23859 Computer Technology -
GHOSH, PROBIR KR. B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14557 Machinery and Plant -
GIANCHANDANI, K.L. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/326 F-18403 Immovable Property -
GILL, LT. COL. MOHINDER SINGH C.M.E., A.M.I.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3260 Immovable Property -
GIRI RAJ A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8746 Immovable Property -
GIRI, S.C. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., L.L.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12903 Immovable Property -
GOBIND RAM B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7438 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, A.K B.Sc., B.Sc.(Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-9077 Immovable Property -
GOEL, AKHIL B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-24752 Immovable Property -
GOEL, ASHOK KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17221 Immovable Property -
GOEL, ATUL B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4462 Immovable Property -
GOEL, DEEPAK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18411 Immovable Property -
GOEL, DR. RAJAT B.Tech.(Elect. & Tele.), Ph.D., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23208 Computer Technology -
GOEL, M UDIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13713 Immovable Property -
GOEL, MANOJ KUMAR C.E., F.I.E.(India), F.I.V. F-5205 Immovable Property -
GOEL, MANOJ B.Tech., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13916 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, NEERAJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18853 Immovable Property -
GOEL, PANKAJ B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27112 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, PUNIT B.E.(Elect.), M.Sc.(Cons.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26226 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, PUNIT B.E., F.I.V. F-8636 Immovable Property -
GOEL, RAKESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22780 Immovable Property -
Goel, S.C.D. M.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5126 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SHIVAM B.Tech.(Elect.), M.Tech.(I&C), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25366 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, VIKAS KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12704 Immovable Property -
GOEL, VINOD KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10716 Immovable Property -
GOEL, VINOD KUMAR . B.Sc.(Engg.)(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24441 Production and Industrial Engineering -
GOEL, VIRENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-18945 Immovable Property -
GOPAL TRIPATHI Dip.(Arch), B.Arch. COA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23107 Immovable Property -
GOVIND RAM B.Sc., M.Sc.(Engg.) Civil, F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6142 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, ANIL KUMAR B.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11287 Machinery and Plant -
GOYAL, ARUN KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. ICWA Year: 1973 Category: VI Approved Valuer F-10508 Machinery and Plant -
GOYAL, MADAN KUMAR B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14646 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, S.P. B.Sc., B.E., D.I.C. (London), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6914 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, VINOD KUMAR B.Sc.Engg.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4544 Immovable Property -
GROVER, SURESH KUMAR AMIE, B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23393 Immovable Property -
GUJRAL, MANISH B.Arch., F.I.V. F-11531 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, AJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6399 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, AJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27762 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ANIL KUMAR B.Tech (Agriculture), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-13224 Agricultural Lands -
GUPTA, ANIL KUMAR AMIE (Elec.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22784 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, ANITA B.Arch., F.I.V. F-17124 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ANUMEHA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28271 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ARJUN DEO Dip. Civil, A.I.V. A-4392 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ARUN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21692 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ARUN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17342 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ASHOK KUMAR B. Sc. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16930 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, ASHOK KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-11594 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ASHOK KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., FICA, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-19663 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ASHVANI B.E., B,Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13134 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, B.K. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-6278 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, BHARAT BHUSAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Reg. No. CCIT/Val./T- 23/99/2000/436 F-20640 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, BRIJ MOHAN B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6659 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, C.P. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12022 Machinery and Plant -
Gupta, Chander Shekhar B. Arch. (Hons.), F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3254 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, D.D. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10983 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, D.K. B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17223 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, DHARMENDRA KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23554 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, DHARMESH B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.I.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7513 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, DINESH CHANDRA B.Sc., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16418 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, GIAN PRAKASH ICWA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23470 Stocks and Shares -
GUPTA, GIRRAJ KISHORE Dip. C.E., M.I.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-4719 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, HARBANS LAL M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.- I/590/163/2009-10 F-23028 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, JAI PARKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22494 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, K.C. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1393 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, KAMTA PRASAD I..I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18736 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, KIRAN B.Arch. F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3255 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, LAKSHMI NARAIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16523 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, MAHENDER SINGH B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19850 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, MANISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27853 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, MANVENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9655 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, N.K. B.Sc., .M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12701 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, NARESH CHANDRA B.Sc., B.E.(Civil)., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5618 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NARESH KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22409 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NARINDER KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-24439 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NEERAJ B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11852 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NIRAJ B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20447 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NITIN KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24972 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PANKAJ KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23310 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, PANKAJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20150 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PANKAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13825 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PAYAL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23553 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PAYAL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20079 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PRAMOD KUMAR AMIE, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21417 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PRAPHULLA KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24052 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PREM NARAYAN B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19434 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.D. B.Sc., M.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15184 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.M. B.Tech., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4565 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.S. M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6306 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.S. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14987 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, RAJ ANI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25858 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJ KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6277 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJEEV B.E., F.I.V. F-11193 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJESH KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24891 Immovable Property -
Gupta, Rajesh Mohan B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2479 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJIV B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24969 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJIV KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12807 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, RAJIV KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22875 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAKESH KUMAR B.E., LL.B., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13382 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAKESH MOHAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18071 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAM KUMAR B.E., MIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26498 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAM NATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9399 Immovable Property -
Gupta, Ramesh Chand Dip. (Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5081 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAMJI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10988 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAVINDRA S B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18856 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RITESH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26308 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, S.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15666 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, S.K. B.Sc., B.Arch., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-998 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, S.S. LAL B.E., B.Sc., F.I.V F-2840 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJAY KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13376 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJAY B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16524 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9426 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12714 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJEEV B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28492 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, SHAMA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18737 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SHEKHAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9913 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SHRI CHANDRA B.Tech., F.I.V. F-8717 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SUBODH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-7159 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SUMAN CHANDRA B.E.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17688 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, SUNEET B.Tech., M.I.E., A.I.T.P., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12802 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SURESH CHANDRA B.Sc.(Mech.), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10786 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, SURYA PAL Dip. C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4162 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SUSHIL KUMAR Dip.(Mech.), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6953 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, TARUN KUMAR B.E.(Electron), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18939 Computer Technology -
GUPTA, TODAR MAL B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. F-17021 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, TRIBHUVAN B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23594 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, UDIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29171 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, UMESH CHANDRA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9995 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, UMESH LAL B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16738 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, V. KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4173 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, V.S. B.E., A.I.C.W.A., F.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11171 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, VIJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17023 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIJAY KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17615 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIJAY PRAKASH B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5842 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, VIJAY SH ANKER B.Sc., B.Sc. (Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11779 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, VIKAS B.Tech., F.I.V. F-17437 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIMAL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24099 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIPUL B.Tech.(Mech.), M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26404 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, VISHWASHWAR DAYAL B.E., M.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9747 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIVEK KUMAR D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19708 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, Y.N. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-11283 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, Y.P. B.Sc., M.E., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11075 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, YOGESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18406 Immovable Property -
GURWARA, HARISH CHANDER C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-2864 Immovable Property -
GUTAMA, V.K. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-4076 Immovable Property -
GYAN, PRAKASH B.Sc. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16666 Immovable Property -
H.K. BHANDARI AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29453 Immovable Property -
HANDA (RETD.), LT. COL. P.K. B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15484 Machinery and Plant -
HAQUE, JUNAID UL A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18326 Immovable Property -
HARI CHAND B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11849 Immovable Property -
HARI GOPAL B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13611 Immovable Property -
HARI SHANKER SHARMA Dip.(Civil), AMIE, A.I.V Approved Valuer A-31160 Land & Building -
HARISH ARORA B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31985 Land & Building -
HARMIT SINGH B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31479 Land & Building -
HARSH SHARMA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29111 Immovable Property -
HEM CHAND M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8868 Immovable Property -
HIMANSHU SINGH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31106 Land & Building -
HUSAIN, RASHID B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28904 Immovable Property -
HUSAIN, REFAQAT B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25047 Machinery and Plant -
INDRA PAL SINGH Dip.(Arch.), B.Tech.(Civil), M.Tech.(Earthquake Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27278 Immovable Property -
IQBAL, RASHID AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26036 Immovable Property -
IYER, C.S. B.Sc.Engg., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14994 Machinery and Plant -
JAFRI, SYED MUBASHSHIR HUSAIN B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13221 Immovable Property -
JAGDISH MOHAN B.Sc., B.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9076 Immovable Property -
JAIN, RAJIV B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13494 Immovable Property -
JAIN, A.P. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17222 Immovable Property -
JAIN, ANIL KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25688 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, ANKUR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25365 Immovable Property -
JAIN, ANUPAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24277 Immovable Property -
JAIN, C.P. B.Tech., F.I.V. F-6916 Immovable Property -
JAIN, CHANDRA KISHORE B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20299 Immovable Property -
JAIN, COL. SANJEEV M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10009 Immovable Property -
JAIN, D.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15765 Immovable Property -
JAIN, D.S. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4465 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, DISHA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18259 Immovable Property -
JAIN, H.K. D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19166 Immovable Property -
JAIN, JINENDRA KUMAR B.E.(Chem.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-27361 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, KULDEEP KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24440 Immovable Property -
JAIN, MEGH CHAND A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17522 Immovable Property -
JAIN, MOTI LAL B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-674 Immovable Property -
JAIN, N.C. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10198 Immovable Property -
JAIN, NARESH CHAND A.M.I.E., F.I.V, Approved Valuer F-19361 Immovable Property -
JAIN, P.K. B.E., F.I.V. F-8603 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PARAKH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26831 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PRAKASH CHAND B. Sc., B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16528 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PRAMOD KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25198 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PRAVEEN KUMAR B.Tech., M.B.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7929 Immovable Property -
JAIN, R.K. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11689 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, RAKESH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-6060 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, RAKESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15414 Immovable Property -
JAIN, RAMESH CHAND A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18568 Immovable Property -
JAIN, RISHI KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20849 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, S.K. M.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-7896 Immovable Property -
JAIN, S.K. A.M.I.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6854 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SANJAY B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24817 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7214 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SANJAY KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11775 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SANJAY B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13380 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SANJEEV KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6602 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SURENDRA KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19000 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SUSHIL KUMAR M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7851 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, T.P. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8809 Immovable Property -
JAIN, TEJ BAHADUR I. M.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15669 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, VIDYA BHUSHAN Dip.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11091 Immovable Property -
JAIN, VINOD KUMAR B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18230 Immovable Property -
JAIN, VISHAL DCE, B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22495 Immovable Property -
JAINTH, VIRENDRA SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19283 Immovable Property -
JAISWAL, KRISHNA KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18573 Immovable Property -
JAISWAL, LAXMI CHANDRA A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19154 Immovable Property -
JAISWAL, PAWAN P.G.D.B.M., I.C.W.A., F.I.V. F-9080 Stocks and Shares -
JAISWAL, VIJAY CHANDRA Dip.(Arch.), AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22408 Immovable Property -
JAISWAL, VIVEK A.M.I.E.(Elect. & Tel.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17014 Computer Technology -
JAUHARI (RETD.), COL. J.K. B.E., M.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10949 Immovable Property -
JHA, RAMANJEE B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22321 Machinery and Plant -
JHA, UDAY SHANKAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23678 Immovable Property -
JINDAL, O.P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10005 Immovable Property -
JINDAL, SANDEEP KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17779 Immovable Property -
JOHAR, VIKRAM B.Sc.(Mech.)(Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-6026 Machinery and Plant -
JOHAR, VIVEK B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13614 Machinery and Plant -
JOHARI, SANJEEV D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7244 Immovable Property -
KACHROO VIJAY I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29118 Immovable Property -
KALI CHARAN B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28986 Immovable Property -
KALRA, AMRIT LAL C.Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4983 Immovable Property -
KALRA, T.R. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10383 Immovable Property -
KALRA, YOGESH KUMAR B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28007 Immovable Property -
KAMALESH MANI TRIPATHI B.E.(Cons.), M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30129 Land & Building -
KANDPAL, GIRISH C. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5568 Immovable Property -
KAPIL AGRAWAL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29919 Land & Building -
KAPIL SRIVASTAVA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31164 Land & Building -
KAPIL, NITIN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26577 Immovable Property -
KAPISH KUMAR AGRAWAL B.E., M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30185 Land & Building -
KAPOOR, RAKESH Diploma in Civil, A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16660 Immovable Property -
KAPUR (RETD.), COL. D.K. B.Sc., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7293 Machinery and Plant -
KAPUR, GUNJAN B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18943 Immovable Property -
KAPUR, LT. COL. A.C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19852 Immovable Property -
KARAN NAGPAL B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32403 Land & Building -
KARMVIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28697 Immovable Property -
KARTIK PANDEY B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31535 Land & Building -
KARUNANIDHI B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18322 Immovable Property -
KATARIA, BARKHA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21420 Immovable Property -
KATARIA, DAVINDER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18070 Immovable Property -
KATHURIA, VINOD KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18479 Immovable Property -
KATIYAR, AWANISH KUMAR Dip.(Arch.), B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21298 Immovable Property -
KATIYAR, DHARMENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10203 Immovable Property -
KATYAR, ARUN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9657 Immovable Property -
KAUL, AUTAR KRISHEN B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18640 Immovable Property -
KAUL, COL V. K. B.E., M.Phil., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15743 Immovable Property -
KAUL, KALAHAN KANT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21425 Immovable Property -
KAUSHALYA, NANDAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13716 Immovable Property -
KAUSHIK, LALIT KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-18734 Immovable Property -
KAWATRA, SUDHIR KUMAR A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23679 Immovable Property -
KAWISHWAR, SANJIV B.Sc.(Tech.) (Textile), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17585 Textile -
KEDAR NATH B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18570 Machinery and Plant -
KEDIYA, RAM SWAROOP I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14996 Immovable Property -
KESARWANI, SHUBHAM B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26045 Immovable Property -
Khamesra, M.S. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1576 Machinery and Plant -
KHAN, M.I. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2176 Immovable Property -
KHAN, SHAMIM AKHTAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28487 Immovable Property -
KHAN, ZAMAN B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25456 Immovable Property -
KHANDELWAL, CHANDRA SHEKHAR B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14351 Machinery and Plant -
KHANDELWAL, ROHIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25948 Immovable Property -
KHANDURI, S.C. M.I.C.A., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-4223 Immovable Property -
KHANNA, SALONI B.Arch., A.I.V. A-17785 Immovable Property -
KHARBANDA, PRADEEP B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-6510 Immovable Property -
KHARBANDA, R.N. B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15256 Machinery and Plant -
KHARE, SANDEEP A.M.I.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14071 Immovable Property -
KHATRI, BHARAT BHUSHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10986 Immovable Property -
KHATRI, MOHAN LAL B.Sc.(Engg.) (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17781 Immovable Property -
KHERA, RAVINDER KUMAR M.Tech., M.I.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5027 Machinery and Plant -
KHURANA, TARUN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16109 Immovable Property -
KINJAVADEKAR, ANIL N. B.E., F.I.V. F-6335 Immovable Property -
KISHORE, NAWAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28004 Immovable Property -
KM. BHUMIKA GUPTA MBA(Finance Management), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31927 Securities & Financial Assets -
KOCHAR, V.M. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6913 Immovable Property -
KOHLI, H.S. Dip. C.E., F.I.S., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4284 Immovable Property -
KOTNALA, G.P. N.Dip.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-1660 Immovable Property -
KRANTI KUMAR KATIYAR B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32475 Land & Building -
KRISHNA KUMAR B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19510 Immovable Property -
KRISHNA, VIVEK B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19147 Machinery and Plant -
KSHITIJ KAPUR B.Tech., MBA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30598 Land & Building -
KUDA, COL. S.N. B.E., F.I.V. F-7847 Machinery and Plant -
KUKRETI, BHAGWATI PRASAD Degree (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18852 Immovable Property -
KULBHOOSHAN B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18325 Immovable Property -
KULSHRESHTHA, AJIT KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22621 Machinery and Plant -
KULSHRESHTHA, DHRUV B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14561 Immovable Property -
KULSHRESTHA, MANOJ KUMAR B.Tech., M.I.E, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/01/2017-18 Approved Valuer F-24681 Immovable Property -
KULSHRESTHA, RAJIVE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15901 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ABHAY B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27275 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, ABHISHEK B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17018 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, AJAI B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21337 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANIL B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19211 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANIL B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6921 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANUPAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9849 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ARUN B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8509 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ARUN B.E., M.B.A., M.I.E., A.I.I.S.A., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12801 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ARVIND B.Tech.(Chem.), MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22556 Chemicals -
KUMAR, ARVIND B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20983 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHISH Dip.(Arch.), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21137 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13822 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHOK B.Sc., M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26306 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHUTOSH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17610 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHUTOSH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21334 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, ASHWANI B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28788 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHWANI B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20443 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHWINI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17611 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ATUL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22955 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ATUL B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14990 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, AWADESH M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9652 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, BHUVANESH B. Sc. Mech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16526 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, DINESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29251 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, DR. RAJENDRA A.M.I.E., D.H.S., F.I.V. F-6404 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, DR. YEETENDRA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26670 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, DUSHYANT B.Arch., F.I.V. F-18642 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, GIRISH I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27189 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, HARISH B.Sc. (Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28489 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, IQUWAL BAHADUR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23971 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, JITENDRA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27182 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, KRISHNA A.M.I.S., F.I.V. F-6661 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MAYANK B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28098 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MITHLESH B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25764 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MRIDUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12713 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MUKESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27850 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MUNESH B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16662 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, N.S. B.A., C.M.E., F.I.S., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1280 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NARESH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20453 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NAVIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14901 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NITIN B. (Arch.), A.I.V. A-28390 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PRADEEP Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19285 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJENDRA A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16201 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH B.Arch., M.C.A. A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18321 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAKESH B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27365 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, RAKESH A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19212 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, RAVINDAR B.Arch., F.I.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-631 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANDEEP Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13914 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANJAY D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15974 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANJEEV B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-6114 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SHIV AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19435 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SURENDER AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27274 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SUSHIL B.E., F.I.V. F-9081 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, UMESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17016 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VASUDHA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22131 Immovable Property -
Kumar, Vijay B.E. (Mech), F.I.V. F-2812 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, VINAY Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21293 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VINAY B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5985 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VIVEK A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-7423 Immovable Property -
KUSH AGARWAL B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32319 Land & Building -
KUSH GUPTA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30256 Land & Building -
KUSHAGRA VERMA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30987 Land & Building -
KUSHAWAH, SATISH CHAND B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23312 Immovable Property -
KUSHWAHA, PRAVAL PRATAP SINGH B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7514 Immovable Property -
KUSHWAHA, RAM KRISHNA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28902 Machinery and Plant -
LAL, ACHHE B.Tech., M.I.E., .F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25768 Immovable Property -
LALL, DINESH CHANDR G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5024 Immovable Property -
LAMBA, COL. K.K. M.Sc., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21291 Immovable Property -
LAMBAH (Retd.), BRIG. R.N. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3693 Machinery and Plant -
LARI, MD. ASLAM B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17340 Machinery and Plant -
LOKESH B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28783 Immovable Property -
LOMASH, DR. SUKUL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23025 Machinery and Plant -
LT. COL. VERMA UMESH CHANDRA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-16200 Machinery and Plant -
MADAN MOHAN B.E.(Civil)., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4411 Immovable Property -
MADAN, SUSHIL KUMAR B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11188 Immovable Property -
MADHUR KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17019 Immovable Property -
MAGAN, BHUPINDER B.Tech., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-7160 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN (Retd.), Col. P.K. B.Sc, B.E., F.I.V. F-6406 Immovable Property -
MAHATO, J.P. B.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15924 Machinery and Plant -
MAHENDRA PRASAD Dip.(Civil), AMICE(Civil), M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19509 Immovable Property -
MAHENDRA RAM B-Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30901 Land & Building -
MAHESHWARI, N. B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8080 Immovable Property -
MALHOTRA, H.S. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5510 Immovable Property -
MALHOTRA, V.L. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9156 Machinery and Plant -
MALIK, COL ASHOK KUMAR AMIE, PGDBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21069 Immovable Property -
MALIK, S.H. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8632 Immovable Property -
MALVIKA SRIVASTAVA B.Arch, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31283 Land & Building -
MAMGAI, G.C. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23232 Immovable Property -
MANGLEEK, ANKUR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17026 Immovable Property -
MANGLIK, V.K. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5531 Immovable Property -
MANISH AGARWAL B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31910 Land & Building -
MANRAL (RETD.), BRIG. R.S. B.Sc., B.Tech., M.Tech., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4275 Immovable Property -
MANSI SHARMA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27018 Immovable Property -
MANVENDRA DUTT DIXIT Dip.(Civil), AMICE(Civil), M.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29443 Immovable Property -
MANYA, DINESH CHANDRA B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17027 Immovable Property -
MARCHANDA, M.R. B.Sc., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5109 Machinery and Plant -
MATHUR, LT. COL. U.P. M.Tech. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4787 Machinery and Plant -
MATHUR, R.S. Dip. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2549 Immovable Property -
MAYER, RAMESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14069 Immovable Property -
MEHRA, A.K. B. Arch., M.I.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1518 Immovable Property -
MEHRA, VIKAS KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12800 Immovable Property -
MEHROTRA, COL. S.K. M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9075 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, GOPAL KRISHNA B.E., B.Sc.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19207 Immovable Property -
METHA (RETD.), COL. S.M. B.Tech., M.E., M.B.A., M.I.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14919 Machinery and Plant -
MIRZA ASHHAD BAIG B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16417 Immovable Property -
MIRZA HAFEEZULLAH BEG B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12902 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, AGAM PRAKASH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17848 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, AJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27928 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, ARUN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27763 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, ER. L.K. B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16103 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, HARISH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8716 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, HEMANT KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15763 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, KAMLESH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27362 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, MAHA MRITUNJAY AMIE (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25946 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, NISHANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27469 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, RAHUL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27650 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, RAJIV KAMAL B.Com., L.L.B.., F.C.A., Ph.D., I.S.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10500 Stocks and Shares -
MISHRA, RAKESH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21537 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, RAMESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24973 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, RAMKISHOR M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24442 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, SANDEEP KUMAR B.Arch., PGDIM, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22493 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, SANJAY B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21778 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, SATYA NARAYAN B.E.(Textile), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20298 Textile -
MISHRA, SHAILENDRA KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10848 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, SHAILENDRA KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27931 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, SHIV KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14986 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, UMESH C. B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14564 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, VIVEK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26307 Immovable Property -
MISRA, ASHOK KUMAR B.Sc., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13381 Immovable Property -
MISRA, RAJIV B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10202 Immovable Property -
MISRA, SANJAI KUMAR B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18323 Immovable Property -
MISRA, SATYENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12716 Immovable Property -
MISRA, SHIW KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15260 Immovable Property -
MITAL, SUBODH KUMAR B. Sc. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17024 Immovable Property -
MITTAL (RETD.), LT. COL. C.P. B.Tech., A.M.I.E., C.E., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10978 Immovable Property -
MITTAL PARDEEP, B.Tech., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21215 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, SMITA G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25283 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, G.D. C.E., F.I.V. F-1619 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, HIMANSHU AMIE(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11595 Machinery and Plant -
MITTAL, KULBHUSHAN B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-11187 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, MANOJ KUMAR B.E., M.Sc., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10327 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, PRADEEP KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12804 Immovable Property -
MIttal, Rajinder Kumar B.Sc. Engg. (Civil)., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5016 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, RITESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-23109 Machinery and Plant -
MITTAL, S.C. B.E., B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12695 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, SUNIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25766 Machinery and Plant -
MITTAL, U.C. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10717 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, VIKAS B.Arch, F.I.V. F-16309 Immovable Property -
MODI, PRAHLAD DAS B.E., F.I.V. F-12852 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMAD AFZAL B.(Arch), M.(Arch), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31075 Land & Building -
MOHAMMAD AHMAD B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18231 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMAD SARFARAZ ALI B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27653 Machinery and Plant -
MOHAMMAD UMAIR B.Tech., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-28989 Immovable Property -
MOHAN, DEVENDR A B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-13609 Immovable Property -
MOHAN, UDIT B.Arch., A.I.V. A-28272 Immovable Property -
MOHD SALIK ANSARI B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31162 Land & Building -
MOHD TANVEER B.Arch. COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31673 Land & Building -
MOHD. ASLAM KHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28897 Immovable Property -
MOHD. GHUFRAN B.Sc.(Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2696 Immovable Property -
MOHD. JAVED YUSUF B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26495 Immovable Property -
MOHIT AGARWAL B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28784 Immovable Property -
MONIKA JAIN Dip.(Electronics), B.E.(Electronics & Comm.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30301 Plant & Equipment -
MOTI LAL B.E.(Civil), F.I.S., F.I.V. F-5198 Immovable Property -
MUKESH KUMAR B.E.(Env.), M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29451 Immovable Property -
MUKHERJEE, SUDEEP KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13964 Immovable Property -
MUKUL GUPTA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32302 Land & Building -
NAGPAL, D.L. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3956 Immovable Property -
NAKRA, BRIG. VINOD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5444 Immovable Property -
NAMAN BAHAL Post Graducte(Real Estate, B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31282 Land & Building -
NAND, SACHIDA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20355 Immovable Property -
NAQVI, SYED AZAM HUSAIN B.Sc. Civil, F.I.V. F-4756 Immovable Property -
NAQVI, SYED ZAKIR HUSSAIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15408 Immovable Property -
NARAIN, LT GEN. JAGDISH B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5220 Immovable Property -
NARAIN, VIVEK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15670 Immovable Property -
NARANG, SATISH RAM B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 14/3, Class ? I F-19208 Immovable Property -
NARARE, BALAJI B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25046 Machinery and Plant -
NARAYAN PANDEY B. Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28006 Immovable Property -
NARULA, NAUNIHAL SINGH B.Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9748 Mines and Quarries -
NAUSARAN, YOGITA B.Arch., A.I.I.I.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15973 Immovable Property -
NAYAK, SHUBHAM B.Tech., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26673 Immovable Property -
NEERAJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20851 Immovable Property -
NEGI, SANDEEP SINGH B.Arch., F.I.V. F-18639 Immovable Property -
NIGAM, S.C. B.Tech (Civil)., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3717 Immovable Property -
NISHAD, NIRENDRA KUMAR AMIE(Electronics), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28900 Computer Technology -
NISHEETH NIGAM B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30039 Land & Building -
ONIAL, LOKESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25284 Immovable Property -
PADMADHAR UPADHYAY B.Tech.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27363 Immovable Property -
PAHUJA, RACHNA Dip.(Arch.), I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22413 Immovable Property -
PAHWA, I.P.S. B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10325 Immovable Property -
PAHWA, NANAK CHAND AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20445 Immovable Property -
PAL, ABHIJIT B.Tech.(Textile), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19648 Textile -
PAL, BRAHM AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25277 Machinery and Plant -
PALIWAL, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15410 Immovable Property -
PALIWAL, YATENDRA MATHURESH KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26406 Immovable Property -
PANDE, ARUN KUMAR Degree C.M.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18851 Immovable Property -
PANDE, DR. B.B. LAL ME, Ph.D, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8511 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, ANUJ KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24281 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, ARVIND KUMAR B.Tech., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28391 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 03/VNS/2004-05 F-13720 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, MAMTA I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26690 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, NIRMAL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17015 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, PRAFUL CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. F-27470 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, PRAVEEN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15897 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, PREM SHANKAR B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16737 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, R.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20451 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, RAMESH CHANDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 03/2003- 04/4117 Cat.-I F-15896 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, S.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16929 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, SANDEEP I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21536 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, SANJAY R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20910 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, SAURABH B.Tech, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28097 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, SUDHIR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15186 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, VISHWANATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25769 Immovable Property -
PANDIT, DINKAR B.Sc.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21891 Machinery and Plant -
PANDYA, S.P. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5309 Immovable Property -
PANKAJ CHANDANI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25368 Immovable Property -
PARAS NATH PATEL B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31281 Land & Building -
PARIHAR, ARVIND SINGH B.E., F.I.V. F-18404 Immovable Property -
PARIHAR, SATISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25859 Immovable Property -
PARTOSH KUMAR NOTIYAL B.Arch. COA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20301 Immovable Property -
PARVEEN KUMAR YADAV B.Tech., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30334 Land & Building -
PARWAR, RAJEEV B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12905 Immovable Property -
PATHAK (RETD.), LT. COL. I.J. I.R.D.A., F.I.V. F-11530 Machinery and Plant -
PATHAK, MANEESH KUMAR B.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24965 Machinery and Plant -
PAUL, SATYA GOPAL B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8718 Immovable Property -
PAWAN CHAUHAN B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32296 Land & Building -
PAWAR, ABHIJIT RAMESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24279 Immovable Property -
PIYOOSH KUMAR VERMA B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29818 Land & Building -
PIYUSH KUMAR RAI B-Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29815 Land & Building -
POTDAR, CHANDAN B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23694 Immovable Property -
POTDAR, PRADEEP B.Tech.(Mech.), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. 1/224 F-3101 Immovable Property -
PRABHU DAYAL AGARWAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27654 Immovable Property -
PRADHAN, N.C. B.E., B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11525 Immovable Property -
PRAJAPATI, ALOK KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24517 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, COL. SAT RANJAN B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4294 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, S.N. B.Sc.Engg.(Hons., Elect.), F.I.C.A., F.I.V. F-4640 Machinery and Plant -
PRASAD, UMAR DEO M.Tech., B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11778 Immovable Property -
PRATAP NARAIN B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13226 Machinery and Plant -
PRAVEEN KUMAR PATEL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29599 Land & Building -
PRAVIN KUMAR MAURYA B.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29441 Immovable Property -
PREM SHANKER C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-8444 Immovable Property -
PULKIT SINGH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30894 Land & Building -
RAAMANI, ANOOP KUMAR B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2919 Immovable Property -
RADHAKRISHNAN, R. B.E., Dip. (Mgt.), F.I.V. F-11893 Computer Technology -
RAGHAV, MANOJ KUMAR SINGH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24053 Machinery and Plant -
RAHUL GUPTA B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30255 Land & Building -
RAHUL KUMAR B.Tech.(Computer Science) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26763 Plant & Equipment -
RAI, AJAY SHANKAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10984 Immovable Property -
RAI, ANJANI KUMAR B.Sc.,(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25193 Immovable Property -
RAI, ATUL KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10980 Immovable Property -
RAI, CHANDRA BALI B.Tech. Hons.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5464 Immovable Property -
RAI, S.B. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1106 Immovable Property -
RAI, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14435 Immovable Property -
RAI, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9525 Immovable Property -
RAI, VIPIN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26671 Immovable Property -
RAJA, ANAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25112 Immovable Property -
RAJAN KANT VATS Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31610 Land & Building -
RAJAN, ABHAY B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26034 Immovable Property -
RAJDEO BHARTI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23974 Land & Building -
RAJEEV KUMAR AGRAWAL B.Tech.(Civil), A.I..V. Approved Valuer A-30898 Land & Building -
RAJESH CHUNNILAL CHHABRA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28387 Immovable Property -
RAJNEESH KUMAR B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22952 Immovable Property -
RAJVANSHI, R.A. M.I.C.A., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7518 Immovable Property -
RAKSHPAL SINGH Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31719 Land & Building -
RAM ACHAL VERMA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28987 Immovable Property -
RAM JATAN B.E., B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15407 Immovable Property -
RAM KUMAR B.Tech.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32304 Plant & Equipment -
RAM NARAIN KAPOOR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19059 Immovable Property -
RAM NARAYAN B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32271 Land & Building -
RAM NIWAS AGARWAL AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23853 Immovable Property -
RAM, DAWAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22775 Immovable Property -
RAMAN KUMAR AGGARWAL B.Sc.(Engg)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29437 Immovable Property -
RAMENDRA PRATAP SINGH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32576 Land & Building -
RAMESH CHAND B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29169 Machinery and Plant -
RAMJAGAT, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14984 Immovable Property -
RAMKUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25538 Immovable Property -
RANA, S.C. B.E., P.G.D.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12712 Immovable Property -
RANA, YASH RAJ B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24970 Immovable Property -
RANJAN, HIMANSHU KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18482 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, ANIL KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22279 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, ANUBHAV B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27472 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, BHUPENDRA C.E., F.I.C.A., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9930 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, NEERAJ B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15252 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, PREM SHANKER B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-7211 Immovable Property -
RATHI, VISHWASH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26674 Immovable Property -
RAY, DAYA SHANKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24751 Immovable Property -
RAY, S.G. L.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10785 Immovable Property -
RIZVI, SYED MURTAZA HUSAIN B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11378 Immovable Property -
ROHIT ANAND GUPTA B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24816 Immovable Property -
ROHIT VERMA B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30984 Plant & Equipment -
ROY, KAMAL B.E., M.I.E. (Arch.), F.I.V. F-6472 Immovable Property -
ROY, RAVI BHUSHAN B.E., F.I.V. F-28268 Immovable Property -
ROY, TARUN KANTI B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27273 Machinery and Plant -
RUNGTA, RAJENDRAPRASAD HARIPRASAD B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26939 Immovable Property -
SACHAN, BRIJNANDAN LAL B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26938 Immovable Property -
SACHAR, PREM SAGAR B.Sc.(Engg.)Civil, M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3086 Immovable Property -
SACHDEV, S.K. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10505 Immovable Property -
SAGAR, R.S. A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8837 Immovable Property -
SAHAB SINGH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31019 Land & Building -
SAHDEO B.E., M.E.(Stru. Dyna.), F.I.V. F-18637 Immovable Property -
SAHU, ASHISH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/185/2012 F-8604 Immovable Property -
SAHU, SHIVA KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21295 Machinery and Plant -
SAHU, SUSHIL CHANDRA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15667 Immovable Property -
SAINI, NEERAJ Dip.(Civil), M.I.S., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20354 Immovable Property -
SAKSENA, V.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14993 Immovable Property -
SAKUNIA, DILIP KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21335 Immovable Property -
SAMARTH MITTAL B.Sc.(Civil Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19853 Immovable Property -
SANGAL, MADAN MOHAN B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9398 Immovable Property -
SANGAL, SANJEEV B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23108 Immovable Property -
SANGHI, LT. COL. A.K. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4293 Immovable Property -
SANJAY AGARWAL B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31414 Land & Building -
SANJAY SRIVASTAVA B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29922 Plant & Equipment -
SANJIV SHARMA B. Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6420 Immovable Property -
SANKALP KHANNA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32597 Land & Building -
SANYAL, GAUTAM B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26405 Immovable Property -
SANYAL, P.K. B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14643 Immovable Property -
SARASWAT, SACHIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19438 Immovable Property -
SARASWAT, SANDEEP KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14770 Immovable Property -
SARASWAT, VIKAS B.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-15762 Machinery and Plant -
SARVESH KUMAR PANDEY B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-16198 Immovable Property -
SATISH KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18998 Immovable Property -
SATISH KUMAR, K. B.Tech., MRICS, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28094 Immovable Property -
SATYA PAL Deg. Build. & Quant. Surveying, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30126 Land & Building -
SATYA PRAKASH B.Tech., M.Tech.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26494 Immovable Property -
SATYAVEER SINGH Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31816 Land & Building -
SAURABH DIXIT B.Tech., PGPM, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30601 Land & Building -
SAURABH SINGH B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30038 Plant & Equipment -
SAVITA, MAHENDRA PRATAP B.Sc., D.E.C., A.M.I.S., F.I.V. F-5127 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, ATUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16305 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, MAANSI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28898 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, MAHESH KUMAR B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4842 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, MANINDRA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25279 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, NIKHIL B.Tech., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28103 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, PROMOD KR. F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10387 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, RAJIB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23681 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, RAJINDRA KUMAR B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. A-4237 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, S.C. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12702 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, SANJAY B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9320 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, SAURABH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CA/96/20780 F-21336 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, SOUMYA KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27761 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, VINOD KUMAR F.I.I.A., C.O.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10384 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, Y.M. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V F-3546 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, YOGESH KUMAR B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25857 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, NAND LAL A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9235 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, SATISH KUMAR D.C.E., B.Sc.(Power Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23394 Machinery and Plant -
SENGAR, RAGHUBIR SINGH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25278 Immovable Property -
SENGUPTA, SANJOY AMIETE, M.Sc.(I.T.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21782 Computer Technology -
SETH, SURESH KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21133 Immovable Property -
SETHI, DR. PUNIT B.E., M.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5758 Immovable Property -
SETHI, TILAK RAJ B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19918 Machinery and Plant -
SHABIH HUSNAIN ZAIDI B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26672 Immovable Property -
SHADAB B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30187 Land & Building -
SHADAN USMANI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28273 Immovable Property -
SHAH, KANTI LAL B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21890 Immovable Property -
SHAILENDRA KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg)(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29670 Land & Building -
SHAILESH KUMAR SINGH B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31277 Land & Building -
SHAKEEL AHMAD B.Tech ( Civil ), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31614 Land & Building -
SHANKAR, SWATI B.Tech., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27014 Immovable Property -
SHANKER, RAMA AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21535 Immovable Property -
SHARAD B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10213 Immovable Property -
SHARAN, ABHIJEET B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18402 Immovable Property -
SHARAN, BHAGWAN B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25763 Immovable Property -
SHARDA, J.P. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10497 Immovable Property -
SHARIQ, AHMAD KHAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22496 Immovable Property -
SHARMA (RETD.), LT. COL. K.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6323 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA , NEERAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12709 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ANJANEYA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27183 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ANSHUL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28785 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14438 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ASHUTOSH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- A/128/MRT/06 F-22133 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, BRIJESH KUMAR A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19061 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, C.K. B.Tech (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12808 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, D.K. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15416 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DAYA SHANKAR B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23555 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DHIRENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7571 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DINESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23855 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DINESH KUMAR B.E., B.Sc., M.B.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14436 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DINESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2235 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, JAI PRAKASH B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27110 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, LAXMI SHANKAR B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5118 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, M.C. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13721 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, MADHUTOSH B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14769 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, MUKESH KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13128 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NARENDRA B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25687 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, NARENDRA KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16931 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NEERAJ KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Reg. No. WT-CAT- 1/210/2003 F-21294 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NEERAJ B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8467 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NITIN KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28786 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, O.P. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15894 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, OM KUMAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15972 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, P.K. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-10789 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, PANKAJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-11285 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, PRABHAT CHANDRA B.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16111 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, R.C. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5838 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, R.P. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14348 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, RAKESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25944 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, S.S. B.E., M.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15404 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, SALIL B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19060 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SANT PRAKASH B.Sc., B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12473 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SHASHI SHANKAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28169 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SHIV MOHAN B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18069 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, SITA RAM M.I.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9991 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SURESH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28269 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SUSHIL K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16419 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, UMESH CHAND A.M.I.E.(Textile), B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19647 Textile -
SHARMA, UPENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28275 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, V.P. B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12705 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VINEET KUMAR B. Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27849 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, VINOD K. M.I.E., D.M.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15801 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VIRENDER B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24100 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VIVEK KUMAR D.C.E., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24280 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, YOGENDRA P. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20783 Immovable Property -
SHASHANK SAINI B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30186 Land & Building -
SHASHI SHEKHAR B.Sc.(Civil) (Eng.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30124 Land & Building -
SHILA NATH SINGH AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30428 Land & Building -
SHINGHAL ROHIT B.Arch. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28495 Immovable Property -
SHIROMANY, S.B. G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-803 Immovable Property -
SHIVAM VERMA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31744 Land & Building -
SHIVESH DHAR TRIPATHI B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32284 Land & Building -
SHREE GOPAL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27766 Machinery and Plant -
SHREE NIWAS B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24282 Immovable Property -
SHREYANSH TRIPATHI B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32105 Land & Building -
SHREYASH AGARWAL B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30896 Land & Building -
SHRIVASTAVA (RETD.), BRIG. KAILASH K. M.I.E., M.B.A., C.E., F.I. V. Approved Valuer F-10404 Immovable Property -
SHRIVASTAVA, ABHINAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28096 Immovable Property -
SHRIVASTAVA, R.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21421 Immovable Property -
SHUBHENDRA SINGH B.Tech., M.Tech.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30371 Land & Building -
SHUKLA, A.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6544 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, ALOK KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-14349 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, ANIL KUMAR B.Tech., B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15764 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, ANUPAMA I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23207 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, KRISHNA GOPAL B.Sc.(Chemi.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17911 Machinery and Plant -
SHUKLA, KRISHNA KANT A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22874 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, MANISH B.E., M.E., A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10506 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, PAWAN KUMAR Dip. (Civil), B.Tech., M.B.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18324 Immovable Property -
Shukla, Ram prakash Dip.(Mech.), A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5701 Machinery and Plant -
SHUKLA, RAM SEWAK B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21842 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, S.K. B.Sc., F.I.V. F-11527 Immovable Property -
Shyam, Narain B.Sc. Engg. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4764 Immovable Property -
SIDDHARTH SINGH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18946 Immovable Property -
SIDDIQUI, ABDUL L. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22557 Immovable Property -
SIDDIQUI, RIYAZ MOHD. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12703 Immovable Property -
SINGAL, S.K. B.Sc.Engg., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8299 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH VINAYPRATAP B.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29117 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JAIVEER B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25767 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SUNIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 02/GKP/2003- 04/Cat-1 Approved Valuer F-17344 Immovable Property -
SINGH, AJAI KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20583 Immovable Property -
SINGH, AMIT KUMAR Degree (Marine Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21138 Marine -
SINGH, ANAND B.Tech., F.I.V. F-8068 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ANIL KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9018 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ANOJ KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25197 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ASHUTOSH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9853 Immovable Property -
SINGH, B.P. B.Tech, A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7326 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BAIKUNTH BIHARI AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20705 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BHIM B.E., M.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-13377 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BHUMIKA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29253 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BHUPENDRA PRATAP M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10386 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BIJENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18569 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BIRENDRA BAHADUR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20984 Immovable Property -
SINGH, D.N. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17218 Immovable Property -
SINGH, D.P. M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11547 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DEVKI NANDAN A.M.I.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17022 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DHANUSHPAL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21423 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DHARMENDRA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26764 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DINESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-18739 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DINESH PRATAP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22783 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DIVYENDU B.E., F.I.V. F-18567 Immovable Property -
SINGH, FATEH PAL B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26403 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, GOPAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25685 Immovable Property -
SINGH, GOVIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22559 Immovable Property -
SINGH, H.P. B.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11850 Immovable Property -
SINGH, HARIVENDRA PRATAP B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23395 Immovable Property -
SINGH, I.K. B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20847 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, IQBAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12715 Immovable Property -
SINGH, IQBALINDER B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12697 Immovable Property -
SINGH, J.P. B.Sc., B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11073 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JAI KIRTI B.Tech., F.I.V. F-14355 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JAI PAL AMIE, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25111 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JITENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23860 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KANHAIYA B. Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9994 Jewellery -
SINGH, KAWAR PAL B.Tech., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12698 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KRISHNA PRATAP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10382 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KRISHNA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9108 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KUNWER RAJ B.Tech. (Civil), M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12065 Immovable Property -
SINGH, LAL BAHADUR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19433 Immovable Property -
SINGH, LT. CDR. (Retd.) Y.P. M.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4934 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, MAHENDRA PRATAP B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28700 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, MAHENDRA PRATAP B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13917 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MAHENDRA AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11526 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MANOJ KUMAR B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9912 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MOHAR PAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19210 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MOHINDER B.Sc., B.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10640 Immovable Property -
SINGH, NITA Dip.(Arch.), I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22951 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PRABHAKAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19602 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PRABHAT KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26833 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PRADEEP B.Sc., B.E., F.I.E., M.I.R.C., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15113 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PRATAP C.A., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26507 Stocks and Shares -
SINGH, PUNJAB Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19919 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PUSHPENDRA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23102 Immovable Property -
SINGH, R.B. M.Sc., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8802 Immovable Property -
SINGH, R.P. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13824 Immovable Property -
SINGH, R.P. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., M.I.I.E., F.I.V. F-7327 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, R.S. B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5323 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAJAN B.E., F.I.V. F-6273 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAJESH KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27925 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAJESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17337 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAKESH KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25201 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAM KUMAR B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 3/Allahabad/2014-15 Cat.-I F-22957 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAM YAGYA B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20985 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, RAMESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19206 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RANJAN KUMAR COL. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19921 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RANJIT B.E., B.S.c., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14256 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RATANBIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24513 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAVI DUTT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12333 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAVINDRA PAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23852 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RICHA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26934 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANJAY KUAMR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16838 Production and Industrial Engineering -
SINGH, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. A-11782 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., M.Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28488 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14073 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SATISH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17028 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SATPAL B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15185 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SATYA PAL Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21210 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SHIV RAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27923 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SUDHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22561 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SUMIT KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27757 Immovable Property -
SINGH, TRILOKEENATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28003 Immovable Property -
SINGH, UDAI BHAN B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12803 Immovable Property -
SINGH, UPENDER B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27474 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VASUDEO B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27467 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VEER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27759 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIJAI BAHADUR B.Sc.(Elect.), M.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20581 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, VIJAI BHANU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9654 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIJAY PAL B.Tech., M.B.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21292 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIJAYA PAL B.E., LL.B., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14773 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIVEK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9321 Immovable Property -
SINGH, YOGENDRA PAL AMIE, M.I.E.(I), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16659 Immovable Property -
SINGH, YOGENDRA B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15664 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, AMIT KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21669 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, ANUJ KUMAR C.A. Since, F.I.V. F-13613 Stocks and Shares -
SINGHAL, H.K. Dip. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3331 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, MANOJ KUMAR Jewellery, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28607 Jewellery -
SINGHAL, MUKUL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22956 Machinery and Plant -
SINGHAL, OM PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10507 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, PIYUSH B.E.(Mech.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10502 Machinery and Plant -
SINGHAL, SUBHASH CHANDRA B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-18854 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, UTKARSH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28270 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, VINOD PRAKASH B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27276 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, VIPUL B.Tech.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25276 Machinery and Plant -
SINHA, NITA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23863 Immovable Property -
SINHA, SANTOSH KUMAR B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-10052 Machinery and Plant -
SIRAJ NAIYER B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10715 Immovable Property -
SIROHI, HARSHVEER B.Tech.(Mech.), M.Sc.(Ind.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27471 Machinery and Plant -
SNEHI, SUNIL KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14255 Immovable Property -
SOLANKI, VISHAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22045 Immovable Property -
Sondh (retd.), Brig. G.S. B.Sc. Engg.(Civil), M.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2788 Immovable Property -
SONI, PAWAN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28787 Immovable Property -
SONIKA AGARWAL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30041 Land & Building -
SONTHALIA, SURESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28166 Machinery and Plant -
SOOD JEEVAN PARKASH A.M.I.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19605 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAV, AJAI KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21502 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAV, SANJAY KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11190 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAV, SHUBHAM B.Tech.(Elect. & Instr.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25196 Computer Technology -
SRIVASTAV, VIKAS B.Tech (Mech.), A.I.V Approved Valuer A-22558 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, A.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17020 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, AJAY KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27760 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, AMIT A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12809 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, ANIL BEHARI I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17845 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, ANIL KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8286 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, ANOOP KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23106 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, ASHUTOSH B.E., A.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13712 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, ASHUTOSH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23856 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, ASHWINEE KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8510 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, D.K. B.Tech. (Chem. Tech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17214 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, DINESH KUMAR M.Tech.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18859 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, G.P. M.Arch., F.I.V. F-8867 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, GANGA DAYAL B.Sc., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6826 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, GOPI KRISHNA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9314 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, H.C. M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21426 Immovable Property -
Srivastava, J.P. B.Sc. (Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1259 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, JITENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28696 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, K.L. B.E., A.M.I.E, C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9914 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, KIRAN KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25454 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, KRISHNA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21967 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, MADAN M. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22560 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, MANOJ KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9531 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, MANOJ KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I/219/2003 F-14072 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, MAYANK B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9532 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, NIDHI I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18858 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, PAWAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23110 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, PRABHAT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14068 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, PRAKASH C. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20639 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, R.K. B.Sc., B.Arch., F.I.V. F-10641 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, R.N. B.Sc., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5139 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RADHA KRISHNA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28389 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RAHUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23105 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RAJESH CHAND B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21893 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RAJESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24444 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RAJESH KUMAR B.Tech.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26497 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, RAJESH R. D.C.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23677 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RAKESH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14771 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, RAKESH B. (Tech.), F.I.V. F-15412 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, SANJAY B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27764 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, SANJAY KUMAR B.Tech.(Mech.), A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19511 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23857 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, SANJAY KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24283 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, SHIVAM B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22407 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, SUDHANSH NARAIN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10381 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, SUDHIR KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16840 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, SUNIL KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8605 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, U.C. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I No. 174/1988 F-2219 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, VANDANA B.Sc., I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13137 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, VIRENDRA KUMAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21135 Immovable Property -
SUAIB, MOHAMMAD AMIE, F.I.V. F-28167 Immovable Property -
SUBHRANGSHU GUPTA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17125 Immovable Property -
SUDHIR KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30812 Plant & Equipment -
SUMIT CHAUHAN B.Tech (Elect.), A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29114 Machinery and Plant -
SUMIT KUMAR SINGH B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30040 Land & Building -
SUNDRANI, GURDINO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22412 Immovable Property -
SUNEET DEO TYAGI B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29449 Immovable Property -
SURENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29450 Immovable Property -
SURENDRA PRAKASH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18857 Machinery and Plant -
SURESH CHAND GUPTA B.E., F.I.V. F-9773 Immovable Property -
SWAROOP, SARASWAT S. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13715 Immovable Property -
TANDON, BRIJ RAJ AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28165 Immovable Property -
TEHSEEN KHAN Diploma Civil, B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28703 Immovable Property -
TEWARI, PRAVEEN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11286 Immovable Property -
TIKOO, J.N. C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4444 Immovable Property -
TIWARI (Retd.), LT. COL. A.K. B.Sc., B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8445 Immovable Property -
TIWARI, GAURAV B.Tech.(Mech.), M.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24438 Machinery and Plant -
TIWARI, RAGHUNATH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23307 Immovable Property -
TIWARI, RAM PRAKASH B.E., P.hd., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21971 Immovable Property -
TOMER, RAJVIR SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Ci vil), M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24749 Immovable Property -
TRIKHA, B.K. B.A., Dip. C.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-4872 Immovable Property -
TRILOK CHAND B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15663 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, ANAND B.E., A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10050 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, ANAND KUMAR B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13133 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, C.B. B.Sc., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12696 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, DHANANJAY MANI B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12608 Production and Industrial Engineering -
TRIPATHI, GIRISH KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8801 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, MAHESH CHANDRA B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24363 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, MANOJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27930 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, MAYANK B.Tech., M.B.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21134 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, SATYAPRAKASH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12806 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, V.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8932 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, V.N. Dip. C.E., M.I.S., A.I.V. A-4948 Immovable Property -
TRIVEDI, RAJESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27191 Immovable Property -
TRIVEDI, SURESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19787 Immovable Property -
TYAGI, ANIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Elect. & Com.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27356 Computer Technology -
TYAGI, JAGNANDAN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21892 Machinery and Plant -
TYAGI, RAHUL J. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21209 Immovable Property -
TYAGI, RAJU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13719 Immovable Property -
TYAGI, UMESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16104 Machinery and Plant -
TYAGI, VINOD KUMAR B.E.(Civil), LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5235 Immovable Property -
UPADHYAY, ANURAG KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17013 Immovable Property -
UPADHYAY, NISHANT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28895 Immovable Property -
UPADHYAY, S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6663 Immovable Property -
UPADHYAYA, ANAND PRAKASH B.Sc.(Mech.)(Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25765 Machinery and Plant -
UTSAV JAIN B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31278 Land & Building -
VAISH, BHOLA NATH B.Sc., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1196 Immovable Property -
VAISH, MATHURA PRASAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19707 Immovable Property -
VARDHAN, HARSH B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25455 Machinery and Plant -
VARMA, ASHVINI B.Tech., F.I.V. F-12090 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18483 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, B.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-9153 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, DEEPAK KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25539 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, DR. V.P. M.E., Ph.D., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7325 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, HORILAL B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-16308 Machinery and Plant -
VARSHNEY, J.K. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12152 Machinery and Plant -
VARSHNEY, KALYAN DAS B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18641 Machinery and Plant -
VARSHNEY, PRADEEP KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-4895 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, PREM PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17345 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEY, RAMJI LAL B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. F-17215 Immovable Property -
VENKATARAMAN, R. F.I.E.., M.I.R.C., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-10982 Immovable Property -
VERMA, BAL PRAKASH B.Tech., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15411 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, DINESH KUMAR B.Text., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27852 Textile -
VERMA, GYAN SINGH M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5272 Immovable Property -
VERMA, K.K. B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-10990 Chemicals -
VERMA, NARENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23389 Immovable Property -
VERMA, PRAMOD KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25199 Immovable Property -
VERMA, RAHUL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14347 Immovable Property -
VERMA, RAJ KISHORE B.Arch., F.I.V. F-6712 Immovable Property -
VERMA, SATENDRA KUMAR B.Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17991 Immovable Property -
VERMA, UMA KANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17844 Immovable Property -
VIBHOR BHARTIYA B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31161 Land & Building -
VIDYARTHI, ARUN K. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2349 Immovable Property -
VIJAI PRAKASH B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/Valuer/T-126/2002-03 Approved Valuer F-28384 Immovable Property -
VIKRAM KUMAR JAISWAL B.Tech., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29172 Immovable Property -
VIMAL CHANDRA PANDEY B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29816 Land & Building -
VINAY KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20452 Immovable Property -
VINOD KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22877 Immovable Property -
VINOD KUMAR JAIN B.E.(Civil), PGDM(Menegement), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31579 Land & Building -
VINOD KUMAR SINGH B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30257 Land & Building -
VIPUL KUMAR SINGHAL B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23026 Plant & Equipment -
VISHWAKARMA R.K. A.M.I.E.(Elect. & Tel.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12700 Computer Technology -
VIVEK GUPTA B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13222 Immovable Property -
VIVEK JAISWAL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29927 Land & Building -
VIVEK KUMAR AGRAWAL AMIS, M.Sc.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29431 Immovable Property -
VIVEK KUMAR PANKAJ B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29527 Land & Building -
YADAV, ARCHANA B.Sc., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-14989 Immovable Property -
YADAV, K.R. I.R.S.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14440 Immovable Property -
YADAV, KAVINDRA UDAIVEER SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27468 Immovable Property -
YADAV, RAKESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27765 Immovable Property -
YADAV, RAM KISHORE B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21049 Immovable Property -
YADAV, VINOD KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21593 Immovable Property -
YADAVENDRA SINGH YADAV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15899 Immovable Property -
YOGENDRA KUMAR B.E. (Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28988 Machinery and Plant -
YOGESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19806 Immovable Property -
ZAIDI, ZIAUL HASAN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12904 Immovable Property -
ZIAUL, ISLAM B.Sc.(Engg.)(Ci vil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Class-I, S. No. 333 F-24966 Immovable Property -

We have a strong team of more than 32000 valuers.