List of Life Members

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KALE, NIKHIL SHANTARAM B.E., F.I.V., Approved Valuer A-28850 Immovable Property -
MANE, NAMDEV PANDURANG B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28860 Immovable Property -
WARADOLE ANAND ARUN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27522 Immovable Property -
ABBASI, MOHD. AJIL B.Arch, B.Sc., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2771 Immovable Property -
ABHAY KESHAV DESHPANDE B.E.(Mech.) Approved Valuer A-30682 Plant & Equipment -
ABHAYANKAR, V.V. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-2451 Immovable Property -
ABHIBRAT S. DAS B.E, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17085 Immovable Property -
ABHIJIT A. ASOLKAR B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22457 Immovable Property -
ABHIJIT PRABHAKAR DEGAONKAR G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12860 Immovable Property -
ABHISHEK PATEL Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31565 Land & Building -
ACHARI, SANTOSH ANANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18390 Immovable Property -
ACHARYA, B.U. B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. F-17283 Metallurgical Engineering -
ADHAU, MOHAN KUMAR PUNDLIKRAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27079 Machinery and Plant -
ADHAV, RAJENDRA DATTATRAYA D.C.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. NSK/CCIT/Tech/34AB/(223/22(Imm. Prop)/Cat-I/2014-15 F-25086 Immovable Property -
ADHIKARI, B.B. Dip. Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-1948 Immovable Property -
ADKAR, NIHAR ARUN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26106 Machinery and Plant -
ADSAR, COL. SANJAY MADHUKAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16453 Immovable Property -
ADUKIA, RAJKUMAR S. B.Com., LL.B., F.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6017 Stocks and Shares -
ADURKAR, BABASAHEB SHANKARRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27323 Immovable Property -
AGARKAR, GIRISH M. B.E., D.I.T., A.D.I.T., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8167 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, MUKESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27598 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, S.K. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5072 Machinery and Plant -
AGARWAL, S.S. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5827 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, RAVINDRA KUMAR B.Tech., B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9618 Machinery and Plant -
AGASHE, R.S. B.E.(Civil)Hons., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3008 Immovable Property -
AGASHE, RAJENDRA S. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I-53, 2004- 05 F-11344 Immovable Property -
AGBOATWALA, YUSUF AHMED B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-14621 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, DILIP KUMAR B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4802 Immovable Property -
AGIWAL, D.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8169 Immovable Property -
AGRAKAR, ASHISH ASHOK B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27073 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, AMIT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15188 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ASHISH B.E. Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13685 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ASHISHKUMAR S. B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16494 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, CHANDRAKANT B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26633 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAWAL, DILIP M.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5934 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, JIGNESHKUMAR J. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. NSK/CCIT/Tech./34AB/(70/ 13(Imm.Prop.)/Cat-I/2013- 14 F-24143 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, LAXMIKANT GULABCHAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11568 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, M.B. B.Com., F.C.A., F.I.V. F-1498 Stocks and Shares -
AGRAWAL, PANKAJKUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24715 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, PRASHANT N. B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-5008 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, RAHUL J. B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23004 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, RAMESH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3738 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, RITU B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21461 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ROHIT RAMRATANJI B.E., F.I.V. F-25256 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SHAILESH SATYANARAYANJI B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24856 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SHISHIR B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22758 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SHYAM SUNDER B.E., F.I.V. F-16033 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, UMESH R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13775 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, VIMAL KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19185 Immovable Property -
AGSAR, VASANT B. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8279 Mines and Quarries -
AHER, ARUN P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8987 Immovable Property -
AHER, PRALHAD MANSING B.E., F.I.V. F-9364 Immovable Property -
AHER, RUPALI SACHIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16157 Immovable Property -
AHER, SUMEDH S. B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14005 Machinery and Plant -
AHIR, VIRENDRA S. B.Arch., MCA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23273 Immovable Property -
AHIRE, SHASHANK B. B. Arch., F.I.V. F-9813 Immovable Property -
AHIRRAO, NARENDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15366 Immovable Property -
AHIRRAO, S.S. M.Sc. (Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18126 Agricultural Lands -
AHMED, ASHFAQUE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8724 Immovable Property -
AHMED, MULLA RIYAZ I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9625 Immovable Property -
AHMED, RIZWAN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26092 Immovable Property -
AIYAR, S.M. B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8426 Immovable Property -
AJITABH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25052 Immovable Property -
AJO JOHN AMMINI VARGHESE B.E.(Instrumentation Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30164 Plant & Equipment -
AKASH RAVIKUMAR KHANGAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29780 Land & Building -
AKHTAR, S.A. B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13315 Immovable Property -
AKOLKAR, B.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5019 Immovable Property -
AKOLKAR, PRAKASH M. B.E.(Civil), LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1612 Immovable Property -
AKSHAY RAJENDRA KUMAR NEEKHRA M.Com., C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30306 Securities & Financial Assets -
ALAI, AMIT ARVIND B.E., M.S., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22755 Immovable Property -
ALGUR, SATISH VAMANRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24859 Immovable Property -
ALLEWAR SURAJ BALAJI B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28456 Immovable Property -
ALOK SHANKAR PAPU B.Se.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12985 Immovable Property -
AMBADKAR, R.M. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7613 Immovable Property -
AMBASELKAR, HEMANT B.E.(Mech.), M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12429 Machinery and Plant -
AMBIKE, PRABHAKAR S. B.E., LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved valuer F-2225 Immovable Property -
AMIT CHAUDHARI B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29572 Land & Building -
AMOL PRAKASH NALAVADE B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30304 Land & Building -
AMRELIWALA, H.A. I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22083 Immovable Property -
AMRUTE, TWINKLE G. B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22085 Immovable Property -
AMRUTKAR, SUJITKUMAR DATTATRAYA B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28670 Immovable Property -
ANAND SHANKAR B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20036 Computer Technology -
ANAND WAMANRAO JAWANJAL M.Tech.(Electricial), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32032 Plant & Equipment -
ANAND, SUMEET B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9762 Immovable Property -
ANANTA GOVINDRAO DEOTARE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29497 Immovable Property -
ANDEY, SANJAY R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11988 Immovable Property -
ANDHARE, SANJAY A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-19337 Immovable Property -
ANEKAR, M.M. M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8545 Immovable Property -
ANKALGI, MILIND CHANDRASHEKHAR B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. No. 790/2014- 15 Approved Valuer F-23945 Immovable Property -
ANKUSH SURESH RAMKUMAR B.Tech., M.E.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29708 Land & Building -
ANTURKAR, RAJESH C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14405 Immovable Property -
ANTURKAR, RATNAMALA RAJESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24791 Immovable Property -
APOORV HEMANT RALERASKAR B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32580 Land & Building -
APTE, KIRAN U. B.E., F.I.V. F-6690 Immovable Property -
APTE, SUNIL A. Tech., LL.B, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8422 Immovable Property -
APTE, VISHWAS SHASHIKANT B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25656 Immovable Property -
ARABATTI, RAVI M. C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28072 Stocks and Shares -
ARANKE, V.G. B.E., M.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-5768 Immovable Property -
ARAS, SHAILESH D. B.E., A.I.V. A-5716 Machinery and Plant -
ARATI RANJIT PATIL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28949 Immovable Property -
ARBAD, SUDHIR NARHARRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18381 Immovable Property -
ARUN RAGHUNATH BORSE Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31462 Land & Building -
ARUNA, B.K. Dip.(Arch.), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23582 Immovable Property -
ASARANI, SURESH GURBAX B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26991 Immovable Property -
ASARKAR, K.G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12632 Immovable Property -
ASARKAR, N.G. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1647 Immovable Property -
ASGEKAR, A.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12630 Immovable Property -
ASHAN, SUDARSHAN NALINAN B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26628 Immovable Property -
ASHISH BHAURAO DUDHE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13788 Immovable Property -
ASHISH RAMESH KEDAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31141 Land & Building -
ASHISH SHYAM KISHOR NASHINE B.Arch. COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28068 Immovable Property -
ASHISH V. JOSHI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13451 Immovable Property -
ASHTAPUTRE, R. D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7620 Machinery and Plant -
ASHTEKAR, BHARAT ARJUNRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13551 Immovable Property -
ASHWINKUMAR PANDURANG DESAI B.Sc(Horticulture), M.Sc.(Agri), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31490 Land & Building -
ASRANI, L.R. B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3570 Immovable Property -
ASSAR, HITESH K. B.E. (Elec.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13683 Computer Technology -
ASWALE, RAM GOPAL B.Arch., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14954 Immovable Property -
ATHALE, YOGESH VYANKTESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/113 F-18915 Immovable Property -
ATHALYE, PRAMOD S. AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23434 Machinery and Plant -
ATHALYE, SUBHASH J. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1631 Immovable Property -
ATKEKAR, ASHOK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. PN/CC-MS- ORD/120/A-11/92-93 F-23629 Immovable Property -
ATRE, C.V. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12428 Machinery and Plant -
ATRE, HEMANT VITTHAL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21625 Machinery and Plant -
ATTAL, MURLIDHAR GULABCHAND B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. (N) CCIT/I/64/55/2004-05 Approved Valuer F-25419 Immovable Property -
AVADHUT, PUNDLIK ARUN M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3934 Immovable Property -
AVASARE, OORJWAHA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25340 Immovable Property -
AWACH AR, PRADEEP L. B.E., M.E.(Env.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21629 Immovable Property -
AWALKAR, PRAKASH BHANUDAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28848 Immovable Property -
AWALKAR, RAMESH A. B.Arch., G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6692 Immovable Property -
AWARE, GIRISH M. B.E., A.I.I.A., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11733 Immovable Property -
AYER, PRABHAKAR B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT- ii/RV(8)/2009-10 F-25157 Immovable Property -
AYYADURAI, KALLUR SUBRAMANIAM B.E., AMIIM, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24788 Immovable Property -
AYYAGARI, SRINIIVASA AJAY SHARMA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27330 Immovable Property -
BABAR, ANAND RAJARAM D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12984 Immovable Property -
BABAREKAR, SIDDHESH BHARAT SUSHAMA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28070 Immovable Property -
BABHULAY, RAVINDRA V B.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3878 Immovable Property -
BACHEWAR, BALAJI GAJANANRAO B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27430 Immovable Property -
BACHHAV, PRASHANT S. B.E., M.E.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16881 Immovable Property -
BACHHAV, RAKESH KASHINATH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22846 Immovable Property -
BADADARE, SACHIN DADASAHEB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25579 Immovable Property -
BADAWE, V.V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1537 Immovable Property -
BADERA, PRASANNA D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17495 Immovable Property -
BADJATE, SAURABH RAMESH B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28847 Immovable Property -
BAFNA ASHISH KIRTIKUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26107 Immovable Property -
BAGADAY, S.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7540 Immovable Property -
BAGALKOTI, JEETENDRA V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19827 Immovable Property -
BAGUL, VILAS GOTU Dip. Arch., C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26199 Immovable Property -
BAHEKAR, S.S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1435 Immovable Property -
BAHULIKAR, DILIP MS., MI. Mech., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7367 Machinery and Plant -
BAJAJ, JAGDISH R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18918 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, RAHUL DWARKADAS B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28061 Machinery and Plant -
BAKARE KAUSTUBH NARENDRA B.E., M.Sc.(Const.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30579 Land & Building -
BALAKRISHNAN, K.N. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7140 Immovable Property -
BALAKRISHNAN, SURESH CHANDRA B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10223 Immovable Property -
BALANI, R.K. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-3309 Immovable Property -
BALASAHEB, SAWANT D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18712 Immovable Property -
BALCHANDANI, S.H. C.E., F.I.V. F-3043 Immovable Property -
BALDAVA, SATISH P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17412 Immovable Property -
BALDOTA, PRAKASH H. B.E., D.I.S., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7977 Machinery and Plant -
BAMANE, M.P. B.Sc., M.Sc., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13097 Agricultural Lands -
BAMNE, M.D. I.D.S.E., B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-4588 Machinery and Plant -
BANDEKAR, PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9802 Immovable Property -
BANDHU, N.N. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12254 Immovable Property -
BANE, AKASH NANDKUMAR B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28339 Immovable Property -
BANG, PAWAN MADANGOPAL B.Arch., M.Plan., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23430 Immovable Property -
BANG, S.D. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-921 Immovable Property -
BANG, SUNIL S. B.E., D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13876 Immovable Property -
BANG, YOGESH G. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21881 Immovable Property -
BANGALKAR, HARSHADA MADANLAL B.Arch., A.I.V. A-17186 Immovable Property -
BANKAL, S.R. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-277 Immovable Property -
BANNALIKAR, HEMANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17497 Immovable Property -
BANOLE, PRASHANT MAHADEO B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I/202/2015-16 Approved Valuer F-26552 Immovable Property -
BANTHIA, M. SUBHASH B.E.(Mech.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7800 Machinery and Plant -
BAPAT, A.N. B.Arch., M.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1503 Immovable Property -
BAPAT, K.N. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1437 Immovable Property -
BAPAT, M. VINAYAK B.E.(Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17590 Machinery and Plant -
BAPAT, PRABHAKAR J. B.E., M.I.E, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat/1/382/1995 Approved Valuer F-5813 Immovable Property -
BAPAT, R.R. B.E., C.A.I.I.B., A.I.C.W.A., F.I.V. F-2735 Machinery and Plant -
BAPAT, RAVINDRA PADMAKAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-9282 Immovable Property -
BAPAT, S.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-853 Immovable Property -
BAPAT, V.C. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2563 Immovable Property -
BARAD, B.D. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4202 Machinery and Plant -
BARAD, RAJESH M. B.E.(Mech.), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10691 Machinery and Plant -
BARASKAR, MANOJ ASHOK B.Tech., M.S.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26108 Immovable Property -
BARBADE ABHILASH SHANTESHWAR B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28237 Land & Building -
BARBADE SHANTH VISWANATH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8488 Immovable Property -
BARDAPURKAR, VILAS J. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4782 Machinery and Plant -
BARHANPURE, V.B. B.E.(Hons.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-794 Immovable Property -
BARI, DILIP FAKIRA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26319 Immovable Property -
BARIA, NILESH HASMUKH I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27428 Immovable Property -
BAROKAR, TUSHAR DIPAK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24654 Immovable Property -
BARPANDE MILIND PRABHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27238 Immovable Property -
BARU, DEEPTI ASHISH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26097 Immovable Property -
BARVE, AVINASH R. B.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19122 Machinery and Plant -
BARVE, DINKAR DATTATRAYA B.Text.Engg., B.E.(Mech.), C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7114 Machinery and Plant -
BARVE, SHIRISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9281 Immovable Property -
BASER, PRAKASH R. GD Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2555 Immovable Property -
BASRAI, K.T. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2020 Immovable Property -
BASRUR, R.M. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-8101 Immovable Property -
BASU, ASIM KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26770 Machinery and Plant -
BATAVIA, JAYESH J. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11825 Immovable Property -
BATLIWALLA, FIROZE PESI I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25374 Immovable Property -
BAWANE, VIJAY C. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. MSc (REV) Year: 2013 Category: I Approved Valuer F-21323 Machinery and Plant -
BEDKUTE, BALASAHED P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19683 Immovable Property -
BEDMUTHA, K.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1297 Machinery and Plant -
BELE, SAMEER VAMAN B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-12619 Immovable Property -
BELEKAR, AMITABH B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2932 Immovable Property -
BELEKAR, MADHUKAR S. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18457 Immovable Property -
BELKAR, SANJAY BAPU B.E. (Mech.), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22597 Machinery and Plant -
BELKUNE, DR. R.M. B.E.(Civil), M.Tech., Ph.D., F.I.V. F-2789 Immovable Property -
BELPATHAK, H.A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17289 Immovable Property -
BELSARE, SHRIKANT GANESH G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-3671 Immovable Property -
BEMBALKAR, VINAY VASUDEO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9484 Machinery and Plant -
BEMBDE, RUKMAJI N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22448 Immovable Property -
BENDALE, VINAYAK YASHWANT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-17661 Machinery and Plant -
BENDSURE, SANJAYKUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25255 Immovable Property -
BERA, PRADIP KUMAR B.E., C.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-7748 Immovable Property -
BERI, NITISH PRAMOD B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25023 Immovable Property -
BERI, R.S. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-428 Immovable Property -
BETDUR, RAJIV RAGHAVENDRA B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18536 Machinery and Plant -
BETDUR, SANJIV R. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22374 Machinery and Plant -
BHA VSA R, VAISHALI ASHIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26462 Immovable Property -
BHADANE, DHANANJAY D. B.Arch., I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26732 Immovable Property -
BHAGAT, VIJAY K. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14616 Immovable Property -
BHAGATKAR, N.D. B.E., M.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-3515 Immovable Property -
BHAGATWALA, V.H. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12602 Machinery and Plant -
BHAGWAT, B.P. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15949 Machinery and Plant -
BHAGWAT, SACHIN B. B.E., D.C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13870 Immovable Property -
BHAGWATWAR, ANAND P. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., Approved Valuer F-10929 Immovable Property -
BHAIYA, NEHA ADITYA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29068 Immovable Property -
BHALE, HEMANT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20957 Immovable Property -
BHALERAO, NARENDRA S. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20747 Machinery and Plant -
BHALGAT, D.C. M.Com., F.C.A., F.I.I.S.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14516 Stocks and Shares -
BHALSING, SWAYAMBHU SUDAM B.E., M.E.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26638 Immovable Property -
BHAMARE, BAJIRAO GOVIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16879 Immovable Property -
BHAMRE DILIP RAO SAHEB B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30303 Land & Building -
BHAMRE MAHESH CHINTAMAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27317 Immovable Property -
BHANDARE, B.N. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9417 Immovable Property -
BHANDARE, D.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13321 Immovable Property -
BHANDARI SHRIPRAKASH VITTHAL B.Arch, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-29151 Immovable Property -
BHANDARI, JITENDRA B.E., M.E. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21748 Immovable Property -
BHANDARI, KISHOR D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11632 Immovable Property -
BHANDARI, M.K. B.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-7085 Machinery and Plant -
BHANDARI, MAHENDRA B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18383 Immovable Property -
BHANDARI, SANJAY P. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.I.C.A., A.I.V. A-8262 Immovable Property -
BHANDEKAR, U.G. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4512 Immovable Property -
BHANDEKAR, MANGUESH U. B.Arch, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13325 Immovable Property -
BHANGALE, PANKAJ P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22093 Immovable Property -
BHANGRE, ANIRUDDHA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21816 Immovable Property -
BHANSALI, DILIP N. B.Chem., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4152 Machinery and Plant -
BHAPKAR MANGESH RANGNATH B.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27241 Immovable Property -
BHARADWAJ, GOVIND S. AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20741 Machinery and Plant -
BHARAMBE, G.P. B.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10937 Machinery and Plant -
BHARAT ATKALIKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15716 Land & Building -
BHARAT ATMARAM PADALE B.E.(Civil), Dip.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32444 Land & Building -
BHARAT KUMAR ASARAM PATIL B.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6218 Immovable Property -
BHARATE, RAMESH T. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18981 Immovable Property -
BHARITKAR, G.R. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8685 Immovable Property -
BHAROSE, RAMAKANT A. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18907 Immovable Property -
BHASGE UMAKANT K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18705 Immovable Property -
BHAT, AVINASH Y. B.E, M.Tech.(Stru.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-14014 Immovable Property -
BHAT, DINESH V. Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17177 Immovable Property -
BHAT, MUKUND RAVINDRANATH G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11830 Immovable Property -
BHAT, V.R. M.I.S., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3957 Immovable Property -
BHAT, VIJAY B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-3157 Immovable Property -
BHAT, VISHWAS GOPAL Dip. Arch., F.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-1980 Immovable Property -
BHATNAGAR, S.R. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2525 Immovable Property -
BHATTACHARJEE, S.K. B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6483 Immovable Property -
BHATTACHARYA, DEBASIS B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25422 Machinery and Plant -
BHATTACHARYA, RATHINDRA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17296 Machinery and Plant -
BHATTAD, NITIN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14023 Immovable Property -
BHATTAD, NITIN N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20888 Immovable Property -
BHATTAD, RUPALI NITIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15848 Immovable Property -
BHATTAD, VIJAY B. B.E.(Elct.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17100 Machinery and Plant -
BHATTE, DEEPAK VISHNU G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1817 Immovable Property -
BHATTE, J.K. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5736 Immovable Property -
BHAUTKAR, MANJIREE SURESH A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24927 Immovable Property -
BHAVSAHEB, KALE PRATAP B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27820 Immovable Property -
BHAVSAR, ARUN T. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4338 Immovable Property -
BHAVSAR, HEMANT I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17659 Immovable Property -
BHAVSAR, KIRAN KESHAV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17184 Immovable Property -
BHAVSAR, SURESH BHAGWANDAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8665 Immovable Property -
BHAWSAR, MILIND B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5295 Immovable Property -
BHAWSAR, NITIN D. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21054 Immovable Property -
BHIDE, BHALCHANDRA M. B.E., A.M.I.E., B.A., LL.B, F.I.V. F-7305 Machinery and Plant -
BHIDE, C.P. B.E., F.I.V. F-3587 Immovable Property -
BHIDE, DR. S.D. B.E., M.E., Ph.D., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-9808 Machinery and Plant -
BHIDE, M.C. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2799 Immovable Property -
BHIDE, R.V. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3821 Immovable Property -
BHIDE, SANJAY B.Arch., F.I.V. F-1982 Immovable Property -
BHIKULE, D.K. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15367 Immovable Property -
BHILARE, G.A. B.E.(Civil), M.E. (Stru.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7972 Immovable Property -
BHILARE, HRUSHIKESH SATYAJIT VANDANA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28859 Immovable Property -
BHILAVADE, ASHOK S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-18539 Immovable Property -
BHIRUD, SAGAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28748 Immovable Property -
BHIRUD, SANJAY RAGHUNATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14721 Immovable Property -
BHISE, N.N. B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-4560 Machinery and Plant -
BHISE, SUHAS SATISH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23267 Immovable Property -
BHOIR, RAMESH SAVLARAM G.D.Arch., M.C.A., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-4886 Immovable Property -
BHOITE, MADANRAO B. F.I.V. Tahsildar Retd. Approved Valuer F-12867 Agricultural Lands -
BHOITE, SURENDRA D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12417 Immovable Property -
BHOJWANI, PURANLAL R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19332 Immovable Property -
BHOKARE, ABHINANDAN S. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23074 Immovable Property -
BHONDOKAR, K.S. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14622 Immovable Property -
BHONGALE, CHANDRASHEKHAR K. D.C.E., GD.I.V., A.I.V. F-8594 Immovable Property -
BHONSALE, D.S. A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-331 Immovable Property -
BHONSALE, UMESH V. B.E., M.I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11460 Immovable Property -
BHONSULE, N.A. S.Dip.Arch., Dip.T.P., F.I.V. F-389 Immovable Property -
BHOPALE, ASHWINKUMAR ANANDRAO B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24790 Immovable Property -
BHOPE, P.D. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12097 Machinery and Plant -
BHOR, SUNIL D. D.C.E., B.E., A.M.I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12437 Immovable Property -
BHORCHAND PURANLAL SHENDE B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31469 Land & Building -
BHOSALE, PRAKASH W. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-11901 Immovable Property -
BHOSALE, RAYASING B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15725 Immovable Property -
BHOSALE, SANJEEV B.Arch., A.I.V. F-7968 Immovable Property -
BHOYAR, ARUNKUMAR SHANKARRAO B.Sc.(Agri.), M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27603 Agricultural Lands -
BHUJBAL, DR. B.G. B.Sc.(Agri.), M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10034 Agricultural Lands -
BHUJBAL, MAYUR N. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14019 Immovable Property -
BHUJBALE JITENDRA RAMBHAU B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27898 Immovable Property -
BHUSE, NARENDRA B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9899 Immovable Property -
BHUSKUTE, DEVENDRA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15369 Immovable Property -
BHUTADA, RAVINDRA B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23070 Immovable Property -
BHUTADA, S.M. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13195 Immovable Property -
BHUTADA, SHRIGOPAL MOTILAL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15854 Immovable Property -
BHUTE, RAJENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17279 Immovable Property -
BHUVA, VITHAL B. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9478 Immovable Property -
BIBIKAR, ANILKUMAR HARI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27070 Immovable Property -
BIDE, NILESH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24240 Immovable Property -
BIDWAI, SUDHAKAR D. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20124 Immovable Property -
BIDWAI, VINAYAK VISHNUPANT B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26461 Immovable Property -
BIHANI, AMIT HANUMAN PRASAD B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24077 Immovable Property -
BIHANI, MURLIDHAR M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9864 Immovable Property -
BIJU, PARATHU SAMUEL A.M.I.E., C.Eng., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8094 Immovable Property -
BIKHCHANDANI, SUNDEEP B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. MSc (REV) Year: 2002 Category: I Approved Valuer F-8783 Machinery and Plant -
BILOLIKAR, JAYANT V. A, F.I. B.E., MBV. Approved Valuer F-22920 Immovable Property -
BIRA DAR, D.M. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No . Ca t VII/287 of 1988 Approved Valuer F-2014 Machinery and Plant -
BIRADAR MILIND DHONDAPPA B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27247 Machinery and Plant -
BIRAR, NARENDRA KARBHARI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26005 Immovable Property -
BIRARI, LT. CDR. NITIN B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13550 Machinery and Plant -
BIRJE, JAYSING MARUTI B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4124 Immovable Property -
BIRLE, SUDHIR BHANUDASRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17753 Immovable Property -
BIYANI, JITENDRA OMPRAKASH B.Arch., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-24078 Immovable Property -
BIYANI, KAMALKISHOR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9491 Machinery and Plant -
BIYANI, SIDDHANT AMARCHAND B.E., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27437 Immovable Property -
BOBADE, SHRIKANT MADHUKAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23356 Immovable Property -
BOBDE, RAMKRISHNA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5651 Immovable Property -
BODHALE, SACHIN S. B.E.(Mech.), A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12872 Machinery and Plant -
BODHANI, BHUSHAN R. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7971 Machinery and Plant -
BODKE, D.S. B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., A.I.V. A-3502 Immovable Property -
BODKE, SANDEEP SURESH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21106 Immovable Property -
BOGAWAT, AMIT MOHANLAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22843 Immovable Property -
BOGAWAT, NEMICHAND G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18379 Immovable Property -
BOKARE, JYOTI SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28566 Immovable Property -
BOKARE, SUHRUD G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-9713 Immovable Property -
BOKIL, PRASHANT VINAYAK B.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9804 Machinery and Plant -
BOMADI, GOPAL BABLI AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26988 Immovable Property -
BONDRE, MUKUND P. B.E., M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6152 Immovable Property -
BOOB RAJAT PRAKASH B.E.(Civil), M.E. (Construction & Managment), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31819 Land & Building -
BOOB, MAHESH R. B.E., M.E.(Cons.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11997 Immovable Property -
BOOB, T.N. B.E., M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13320 Immovable Property -
BORA ASHWIN ANIL Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30967 Land & Building -
BORA, AMOL I. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3943 Machinery and Plant -
BORA, ARUSHA ATUL B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8994 Computer Technology -
BORA, R.K. B.E.(Metal), D.B.M., F.I.V. F-5413 Machinery and Plant -
BORA, SUHAS P. C.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 849 of 2016-17 Approved Valuer F-27901 Stocks and Shares -
BORA, VIJAYKUMAR RATANCHAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26555 Immovable Property -
BORADE, DATTATRAY H. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11648 Immovable Property -
BORADE, DINESH MADHUKAR B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13452 Machinery and Plant -
BORAMANIKAR SAGAR B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14959 Immovable Property -
BORASE, NARENDRA R. B.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5708 Immovable Property -
BORGAONKAR, ASHOK D. G.D.Arch., A.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1433 Immovable Property -
BORKAR, DADAN HARBAJI B.Sc.(Agri), M.Sc.(Horti.Cul.) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9716 Agricultural Lands -
BORKAR, JAYSING J. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21465 Machinery and Plant -
BORKAR, SHRIKANT DINESH B.Tech., M.Tech.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26891 Immovable Property -
BORNARE, NARENDRA M. Dip.(Civil), M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18614 Immovable Property -
BOROLE SANKET KISHOR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26890 Immovable Property -
BOROLE, KISHOR RAMCHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26728 Immovable Property -
BORSE JIGNESH SAMBHAJI B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27242 Immovable Property -
BORSE, SANJEEV B.Arch, A.I.V. A-2132 Immovable Property -
BOTHRA, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16257 Immovable Property -
BUDHBHATTI, K.P. B.E. (Ele), M.I.E.(C), F.I.S, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1328 Machinery and Plant -
BUL, GAJANAN G. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20548 Immovable Property -
BURANGE, PRASHANT VASANTRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23569 Immovable Property -
BURHADE, AATULKUMAR B.Arch, A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Regis. No. CCIT[N]/CAT- 1/29 F-6642 Immovable Property -
BUTANI, KRISHAN L. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2625 Immovable Property -
BUTE, ARVIND KAWDUJI B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-27326 Machinery and Plant -
CAMBLAY, VIJAY NARAYANRAO G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. PN/CC/562/C- 15/92-93 F-23722 Immovable Property -
CHAHANDE, N.S. B.E.(Civil) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10257 Immovable Property -
CHAKNALWAR, MANJUSHA A. B.Tech., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8622 Immovable Property -
CHAKOR, B.R. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6179 Immovable Property -
CHAKRAVARTY, SALIL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5624 Machinery and Plant -
CHAKURKAR, SANJAY N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22252 Immovable Property -
CHALIKWAR, SHARADKUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9863 Immovable Property -
CHAMEDIA, AMIT VINOD B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28754 Immovable Property -
CHANDAK, DR. RADHESHYAM Z. B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1669 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDAK, DR. S.R. B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6735 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDAK, JAGDISH B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. F-20547 Immovable Property -
CHANDAK, KISHOR S. B.E., M.B.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7300 Immovable Property -
CHANDAK, M.N. B.E., A.I.E., A.I.I.S.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10945 Computer Technology -
CHANDAK, N.A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat/VII/439 F-3656 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDAK, TUSHAR OMPRAKASH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22091 Immovable Property -
CHANDAK, YOGESH R. B.E.(Mech.), C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11650 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDAN RAJESH BHAGWAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27825 Immovable Property -
CHANDE, VINAY DINKAR B.Arch., M.A.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8780 Immovable Property -
CHANDER, SATISH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13441 Immovable Property -
CHANDNA, CHANDRA PRAKASH AMIE(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25729 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDRAKANT SAHADEORAO HIWARALE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28239 Production and Industrial Engineering -
CHANDREKAR, V.J. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-7541 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDSARKAR ADVAIT JAYANT B.E., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27237 Computer Technology -
CHANDSARKAR, JAYANT R. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. F-20117 Immovable Property -
changede r.t. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.E. F-7604 Immovable Property -
CHANKHORE, TANAJI B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16035 Immovable Property -
CHAPALGAONKAR, R.V. B.E., D.B.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2621 Immovable Property -
CHAPHALKAR, DR. NITIN B. B.E., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21937 Immovable Property -
CHAPHEKAR, SHANTANU J B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14955 Machinery and Plant -
CHARY, K.R.V. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2548 Machinery and Plant -
CHATI, S.K. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.H.I.V., F.I.V. F-286 Immovable Property -
CHATTERJEE KALLOL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19756 Immovable Property -
CHATTERJI, LT. CDR. D.K. B.Sc., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-3024 Machinery and Plant -
CHATURVEDI, MAJ. RAMESH (RETD.) B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2806 Immovable Property -
CHATWAL, NAVINDERPAL SINGH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27822 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, HEMANT D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17086 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, S.V. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2269 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, SANDEEP SUDHAKAR B.E., PGPCM, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26632 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, SUNOL G. B.E. (Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16878 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, VASANT NAMDEO B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23516 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, GUNWANT M.E.(Stru.), M.I.E, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CCITI 42/2003- 04 F-7616 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, MAHENDRA R. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22186 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, RAJENDRA V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20477 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARI, RAVINDRA P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17095 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARY, VIKAS L. M.E.(Struct.), F.I.V. F-5786 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, GAJENDRA SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. F-7632 Machinery and Plant -
CHAUHAN, R.B. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-849 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, ANIL KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6970 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, ARVIND MARUTI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 210 of 2013-14 F-25333 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, BALAVANT R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23161 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, GAJRAJ BHABUTMAL Jeweller, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. VIII/31 F-22841 Jewellery -
CHAVAN, MUGDHA RUPESH B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25910 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, NITIN P. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16036 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, RAJENDRA B. Diploma in Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16481 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, SACHIN VASANTRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25426 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, SHRIKANT D. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9801 Immovable Property -
CHAVAN, UMESH GANPATRAO B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25731 Immovable Property -
CHAWLA, HITESH Dip.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20410 Immovable Property -
CHAWLA, R.R. B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., GD.Arch., F.I.V. F-1078 Immovable Property -
CHERIYAN, SAJU A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9133 Immovable Property -
CHHABDA, AJIT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9816 Immovable Property -
CHHABDA, K.S. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2844 Immovable Property -
CHHABRA, JAGJEETSINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17970 Immovable Property -
CHHAJED, PRAVEEN K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16027 Immovable Property -
CHHAJED, SATISH M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14508 Immovable Property -
CHHAJER, P.D. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4834 Machinery and Plant -
CHHALLANI, AMARNATH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. A-4879 Immovable Property -
CHHAYA SHRIKANT BHANAGE B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29394 Immovable Property -
CHHAYA, SUNIL K. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5240 Machinery and Plant -
CHHEDA PARESH, KANTILAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9372 Machinery and Plant -
CHHEDA, M.P. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-56 Immovable Property -
CHHINDAM, CHETAN BALIRAM B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23159 Immovable Property -
CHIDDARWAR, KISHOR V. B.Arch., M.I.C.A., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11828 Immovable Property -
CHIDRAWAR RAGHAVENDRA SANTOSH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29879 Land & Building -
CHIDRAWAR, RAKESH RATNAKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24487 Immovable Property -
CHIKANE, SUNIL SHRIRANG B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16483 Immovable Property -
CHIKODI, A.R. GD Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6241 Immovable Property -
CHIKODI, KEDAR ARVIND Diploma in Civil, B.E.(Civil), M. Val.(P&M), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16493 Immovable Property Machinery and Plant
CHIKODI, KESHAV ARVIND M.Arch., A.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18127 Immovable Property -
CHIKODI, KIRTI KEDAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19408 Immovable Property -
CHIKODI, MADHAV B. B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. F-19120 Immovable Property -
CHIKODI, SHANTANU MUKUND B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23353 Immovable Property -
CHIKODI, SNEHA KESHAV B.E.(I.E.), M.S.(E.E.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21819 Computer Technology -
CHINCHAMALATPURE, SUBODH BAPURAO B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I/164/2013-14 Approved Valuer F-24863 Immovable Property -
CHINCHOLI, SIDDHRAM G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20276 Immovable Property -
CHINDAK, S.C. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7489 Immovable Property -
CHINDARKAR, NILESH G. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20886 Agricultural Lands -
CHINDHADE, MAKARAND S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27902 Immovable Property -
CHINIWALA, ROHINTON P. B.Arch., M.E., F.I.V. F-17178 Immovable Property -
CHINNAWAR, GAJANAN D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19484 Immovable Property -
CHITKARA, M.K. B.Tech., M.E., M.I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14107 Immovable Property -
CHITLANGE, DR. MAHENDRA R B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23688 Immovable Property -
CHITLANGE, NARENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23718 Immovable Property -
CHITNIS, JAYANT S. G.D.Arch., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21574 Immovable Property -
CHITNIS, KETAN SHAMKANT B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22014 Computer Technology -
CHITRAREKHA ABHIRAJ GHORPADE B.Arch, M.Sc.(REV), COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31679 Land & Building -
CHOITHANI, SURENDRA J. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15505 Immovable Property -
CHOLKAR, M.S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1623 Immovable Property -
CHONKAR, GIRISH K. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4559 Machinery and Plant -
CHOOHAR, KESWANI B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16599 Immovable Property -
CHOPANE, BHALCHANDRA BALAJI M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6304 Immovable Property -
CHOPDA, KISHOR L. B.E., M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21935 Immovable Property -
CHOPDA, MAHAVIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26004 Immovable Property -
CHOPDA, NILESH PRAKASH B.Arch., F.I.V. F-16479 Immovable Property -
CHOPDA, POONAM NILESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21269 Immovable Property -
CHOPDA, PRASHANT N. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23436 Machinery and Plant -
CHOPRA, RAJENDRA B. A.M.I.E., M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8328 Immovable Property -
CHOPRA, ROHIT GULSHAN B.Arch., A.I.V. A-13780 Immovable Property -
CHOUBEY, SURENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.- I/475 of 2014 F-24409 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARI, DINESH N. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3834 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARI, BHAURAO R. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19334 Machinery and Plant -
CHOUDHARI, PARIKSHIT VIJAY B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24335 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, SHRIKANT VASANT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27154 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, PRALHAD RAMAN B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7883 Immovable Property -
CHOUGULE, D.B. B.E., D.C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7356 Immovable Property -
CHOUGULE, PRAVIN P. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22378 Machinery and Plant -
CHOUHAN, RUSHIRA J S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26466 Immovable Property -
CHOWDHURI, GAUTAM B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23812 Machinery and Plant -
CHUDIWAL SOHAM SANJAYKUMAR B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Stru), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32494 Land & Building -
CHUMBALKAR, Y.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14007 Immovable Property -
CLERK, AMRISH HARIKANT B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22680 Immovable Property -
D?SILVA, J.J.C. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1017 Immovable Property -
DABAK, GANESH MAHADEO M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2587 Immovable Property -
DADBHAWALA, DEVANG K. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15187 Immovable Property -
DADBHAWALA, DEVEN K. B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14191 Immovable Property -
DADBHAWALA, MRS. REEMA D. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15615 Immovable Property -
DAFADE, RAJANIKANT G. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1577 Immovable Property -
DAGADE, AJAY M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13303 Immovable Property -
DAGADE, AMIT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19036 Machinery and Plant -
DAGAONKAR, MOHAN BALWANT B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25506 Immovable Property -
DAHAD, ASHOK KUMAR M. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5152 Immovable Property -
DAHAD, NARENDRA.J. M.Sc.(Agri)., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10091 Agricultural Lands -
DAHIPHALE, ADINATH KISAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28854 Immovable Property -
DAHIWALKAR, RAJESH SHRIRAM B.E., MIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25648 Immovable Property -
DALAL, ASHOK ATMARAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22375 Immovable Property -
DALAL, CHAMPAK R. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-548 Immovable Property -
DALAL, HARENDRA N. B.Arch., G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2633 Immovable Property -
DALVI, D.M. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2309 Immovable Property -
DAMLE, RAVINDRA B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18458 Agricultural Lands -
DAMLE, RAMCHANDRA BALAJI B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7263 Machinery and Plant -
DANDAGE KALPESH KIRAN B.Com(Civil), M.Com.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31784 Land & Building -
DANGE, ATMARAM P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20407 Immovable Property -
DANGE, SACHIN KESHAV Dip.(Const.), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21389 Immovable Property -
DANI, PRASAD C. B.E. (Constru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6442 Immovable Property -
DANI, VAISHALI PRASAD M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25812 Immovable Property -
DANKE, JAYANT SHANKAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 651 of 2001-2002 F-18380 Machinery and Plant -
DARAK, OM PRAKASH B.E., C.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10093 Immovable Property -
DARDA, ROHIT V. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21879 Immovable Property -
DARDA, SUDHIR RIKHABCHAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25253 Immovable Property -
DARUNKAR, DINESH ASARAM B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20742 Machinery and Plant -
DARUNKAR, JITENDRA N. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20417 Machinery and Plant -
DARYANI, RAM H. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18920 Immovable Property -
DAS, A.K. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1109 Immovable Property -
DAS, S.K. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8871 Machinery and Plant -
DASHARATH, DHUMAL K. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22450 Immovable Property -
DASHORE, RAMESH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21826 Immovable Property -
DASNURKAR, SHIRISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12093 Immovable Property -
DASTAGIR, KAZI RAZIUDDIN GULAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9052 Production and Industrial Engineering -
DASTAPURE, VISHWANATH SHANKARRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26193 Immovable Property -
DATAR, DHANANJAY D. B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8045 Immovable Property -
DATAR, NEELKANTH ANANT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24568 Machinery and Plant -
DATAR, S.G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2350 Immovable Property -
DATE, NITIN PRABHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18914 Immovable Property -
DATE, R.S. B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14617 Machinery and Plant -
DATE, S.D. F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2526 Immovable Property -
DATE, SACHIN SHARAD B.E., A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19566 Immovable Property -
DATE, SANDEEP R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22759 Immovable Property -
DATE, V.M. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-3579 Immovable Property -
DATIR, VIJAY L. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4376 Immovable Property -
DATTA, D.G. B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10787 Machinery and Plant -
DATTA, S. MALIK B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V F-124 Immovable Property -
DATTA, SUBRATA KUMAR B.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12462 Immovable Property -
DATTATRAY, VARADKAR RAMKRISHNA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28571 Immovable Property -
DATYE, M.H. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3625 Immovable Property -
DAVDA, P.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1162 Immovable Property -
DAVE, BHARAT V. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9047 Immovable Property -
DAVE, KIRTY B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-3099 Immovable Property -
DAVE, TEJAS YOGESHBHAI B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23351 Immovable Property -
DAWALE, GOPAL M. D.C.E, B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20820 Immovable Property -
DAWALKAR, POOJA SUNIL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25732 Immovable Property -
DAWALKAR, SUNIL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16704 Machinery and Plant -
DAWLE, ATUL VISHWESHWAR B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19892 Immovable Property -
DAWLE, VARSHA ATUL B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19893 Immovable Property -
DAYAL, SANJAY B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26894 Machinery and Plant -
DE, BHASKAR JYOTI B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8325 Machinery and Plant -
DEGAONKAR, P.P. B.E., D.B.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9865 Machinery and Plant -
DEGAONKAR, PRASAD P. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17588 Immovable Property -
DEKHANE, AVINASH V. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-4296 Immovable Property -
DEO, MILIND B.E., F.I.V. F-9710 Immovable Property -
DEO, PUSHPAKUMAR B. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-12988 Immovable Property -
DEO, SUNIL GAJANAN G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12092 Immovable Property -
DEODHAR, S.B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14207 Machinery and Plant -
DEOGIRIKAR, ABHIJIT ARUN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11159 Immovable Property -
DEORA, DURGA SINGH B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27903 Immovable Property -
DEORE, P.S. B.Sc.(Agri.), D.B.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11154 Agricultural Lands -
DEORE, VASANTRAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25421 Machinery and Plant -
DERE, B.K. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3234 Immovable Property -
DESAI, DEODATTA Y. A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15361 Immovable Property -
DESAI, J.M. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-379 Immovable Property -
DESAI, PRAFULL B. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-6433 Machinery and Plant -
DESAI, S.N. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-2553 Machinery and Plant -
DESAI, SAMEER RAJARAM G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21873 Immovable Property -
DESAI, SHRIKANT M.I.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8257 Immovable Property -
DESAI, SUBROTO S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15440 Machinery and Plant -
DESAI, VINOD B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5300 Machinery and Plant -
DESALE, SUNIL VIKRAM B.E., M.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14625 Immovable Property -
DESHKAR, VIVEK VILAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26646 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, A.R. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5681 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, ABHAY KR. V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20414 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, ANAND BHASKARRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27435 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, B.M. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17190 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, BHARAT N. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10925 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, C.A. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4186 Machinery and Plant -
DESHMUKH, D.M. D.C.E,. A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-7880 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, DR. P.P. M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15207 Agricultural Lands -
DESHMUKH, INDRANIL RANGRAO B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25912 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, NILESH BABANRAO B.E., M.E.(Env.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28452 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, PRATAP D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7041 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, R.D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8684 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, R.S. B.Sc., M.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14000 Agricultural Lands -
DESHMUKH, S.V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7920 Machinery and Plant -
DESHMUKH, S.V. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7210 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, S.V. G.D. Arch, F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1735 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, SACHIN S. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17180 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, SANJAY R. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9812 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. F-17883 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, SUSHIL V. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8492 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, VINITA PRATAP B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7043 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, DATTARAYA S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18905 Immovable Property -
DESHMUKH, SANTOSH S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11646 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, BHAGESH B.E.(Auto.), F.I.V. F-17189 Automobile -
DESHPANDE, BHUSHAN VASANT B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14108 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, DEEPAK R. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11565 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, GIRISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25417 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, H.N. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-10255 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, K.A. B.E., F.I.V. F-6419 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, K.N. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15953 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, MANGESH Y. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14706 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, MILIND RAJARAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9211 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, MRS. KEERTI B.E., F.I.V. F-6331 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, P.K. M.I. Marine E., F.I.V. F-5961 Marine -
DESHPANDE, P.M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11628 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, SACHIN S. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19412 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, SALEEL D. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20745 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, SANJAY DATTATRAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16367 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, SANJAY M. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/12/2002-03 Approved Valuer F-26727 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, SHAILESH K. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20746 Computer Technology -
DESHPANDE, SHAMKANT GOVINDRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26548 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, SHRIDHAR BHIMARAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28827 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, SUBODH G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21577 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, SUNILDATTA B.E.(Mech.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15734 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, SURESH YESHWANT B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23729 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, VIJAY K. B.Sc., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14513 Agricultural Lands -
DESHPANDE, VIJAY B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5078 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, VIKAS V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7544 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, VISHRAM B.Arch., F.I.V. F-19889 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, CHANDRAKANT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17667 Machinery and Plant -
DESHPANDE, MANGESH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6484 Immovable Property -
DESHPANDE, RAVINDRA DINKAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15943 Immovable Property -
DESPANDE, KIRAN PRAKASH RAO B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17957 Immovable Property -
DESPANDE, SUNIL ANANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21876 Immovable Property -
DEULGAONKAR, PAWANKUMAR BABASAHEB B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26094 Immovable Property -
DEURKAR, R.V. G.D. Arch., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8593 Immovable Property -
DEVAANG MADHUSUDAN KOTHARY B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31454 Land & Building -
DEVAN, DILIP PANDURANG B.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18042 Immovable Property -
DEVI SHARAN AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23940 Immovable Property -
DEVI, RAMESH B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-2104 Immovable Property -
DEVI, VIJAY B.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11342 Immovable Property -
DHADWAL, R.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10254 Immovable Property -
DHAGE, PRAMOD P. B.Arch., G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8587 Immovable Property -
DHAIRYAWAN, V.B. B.Arch., A.R.I.B.A., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4694 Immovable Property -
DHAMAL RAVINDRA MAHADEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27606 Immovable Property -
DHAMNE, SHREEKANT A. B.E. (Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3226 Immovable Property -
DHANANJAY MURLIDHAR DESHMUKH Dip.(Civil), AMIE, M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7880 Immovable Property -
DHANASHRI MIRAJKAR B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18054 Immovable Property -
DHANDE RAJEEV ARUN B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26805 Machinery and Plant -
DHANDE, HARSHAL CHHAGAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26896 Immovable Property -
DHANDE, MOHINI RAJEEV B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26730 Immovable Property -
DHANDE, P.G. B.E., D.B.M., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10946 Machinery and Plant -
DHANESHWAR, SHANTANU RATNAKAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21469 Machinery and Plant -
DHANSHREE GULABRAO PAWAR B.E.(Civil),M.Tech.(Val. L&B) ,A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31711 Land & Building -
DHANUKA, VIKAS B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14409 Machinery and Plant -
DHANURE, HANMANT MANIKRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27519 Immovable Property -
DHANYAKUMAR BALASAHEB CHINCHWADE B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31916 Plant & Equipment -
DHARANIPATHI, M. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14010 Immovable Property -
DHARIA, MANISHA S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20542 Immovable Property -
DHARMADHIKARI, SURENDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9362 Immovable Property -
DHARMADHIKARI, N.B. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1127 Immovable Property -
DHARMANI, DAULAT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23435 Immovable Property -
DHARULKAR, ANIL B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15348 Immovable Property -
DHAVALE SUMEET GAJANAN B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28335 Immovable Property -
DHAVALE, G.D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11247 Immovable Property -
DHAWADE, S.P. B.E., M.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11343 Immovable Property -
DHAWAN, COL. A.K. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. VII/458/97 F-4339 Machinery and Plant -
DHENDE, K.S. M.A., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10450 Immovable Property -
DHEPE, SUSHAMA S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12873 Immovable Property -
DHINGRA, Dr. GURU DUTT B.Sc.(Engg.), C.Engg.(I), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5776 Machinery and Plant -
DHIVARE, JEEVAN DHARMARAJ B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24722 Immovable Property -
DHOKCHAWALE, RAJENDRA AMBADAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27602 Immovable Property -
DHOLAKIA, H.K. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1916 Immovable Property -
DHOLAKIA, N.D. B.E., F.I.V. F-4297 Immovable Property -
DHONGADE, U.V. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-1073 Immovable Property -
DHONGDE, SANTOSH D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18828 Immovable Property -
DHOOT, R. RAMESH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9715 Immovable Property -
DHOOT, SUSHANT L. B.E. (Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22605 Machinery and Plant -
DHOPAVKAR, AMIT A. B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15353 Immovable Property -
DHORDE, RAJENDRA S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14212 Immovable Property -
DHOTKAR, NAVIN M. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.- I/120/2010-11 F-23813 Immovable Property -
DHOTRE, DILEEP TUKARAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19894 Immovable Property -
DHUMAL PRAVIN PRALHAD B.E. (Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28747 Plant & Machinery -
DHUMAL, RAJENDRA GANAPATRAO B.Sc.(Agric.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17407 Agricultural Lands -
DHUMAL, RAJESH KESHAVRAO D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25914 Immovable Property -
DHUMAL, SHASHIKANT R. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14728 Immovable Property -
DHUPKAR, SHIVPRASAD A. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. F-21750 Immovable Property -
DIGHE, M.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4344 Machinery and Plant -
DIGRAJKAR, VINOD B.E., F.I.V. F-7873 Immovable Property -
DIKSHIT, Y.K. B.E. (Elect.), P.G. Dpl. (Cont.), F.I.V. F-8163 Machinery and Plant -
DIMBLE, DNYANOBA NIVRUTI B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20191 Machinery and Plant -
DINDORIKAR, VIKAS V. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11831 Jewellery -
DIOTE, SHISHIR S. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10089 Immovable Property -
DIPAK ANANTRAO MITHARI B.E, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13190 Immovable Property -
DIPTI JAIN B.E.(Com. Sci.), M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32062 Land & Building -
DIVEKAR, D.V. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3251 Immovable Property -
DIWANJI, RAMESH GOVIND B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19576 Immovable Property -
DIXIT S.M. B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6009 Immovable Property -
DIXIT, ARVIND N. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V F-21268 Machinery and Plant -
DIXIT, RAMESH SHRIDHAR G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16603 Immovable Property -
DIXIT, UDAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6208 Machinery and Plant -
DIXIT, PRIYADARSHAN ACHUT B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. F-15433 Immovable Property -
DNYANESH SHRIKRISHNA DAHATONDE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28667 Immovable Property -
DNYANOBA, TAWARE SHREE B.E.(Metallurgy), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15355 Metallurgical Engineering -
DODIYA, BHARAT BALUBHAI D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23270 Immovable Property -
DONAGE, AVINASH LAXMAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9867 Immovable Property -
DONGRE, A.B. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., I.C.H.P.B., F.I.V. F-706 Immovable Property -
DONGRE, ASHOK B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24144 Machinery and Plant -
DONGRE, SAURABH SHARAD G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21189 Immovable Property -
DORLE, CHHAGAN ADKUJI B.E., A.I.E., A.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/176/2013-14 Approved Valuer A-23727 Immovable Property -
DOSHI H.D. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2648 Machinery and Plant -
DOSHI, P.H. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-22 Immovable Property -
DOSHI, P.R. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3690 Immovable Property -
DOSHI, RANJIT N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15721 Immovable Property -
DOSHI, GOVARDHANDAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24242 Immovable Property -
DOULTANI, RAMESH D.C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3374 Immovable Property -
DR. CHOUGULE MAHESH BALASAHEB B.Tech.(Civil), M.Tech.(Civil), Ph.D., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31629 Land & Building -
DUA, J.L. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7821 Machinery and Plant -
DUBAL, S.D. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13099 Immovable Property -
DUBEY SACHINKUMAR KRISHNADEV SUMAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29884 Land & Building -
DUBEY, SUSHIL KUMAR B.Sc., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10261 Machinery and Plant -
DUDANI, M.R. G.C.D., B.Com (Hons.) LL.B., F.I.V. F-2266 Stocks and Shares -
DUDHANKAR, DILIP B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3753 Immovable Property -
DUDHANKAR, HIMANSHU DILIP B.E., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 276 of 2016- 17 Approved Valuer A-23428 Immovable Property -
DUDHE, KESHAO RAMRAOJI B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.VII/150/2012-13 Approved Valuer F-26985 Machinery and Plant -
DUDUSKAR SURAJ DHARMARAJ B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31441 Land & Building -
DUNGARWAL, NILESH KANTILAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13464 Immovable Property -
DURGADE SACHIN SUBHASH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31736 Land & Building -
DUTTA, DR. S.C. B. Tech., M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.V., F-755 Immovable Property -
DUTTA, SUBHABRATA AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27434 Immovable Property -
EISANT DINESHKUMAR UJAWANE B.E., M.Tech.(Env.)(Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29702 Land & Building -
ESHWAR GANESHLAL, D. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22446 Immovable Property -
FAKIRRAO, DESHMUKH KIRAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27239 Immovable Property -
FARAS SHAKIL NURUDDIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24152 Immovable Property -
FARNANDAS, MEGHA BARRY B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27979 Immovable Property -
FAROZ, A.M. I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5605 Immovable Property -
FAROZ, JOSEPH M. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3197 Immovable Property -
FAROZ, REYNOLD SANCTUS B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24147 Immovable Property -
FARSOLE, NITIN P. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9126 Immovable Property -
FASE, C.K. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-3650 Immovable Property -
FAZLANI, SAJID HAROON B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19121 Immovable Property -
FEGADE, S.S. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13566 Immovable Property -
FERNANDES, A.F. B.E., D.S.M., F.I.V. F-786 Immovable Property -
FERNANDES, MRS. YASHODA G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11630 Immovable Property -
FERNANDES, R.B. B.Arch., A.I.IA., F.I.V. F-1558 Immovable Property -
FIRODIA, NAVANIT Z. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18198 Immovable Property -
FIRODIYA, RAKESH SHANTILAL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25094 Immovable Property -
FUNDE, SUDHAKAR. S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1053 Immovable Property -
FURDE, SUNIL UTTAM B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9797 Immovable Property -
FURNITUREWALA, SIDDIQUE AHMED Dip. Arch., COA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26980 Immovable Property -
FUSE GHANSHYAM DNYANESHWAR B.E, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30927 Land & Building -
FUTANE, SHANKAR VITHAL RAO B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27324 Agricultural Lands -
GADAGE, KAILASH BAPURAO B.E., A.I.V. A-5840 Immovable Property -
GADEKAR, RISHIKESH NEELKANTH MEERA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28066 Immovable Property -
GADGIL, S.G. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14028 Machinery and Plant -
GADGIL, T.D. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2300 Immovable Property -
GADGIL, W.M. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12402 Immovable Property -
GADHAVE, S.D. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15435 Immovable Property -
GADHOKE, HARJINDAR SINGH B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1852 Immovable Property -
GADKARI, ABHAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18834 Immovable Property -
GADKARI, ANIL B. B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19485 Machinery and Plant -
GADKARI, JAGDISH K. B.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/582 A-5310 Immovable Property -
GADKARI, KANCHAN JAGDISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26276 Immovable Property -
GADNIS, AMIT H. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20738 Immovable Property -
GADODIYA, MAHABIR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9719 Machinery and Plant -
GADRE, MANDAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9480 Immovable Property -
GADRE, PRAKASH GANESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17584 Immovable Property -
GADRE, S.L. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-169 Immovable Property -
GADVE, VISHWANATH D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23261 Immovable Property -
GAIDHANI, UMESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7141 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD SAURABH WAMANRAO B.E.(Civil), M.Tech (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31238 Land & Building -
GAIKWAD, PARESH ARVIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25336 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, AVINASH BALIRAM B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28236 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, AVINASH JAIWANT B.E., F.I.V. F-15206 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, GANESH SHIVAJI B.E., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25906 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, MAHADEO MARUTI B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23937 Agricultural Lands -
GAIKWAD, SANDEEP B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20116 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, TRUSHALI ANAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19574 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, SAMADHAN S. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13446 Immovable Property -
GAIKWAD, SANGRAM SINGH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20887 Immovable Property -
GAJBHIYE, UDAYDATTA HARIDAS B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17888 Immovable Property -
GALANDE, S.K. Dip. (Arch), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11252 Immovable Property -
GALLA, S.J. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5500 Immovable Property -
GALVANKAR, M.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10743 Immovable Property -
GANATRA, ROHIT B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2138 Immovable Property -
GANATRA, NATWARLAL V. B.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-9810 Machinery and Plant -
GANDHI, ASHOK BANSILAL B.E.(Metal), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5249 Machinery and Plant -
GANDHI, ASHOK D. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1878 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, ATUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22307 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, DHANESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16984 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, KAMLESH K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16380 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, M.N. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-1501 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, MANOJ MANOHAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 631/2001/ F-21188 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, MUKESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-5538 Machinery and Plant -
GANDHI, PRAFULL KANTIYALAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23720 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, R.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-762 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, RAMANLAL S. DiP.(Arch.), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3591 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, RASIKLAL Z. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-10459 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, VINOD CHANDRA B.Tech.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4644 Machinery and Plant -
GANDHI, VIRAL B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22377 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, Y.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7038 Machinery and Plant -
GANESH BHANUDAS RATHOD Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31048 Land & Building -
GANGADHAR, RISWADKAR SHIRISH GD. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9711 Immovable Property -
GANGAMWAR, NIKHIL V. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17964 Immovable Property -
GANGARDE DADA PANDURANG B.Tech.(Agri.), M.I.E.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19681 Agricultural Lands -
GANGWAL, RAHUL S. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22458 Immovable Property -
GANGWAR, GITENDRA V. B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11475 Immovable Property -
GANGWAR, HITENDRA V. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10169 Immovable Property -
GANJAWALA, HARIKANT B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-231 Immovable Property -
GANORKAR, NARESH S. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13308 Immovable Property -
GANVIR, VINOD B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3744 Immovable Property -
GAOPANDE, SUNIL VINAYAK B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23271 Machinery and Plant -
GARG, DINKAR ONKARNATH B.Sc., M.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15614 Agricultural Lands -
GARG, VINAY KUMAR M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9866 Metallurgical Engineering -
GARUD, JAYSHREE V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-10165 Immovable Property -
GARUD, SHEKHAR B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9707 Immovable Property -
GATTANI, RAJENDRA B.Arach., A.I.I.A., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14300 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, MAHENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CCIT-Th/350/5/1/6/2010-11 Approved Valuer F-21099 Immovable Property -
GAVADE ARVIND SAMBHAJI B.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-28669 Immovable Property -
GAVADE, VIKAS BIRUDEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24719 Immovable Property -
GAVHANE, MARUTI S. B.E., A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7371 Immovable Property -
GAWANDE HEMANT MOTIRAM Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27081 Immovable Property -
GAWLI, D.B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8397 Machinery and Plant -
GAWTE, ANIL SATISH B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15351 Immovable Property -
GHADGE, RAJENDRA EKANTH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19973 Immovable Property -
GHADGE, VASANT B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-17758 Machinery and Plant -
GHADIA, NARANBHAI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25093 Immovable Property -
GHAISAS, SADANAND B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5476 Machinery and Plant -
GHAMANDI, ASHVIN SHRIRAM B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13299 Immovable Property -
GHANTE, SUNIL B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5983 Immovable Property -
GHARAT, KIRAN M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7886 Immovable Property -
GHARSE, S.M. B.E., D.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6843 Machinery and Plant -
GHATE, ABHIJIT D.M.E., B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21738 Machinery and Plant -
GHATE, VIJAY RAMCHANDRARAO B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I/173/2013-14 Approved Valuer F-27516 Immovable Property -
GHATGE, SUBHASH VISHWAS B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24923 Production and Industrial Engineering -
GHATPANDE, SANJAY S. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. F-12426 Machinery and Plant -
GHODE, N.T. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15616 Immovable Property -
GHOGARE, VYANKATRAO M. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19255 Agricultural Lands -
GHORPADE, VISHWANATH B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12099 Machinery and Plant -
GHOSH, PAWAN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16882 Machinery and Plant -
GHULE, ABHIJEET NATHA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21628 Immovable Property -
GHUSHE, PRAKASH V. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20040 Immovable Property -
GIJARE, SATISH M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8272 Immovable Property -
GIRDHAR, DHANANJAY B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-14963 Immovable Property -
GIRDHARI, VINAY DINKARRAO B.Arch., F.I.V. F-16983 Immovable Property -
GIRISH BALIRAM CHAUDHARI Dip.(Mech.), AMIE(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30229 Plant & Equipment -
GIRKAR, ABHIRAJ GAJANAN B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20412 Immovable Property -
GITE, ABHINAY N. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17891 Immovable Property -
GITE, SANDEEP K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14958 Immovable Property -
GODBHARLE, VIDYASAGAR PANDHARINATH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21320 Immovable Property -
GODBOLE, ASHOK R. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6053 Immovable Property -
GODE, HIRENDRA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21823 Machinery and Plant -
GODGHATE, D.M. B.E., B.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14114 Immovable Property -
GODSE, J.T. B.E.Civil, M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2407 Immovable Property -
GODSE, V.C. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. CA/90/13112 F-21468 Immovable Property -
GODSE, VASANT K. D.C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4184 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SHIPRA BURNWAL B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I/436 Approved Valuer F-26105 Immovable Property -
GOENKA, PIYUSH PRADEEP B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24489 Immovable Property -
GOGATE, MANOHAR V. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17754 Immovable Property -
GOGE, SAGAR D. B.E., M.I.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14619 Immovable Property -
GOHAD, RAMCHANDRA NAGESH G.D. Arch., F.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-2609 Immovable Property -
GOHIL, SHIVAJI NATHUJI M.Sc.(Agri.) LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25723 Agricultural Lands -
GOHOKAR, ARUN DADAJI B.E., A.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14507 Immovable Property -
GOKAK, PANDIT B.E., F.I.V. F-18455 Immovable Property -
GOKHALE, AMOD ASHOK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18616 Immovable Property -
GOKHALE, ANAND S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22677 Immovable Property -
GOKHALE, K.V. B.E.(Mech.), M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3237 Machinery and Plant -
GOKHALE, L.A. B.E., F.I.V. F-5342 Immovable Property -
GOKHALE, V.M. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5856 Immovable Property -
GOKHALE, RAJASHREE V. B.E., F.I.V. F-11245 Immovable Property -
GOLANGADE PRADIP G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20415 Immovable Property -
GOLE, YOGESHRAO H. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28075 Immovable Property -
GOLGIRE RAJARAM TUKARAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29220 Immovable Property -
GOLVALA, M.P. B.E., M.I.E., A.M.I.S., F.I.V. F-184 Immovable Property -
GOMESH, SAMSON VICTOR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25330 Immovable Property -
GONDANE, S.H. B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. F-12229 Immovable Property -
GONDHALEKAR ANIRUDDHA SHAILESH ARCHANA Dip.(Industrial Safety), B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31984 Plant & Equipment -
GONDHALEKAR, SHAILESH M. B.E.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16260 Machinery and Plant -
GONUGADE NISHANT SADASHIV VASUNDHARA Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31398 Land & Building -
GONUGADE, SADASHIV D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21875 Immovable Property -
GORDEY, SURENDRA BHAURAO B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I/222/2016-17 Approved Valuer F-26986 Immovable Property -
GORE, N.G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14208 Immovable Property -
GORE, SHARAD J. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10362 Machinery and Plant -
GORE, SNEHAL VIJAY B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/131/16 Approved Valuer F-16038 Immovable Property -
GORULE, NISHIKANT D. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-6643 Immovable Property -
GORULE, RAVINDRANATH D. I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13081 Immovable Property -
GORULE, SWATI NISHIKANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20954 Immovable Property -
GOSAVI, MADHUKAR V. AMIE, A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15520 Immovable Property -
GOSWAMY, S. B.Tech. (Civil), C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6691 Immovable Property -
GOTE, SANJAY Y. B.E., D.C.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15947 Immovable Property -
GOTEY, RANJAN Y. B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11637 Machinery and Plant -
GOTHI, PRAKASH C. D-Wing-A, First Floor, F-5544 Machinery and Plant -
GOTHKHINDIKAR, P.B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7306 Machinery and Plant -
GOTMARE, AMOL DAMODAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved ValueR F-25418 Immovable Property -
GOTMARE, RAJESH JANRAO B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19627 Immovable Property -
GOVINDARAJAN, R. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-438 Immovable Property -
GOWAIKAR, M.N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4449 Machinery and Plant -
GOyal, DR. A.S. M.E., LL.B., Ph.D., F.I.V. F-4289 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, MUKUL S. B.E.(Mech.), M.Val.(P&M) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19687 Machinery and Plant -
GOYAL, PAPALAL B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19890 Immovable Property -
GROVER, RAJESH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25730 Immovable Property -
GUDAL, R.W. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18832 Immovable Property -
GUDELA, VENKATADINARAYANARAJ M.E.O., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26642 Marine -
GUDGILE, K.K. B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16377 Immovable Property -
GUGALE, SANJAY SH ANTILAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10753 Immovable Property -
GUHA, THAKURTA S.K. B.E.(Civil), C.E., F.I.V. F-474 Immovable Property -
GUJAR, AJIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26901 Immovable Property -
GUJAR, DILIP G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3592 Immovable Property -
GUJARATHI, APURVA ASHOK D.M.E., B.E.(Produ.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19407 Production and Industrial Engineering -
GUJARE, RAMLING S. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20672 Agricultural Lands -
GUJARKAR, MILIND K. B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14849 Immovable Property -
GUJRATHI, NITEEN A. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17586 Immovable Property -
GULHANE, NITIN N. B.E., M.E.(Stru.),M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15846 Immovable Property -
GULMIRE DAYANAND SHIVSHANKAR B.E(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31405 Land & Building -
GUMARE, ROHAN KIRAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26722 Immovable Property -
GUNDAD SHUBHAM VIJAYKUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32230 Land & Building -
GUNDECHA, NILESH M. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22753 Immovable Property -
GUNJAL, PRABHAKAR N. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9721 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ARUN K. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11469 Metallurgical Engineering -
GUPTA, BAL KRISHNA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21726 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, DWARKA PRASAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19630 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, J.N. G.D.Arch., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-11829 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NARESH KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7304 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, NITESH N. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22383 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, P.K. B.Sc.Engg., M.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12059 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.M. A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-17401 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, ROHIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17406 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SATYA PRAKASH B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4687 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SUNIT KUMAR M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/449 of 2011 A-22603 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SURESH KUMAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11348 Immovable Property -
GURJAR, ANIRUDDHA PRAMOD G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10616 Immovable Property -
GURJAR, SUBHASH B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5329 Immovable Property -
HAIDERY, ABDUL MANNAN ABDUL NABI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25908 Immovable Property -
HAJURIA, RAVINDER SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8992 Immovable Property -
HAKE SANDEEP LAXMAN B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29395 Immovable Property -
HALKUDE, R.A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12087 Immovable Property -
HANDE, VILAS B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21746 Immovable Property -
HANGARGEKAR, PRADEEP A. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16368 Immovable Property -
HANNURE, RUBINA PARVIN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20744 Immovable Property -
HANWARE, NIYAZ AHMED ABDULLA B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6082 Immovable Property -
HARALE, CHANDRAKANT D. G.D. Arch., F.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1155 Immovable Property -
HARALE, RAJENDRA DAGDU B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17825 Immovable Property -
HARAN, N. F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10749 Machinery and Plant -
HARDIKAR, P.T. B.E., Dip. T&C.P(HRP), M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15627 Immovable Property -
HARIDASAN P.P. B.Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12423 Immovable Property -
HARIHARAN, SUBRAMANYAN B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20816 Immovable Property -
HARKAL, DEEPAK B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13557 Immovable Property -
HARKAL, CHANDRAKANT B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16363 Agricultural Lands -
HARMALKAR, RAJIV B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3574 Immovable Property -
HARSHAL A. NANOTKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29991 Land & Building -
HARSULKAR, MILIND V. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20331 Machinery and Plant -
HASAN, S.B. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., I.R.S.E., F.I.V. F-3118 Immovable Property -
HASHMI SIBGATULLAH MUJAHID HASEEB AHMED B.E., M.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-28856 Immovable Property -
HATE, A.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1723 Immovable Property -
HATE, SUSHIL KUMAR B.E., D.M.S., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2795 Machinery and Plant -
HATKAR, A.J. G.D. Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-14407 Immovable Property -
HAVAL, PRASHANT MADHUKAR B.E., M.E.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27082 Immovable Property -
HAVRE, RAVINDRA V. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4794 Machinery and Plant -
HAZARIKA, TARUN AMIE, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25970 Immovable Property -
HEDA, PRITI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11741 Immovable Property -
HEDA, SANJAY NARAYANDAS B.E.(Produ.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14626 Production and Industrial Engineering -
HIMALIAN, MAJ GEN B.S. M.Sc., B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-13741 Machinery and Plant -
HINDOCHA, T.V. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-1/76/2007-08 F-22187 Immovable Property -
HINGE, YOGESH HIRAMAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26411 Immovable Property -
HINGMIRE, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. F-15190 Immovable Property -
HINGNE, RA VISHANKAR SHIVA RAJAPPA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26279 Machinery and Plant -
HIVAREKAR, A.V. B.E., D.B.M., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9369 Machinery and Plant -
HIWARALE, JAGDISH SAHADEORAO B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28011 Agricultural Lands -
HOLANI, MAHESH R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22382 Immovable Property -
HOLE, AMIT MADHUKAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18285 Machinery and Plant -
HOMKAR, VAIBHAV VASANT D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19828 Immovable Property -
HRISHIKESH SHRIHARI LOTE B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29704 Land & Building -
HULE, YATINKUMAR G. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16261 Immovable Property -
HULJUTE, MAHADEO P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/586/2000 F-22089 Immovable Property -
HURA, MAHENDRA SINGH B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15064 Machinery and Plant -
INAMDAR, AVINASH V B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11151 Immovable Property -
INAMDAR, MUKUND S. AMIE, M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21579 Immovable Property -
INAMDAR, S. N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10166 Machinery and Plant -
INAMDAR, V.N. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-2847 Immovable Property -
INDANI, VIJAYKUMAR S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5747 Immovable Property -
INDULKAR, SAMEER V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16495 Immovable Property -
INGALE, Dr. MAHENDRA B.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V., Ph.D. Approved Valuer F-7301 Immovable Property -
INGAWALE, SHIVRAJ KRISHNARAO B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27201 Agricultural Lands -
INGLEY MUKUND N. B.Sc. (Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14720 Agricultural Lands -
IRALE, SUSHIL D. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20538 Machinery and Plant -
IRANI, GAIV D. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10447 Agricultural Lands -
IYER, SHANKAR N. B.Tech., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4063 Machinery and Plant -
JABUVANI, NUYOG SHIVJIBHAI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26644 Immovable Property -
JADHAV JAYWANT BABANRAO B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29877 Land & Building -
JADHAV KIRAN SHATRUGHAN Dip. Civil, B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30475 Land & Building -
JADHAV NANDKISHOR VITHAL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29783 Land & Building -
JADHAV PRANIL KRISHNARAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29219 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, B.M. D.C.E., D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13298 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, D.D. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-12208 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, KESHAV , B.P B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4630 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, MANGESH N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8784 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, NEHA R. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22249 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, P.B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7380 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, PRASHANT RAJENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27818 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, R.G. B.E., M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9483 Machinery and Plant -
JADHAV, RAHUL B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13555 Machinery and Plant -
JADHAV, RAJARAM B. M.Com., F.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9215 Stocks and Shares -
JADHAV, RAVINDRA B. B.E.(Metall.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14206 Metallurgical Engineering -
JADHAV, ROHAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18704 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, SAMRAT DATTATRAYA B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18130 Machinery and Plant -
JADHAV, UDAYSHING D. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20956 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, VASANT R. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21466 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, VITHAL DINKARRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25652 Immovable Property -
JADHAV, VIDYASAGAR S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8170 Immovable Property -
JADHAVRAO, PRATAP S. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-2400 Immovable Property -
JADIA, K.K. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2764 Machinery and Plant -
JADKAR, A.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7084 Mines and Quarries -
JADWANI, DEEPA RAJESH I.I.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/228/2016-17 F-27069 Immovable Property -
JAFFER, SAYED FAIZ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22847 Machinery and Plant -
JAGANNATHAN, R. B.Tech., M.I..E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14411 Machinery and Plant -
JAGDALE, SHARAD Dip. Arch., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-1128 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, ANIL RAJARAM B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5357 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, BHAGWAN T. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-19758 Machinery and Plant -
JAGTAP, CHETAN ANIL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24226 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, KIRAN MORESHWAR I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26002 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, M.S. G.D.(Arch.), A.I.I.A., FI.V. F-5340 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, R.T. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-1834 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, RAMDAS B.E., F.I.V. F-18454 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, SUBHASH F.I.C.W.A., F.I.I.S.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10932 Stocks and Shares -
JAGTAP, VEERDHAVAL B. (Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16041 Immovable Property -
JAHAGIRDA, RAFIK C. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8984 Immovable Property -
JAHAGIRDAR, P.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18911 Immovable Property -
JAIKISHAN GOPICHAND THAWANI B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29999 Land & Building -
JAIN DEVESH VINOD B.E., M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28343 Immovable Property -
JAIN, A.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5516 Immovable Property -
JAIN, AMIT B.Tech.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26733 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, AWESH B.E., M.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8098 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, DILIP MANOHARLAL Jeweller, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20120 Jewellery -
JAIN, G.C. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7785 Immovable Property -
JAIN, LAXMAN RAJ D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V., Approved Valuer F-13192 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PRAKASH SANCHALAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9897 Immovable Property -
JAIN, RAJESH KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24491 Immovable Property -
JAIN, RAMESH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4208 Immovable Property -
JAIN, UTTAMCHAND RUPCHAND B.Com., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11477 Jewellery -
JAIN, VIJAY K. B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22182 Machinery and Plant -
JAISWAL, VINAY B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18135 Immovable Property -
JAJOO KHUSHBOO SHRIRAM B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31491 Land & Building -
JAJOO, PRAVIN S. B.E., MBA, F.I.V. F-9283 Immovable Property -
JAJU, D.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14406 Immovable Property -
JALAN, NAWAL KISHOR ICAI, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24231 Stocks and Shares -
JAMBEKAR, ABHAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22535 Immovable Property -
JAMDADE, KAILASH G.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21467 Immovable Property -
JAMKAR, NISHIKANT B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9366 Immovable Property -
JANNAWAR, SUSHIL M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9974 Immovable Property -
JANSARI PALASH JEETENDRA B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32565 Land & Building -
JANUGADE, D.A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14021 Immovable Property -
JAVALEKAR, SANJAY BALASAHEB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24570 Immovable Property -
JAVERI, PRAMOD B.E., M.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1923 Immovable Property -
JAWLE, SANJAY MANOHAR B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14522 Machinery and Plant -
JAYANT PRAKASHRAO JOSHI B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31707 Land & Building -
JAYANT, PANDIT B.Arch., F.I.V. F-2843 Immovable Property -
JAYKHEDKAR, VIVEK V. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6232 Immovable Property -
JAYWANT, N. PARIKH B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-815 Immovable Property -
JERE, SHRIPAD G. B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/ 212/ 2013-14 Approved Valuer F-20197 Immovable Property -
JHA, ANAND B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15845 Immovable Property -
JHA, JEETENDRA KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17760 Immovable Property -
JHALWAR, NITESH RADHAKRISNA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24928 Immovable Property -
JHANWAR, SANGEETA VIJAY B.Arch., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13301 Immovable Property -
JHAVAR, OM PRAKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8586 Machinery and Plant -
JILLAWAR, VILAS B. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19830 Agricultural Lands -
JINTURKAR, H.B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7497 Machinery and Plant -
JITENDRA P. PATTHANKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20192 Immovable Property -
JODMOTE, RAVISHANKAR SIDRAM B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26806 Immovable Property -
JOG, A.V. B.Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10035 Machinery and Plant -
JOGANI, RAJESH M. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11649 Immovable Property -
JOGI, DEVENDRA C. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12207 Immovable Property -
JOGLEKAR, A.V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-1617 Immovable Property -
JOGLEKAR, KEDAR DILIP B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/144/2011- 12/21/02/2012 CBDT F-22606 Immovable Property -
JOGLEKAR, S.Y. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6688 Immovable Property -
JOGLEKAR, SUJIT S. B.E., M.M.S., F.I.V. F-22090 Immovable Property -
JOHN, CREADO HYACINTH GD. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9705 Immovable Property -
JOHN, VARGHESE D.C.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10444 Immovable Property -
JONJALE, HEMANT V. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14839 Immovable Property -
JOSHI ATUL VASANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21573 Immovable Property -
JOSHI OMKAR VINOD PREETI Diploma Civil, B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28451 Immovable Property -
JOSHI RAVINDRA BHAGIRATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27153 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, A.D. B.Tech., M.Chem.Engg., D.B.M., C.E., F.I.V. F-6256 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, A.M. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11045 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, ABHISHEK SHRIKANT B.Tech., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26720 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, AMRISH R. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20882 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, ANIL B. B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16166 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, ANIL G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11053 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, ARVIND S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 377/1995 F-8543 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, AVINASH VASANT B.E., Dip.Ind.Engg., F.I.V. F-2536 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, C.B. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12421 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, C.P. M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18910 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, DATTATRAYA G. B.Sc.(Hons.), B.E.(Mech. & Elect.), F.I.V. F-16485 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, DR. ARUN. G. B.Sc., B.E.(M.&E.), Ph.D(Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1965 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, J.V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10161 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, JAYANT D. B.Arch., G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-2544 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, MAKARAND GANESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19483 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, MANJIRI B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. A-4247 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, MANOJ S. B.E., D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-12768 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, MILIND V. B.E.(Chem.), D.M.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7574 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, N.N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9481 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, P.K. M.E.(Str.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18195 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, PRAKASH ARWIND B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23358 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, RAHUL RAMESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I/142 F-24140 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, RAJEEV B.E.(Metallurgical), M.S., F.I.V. F-12622 Metallurgical Engineering -
JOSHI, RAVINDRA K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8689 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SADANAND SHAMKANT B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13568 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SAMEER ARUN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9134 Chemicals -
JOSHI, SANDEEP LAXMIKANT D.M.E., B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24408 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, SANJAY E. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21638 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SANJAY P. B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19577 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SATISH ANANT G.D.(Arch.), AIIA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4400 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SHASHIKANT KRISHNA GD. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14723 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SHIRISH SHRIKRISHNA G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23572 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SHREERANG B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6249 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SHRIKANT V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-10269 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SUBHASH B. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2695 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SUDHIR V. G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10747 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, SURESH SADASHIV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9051 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, V.D. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-4875 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, V.G. B.E., M.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2311 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, VASANT DIGAMBAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19760 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, VIJAY B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. F-7619 Machinery and Plant -
JOSHI, VINAYAK RAMKRISHNA M.Sc. (REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28570 Immovable Property -
JOTWANI, HARISH J. B.E., M.B.A., A.M.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11566 Immovable Property -
JUNEJA, SATNAM SINGH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12427 Machinery and Plant -
KABRA SAJAL MANOJ MAMTA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30408 Land & Building -
KABRA, J.G. B.Arch., A.I.IA., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10926 Immovable Property -
KABRA, VENKATESH B.Arch., MBA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19835 Immovable Property -
KADAM SATVASHIL DNYANDEV B.E. , F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26629 Immovable Property -
KADAM, ASHOK DINKAR B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14020 Immovable Property -
KADAM, DIPAK B. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23263 Machinery and Plant -
KADAM, JAYDEEP ONKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11644 Immovable Property -
KADAM, SANJAY S. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13100 Immovable Property -
KADAM, SHREEKANT B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15057 Immovable Property -
KADAM, VINOD A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21947 Immovable Property -
KADAO, SUNIL R. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10032 Immovable Property -
KADU, SATISH Dip.(Arch.), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13096 Immovable Property -
KADU, SHARAD GANESH G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9894 Immovable Property -
KAHALKAR, RAJESH B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16610 Immovable Property -
KAILA, VIPIN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16256 Immovable Property -
KAKADE, V.K. B.E., M.E. Str. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17665 Immovable Property -
KAKANI, AKSHADA B.Arch., A.I.V. A-22604 Immovable Property -
KAKANI, PRADEEP S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15950 Immovable Property -
KAKODE, ANIL Pai B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3459 Machinery and Plant -
KALBAG, GHANASHYAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8256 Immovable Property -
KALBURGI, MAHADEV R. D.C.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/564 of 1999-2000 F-22309 Immovable Property -
KALE, A.B. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-938 Immovable Property -
KALE, ASHOK B. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13307 Machinery and Plant -
KALE, CHINMAY Y. B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22451 Immovable Property -
KALE, M.V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12763 Immovable Property -
KALE, MADHAV PRABHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27817 Immovable Property -
KALE, MILAN C. B.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3524 Immovable Property -
KALE, MINAL ASHOK G.D.Arch., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12865 Immovable Property -
KALE, NILESH NAMDEO B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25722 Immovable Property -
KALE, PARAG P. B.E.(Civil), D.C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13323 Immovable Property -
KALE, PRADEEP M. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10263 Immovable Property -
KALE, RAJENDRA BABANLAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24081 Immovable Property -
KALE, SANJAY M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14618 Immovable Property -
KALIA, S.R.N. B.Sc.Engg., M.E., M.I.C.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1529 Immovable Property -
KALNAWAT, RAMESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-5699 Machinery and Plant -
KALSI, POONAM K. B.E.(Comp. Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22013 Computer Technology -
KALYANKRISHNAN, P.R. B.Tech., (E.E.), F.I.V. F-2668 Machinery and Plant -
KALYANPUR, RAHUL VASANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26277 Immovable Property -
KAMALAKAR BHAMARE HARSHAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29216 Immovable Property -
KAMALAKAR, PRASAD G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/120 F-12769 Immovable Property -
KAMAT, J.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-789 Immovable Property -
KAMAT, SATISH RAMAKANT B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13877 Immovable Property -
KAMAT, VIJAY NEPOLIAN B.E., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-7542 Immovable Property -
KAMBLE, MADHUKAR V. B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. F-15197 Immovable Property -
KAMBLE, MILAN HARIBHAU B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19571 Immovable Property -
KAMBLE, NAGSEN M. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-6972 Immovable Property -
KAMOTHI, RAMESHCHANDRA J. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18713 Machinery and Plant -
KAMTHANE, SURESH L. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21877 Immovable Property -
KANDADE, R.R. L.E.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11254 Machinery and Plant -
KANDADE, UMESH N. B.Arch., M.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14314 Immovable Property -
KANDALKAR, AMOL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24925 Immovable Property -
KANEKAR, VIVEK D. B.E., F.I.V. F-5293 Immovable Property -
KANGA, H.N. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-309 Immovable Property -
KANHAI, S.R. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15176 Immovable Property -
KANHE, P. C. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16598 Immovable Property -
KANHERE, VISHNU KRISHNA C.A., ICAI, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22761 Stocks and Shares -
KANHOLE, RAVINDRA V. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22088 Immovable Property -
KANKARIYA, K.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14027 Immovable Property -
KANKARIYA, PRITESH A. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25254 Immovable Property -
KANKARIYA, VIKAS S. C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17751 Stocks and Shares -
KANNAN, P.R. M.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3452 Immovable Property -
KANNAN, R. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25501 Immovable Property -
KANNAN, R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25337 Immovable Property -
KANVINDE, NITIN A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22373 Immovable Property -
KAORE, DEEPAK S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19410 Immovable Property -
KAPADIA, B.A. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1272 Immovable Property -
KAPADIA, K.G. B.Sc., B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7712 Immovable Property -
KAPADIA, PIYUSH P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20817 Immovable Property -
KAPADIA, VINODRAI B. B.Arch., G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2509 Immovable Property -
KAPDI, S.Y. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-6333 Immovable Property -
KAPGATE, HEMRAJ B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18288 Agricultural Lands -
KAPILE, SANTOSH R. B.E.(Civil) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7975 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, DEEPAK PREMKRISHAN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27318 Machinery and Plant -
KAPOOR, SHYAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27316 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, SURENDRA DEV G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23065 Immovable Property -
KAPSE, BHAGWAN MAROTRAO B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23437 Agricultural Lands -
KAPUR (RETD.), LT. COL. A.K. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10644 Immovable Property -
KARALE, ANANT NIVRUTTI RAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26640 Immovable Property -
KARALE, NIVRITTI GOPALA B.Sc.(Agri.), M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25733 Agricultural Lands -
KARALE, SURESH S. B.E., F.I.V. F-18131 Immovable Property -
KARANDE, DR. SHANTARAM P. B.Arch., MBA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24030 Immovable Property -
KARANDE, P.G. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5869 Immovable Property -
KARANDIKAR, R.K. B.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11345 Immovable Property -
KARANDIKAR, RAVINDRA D. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-10168 Immovable Property -
KARANJKAR, M.M. D. Arch., F.I.V. F-3398 Immovable Property -
KARANTH, A.S. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13305 Machinery and Plant -
KARDEL, RAJENDRA B. Degree(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23262 Machinery and Plant -
KARDILE, ABASAHEB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6892 Immovable Property -
KARKHANE, NAMDEV B.E.(Civil), M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4849 Immovable Property -
KARKHANIS, PRAFULLA B.Arch., F.I.V. F-3686 Immovable Property -
KARLE, R.P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15733 Immovable Property -
Karmarkar, SAGAR P. B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14716 Agricultural Lands -
KARNAVAT, RAVINDRA A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23001 Immovable Property -
KARNAWAT, SULTAN SINGH B.E.(Mining), F.I.V. F-24792 Mines and Quarries -
KARNIK, JAYANT D. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-925 Immovable Property -
KARPE, GIRISH NARAYAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8817 Immovable Property -
KARTHIKEYAN, V. B.Tech.(Chem.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18053 Machinery and Plant -
KARULKAR, ARVIND RAGHUNATH B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8646 Immovable Property -
KARWEER, A.B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15626 Immovable Property -
KASAR YOGESH NIVRUTTI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12095 Immovable Property -
KASAT, KAMAL B. B.Com., F.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12599 Stocks and Shares -
KASAT, MANOJ V. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12615 Machinery and Plant -
KASHALKAR, AJIT G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22999 Immovable Property -
KASHALKAR, SUSHAMA C. G.D.(Arch.), I.I.A, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/350/2/29/18/2005-06 Approved Valuer F-25509 Immovable Property -
KASHIKAR, DAYANAND P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23626 Immovable Property -
KASHIKAR, M.C. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14025 Machinery and Plant -
KASHYAP NARANBHAI PATEL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25014 Immovable Property -
KASTURE, DARSHAN ANILKUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26460 Immovable Property -
KATAKWAR, V.S. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13091 Immovable Property -
KATALE, G.V. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4880 Immovable Property -
KATARIA PRERANA SANJAY B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31421 Land & Building -
KATARIA, SANJAY S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12307 Immovable Property -
KATARIYA, PRAVIN H. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13198 Immovable Property -
KATARMAL, MURESHWAR AMBADAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11248 Immovable Property -
KATEKAR, TUKARAM P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21192 Immovable Property -
KATHAR, SANJAY SHRIRAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14962 Immovable Property -
KATKADE, VILASH MADHAV B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13674 Immovable Property -
KATKAR, ABHAY ARVIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23944 Immovable Property -
KATRUWAR, SANDEEP D B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21944 Immovable Property -
KATTA, NANDKISHOR N. B.E., D.B.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20551 Immovable Property -
KAUR, RANDEEP B.Tech.(Planning), F.I.V. F-20411 Immovable Property -
KAVI, S.N. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12198 Immovable Property -
KAVIMANDAN, R.S. (MRS.) B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4266 Immovable Property -
KAVISH NIRAJ SAHU Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29077 Land & Building -
KAVISHWAR, BHALCHANDRA R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22673 Immovable Property -
KAWARKHE, SUNIL D. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20885 Immovable Property -
KAWLAY, LT. COL. K.A. B.E., MBA, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8018 Immovable Property -
KEDAR SAVALERAM NARAYAN B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17969 Agricultural Lands -
KEDAR, RAMKRISHNA PUSTAKE B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11161 Immovable Property -
KEDGE, A.S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2227 Immovable Property -
KEERTHI KUMAR M B.E., PGPACM, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30684 Land & Building -
KELAPURE, SURENDRA WAMANRAO B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/99/2015-16 F-14194 Immovable Property -
KELKAAR ABHIJIT VISHNU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21939 Immovable Property -
KELKAR, A.B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5621 Immovable Property -
KELKAR, ASHOK M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8209 Machinery and Plant -
KELKAR, ASHOK V. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3633 Immovable Property -
KELKAR, DILIP P. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-4320 Machinery and Plant -
KELKAR, SHREENIWAS ASHOK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25901 Immovable Property -
KEMKAR, ANIL V. B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-1/191 of 1988 F-4187 Immovable Property -
KERKAR, P.V. G.D. Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1079 Immovable Property -
KESHARW ANI, RUPAL K. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20617 Machinery and Plant -
KESHAV, P.T. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8374 Immovable Property -
KESKAR, VIKRANT RAMCHANDRA B.E., M.E.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13574 Immovable Property -
KESWANI, MOTILAL H. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12624 Immovable Property -
KETKAR, V.D. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12989 Immovable Property -
KHABIYA, MAHAVIR B. Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21521 Immovable Property -
KHADAKE, DR. NAVANATH V. M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-21578 Immovable Property -
KHADAKKAR, ARVIND SHRINIWAS B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9095 Immovable Property -
KHADILKAR, D.S. GD.Arch., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10163 Immovable Property -
KHADILKAR, SHRIHARSH M. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. F-20619 Immovable Property -
KHADILKAR, Y.R. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3703 Immovable Property -
KHADKE, SWAPNIL DIGAMBAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27432 Immovable Property -
KHADSE, VISHALI P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23522 Immovable Property -
KHADSHE K.G. B.Arch., GD.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1098 Immovable Property -
KHAIRE, DHAIRYASHIL MAHAVRAO B.E., M.E.(Stru.) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24860 Immovable Property -
KHAIRE, RAJESH A. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18298 Immovable Property -
KHAIRE, VIJAY KRISHNARAO B.E., F.I.V. F-22676 Immovable Property -
KHAIRNAR, N.P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22380 Immovable Property -
KHAMBATTA, SAMMY B.Tech., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4433 Machinery and Plant -
KHAMITKAR, RAHUL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT-II Pune/Cat- I/178/19/2011-12 F-25160 Immovable Property -
KHAMKAR, SHAILESH PRABHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24149 Immovable Property -
KHAN SABEEL AHMED ABDUL JALEEL Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32339 Land & Building -
KHAN SAMEER ABDUL RAB AMIE(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30363 Land & Building -
KHAN, ASHFAQUE AHMED B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9898 Immovable Property -
KHAN, AZEEM WAHID B.E., M.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-5425 Immovable Property -
KHAN, BANNE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12994 Immovable Property -
KHAN, MD. RAZA I.I.A.(By Exam), M.Planing, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21102 Immovable Property -
KHAN, NISAR AHMED B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16155 Immovable Property -
KHAN, SAJID ZAKA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13310 Immovable Property -
KHAN, SULTAN WASEEM G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20787 Immovable Property -
KHANAPURE, CHANDRASHEKAR NAGNATHAPPA B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26724 Agricultural Lands -
KHANCHE, SAMAD M. B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12439 Machinery and Plant -
KHANDAGALE, ANIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22453 Immovable Property -
KHANDAGALE, NETAJI B.E.. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16714 Immovable Property -
KHANDARKAR, SUSHIL R. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12413 Immovable Property -
KHANDEKAR, AVINASH RAMCHANDRA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26639 Immovable Property -
KHANDEKAR, DATTA P. G.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23521 Immovable Property -
KHANDEPARKAR, S.J. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-855 Immovable Property -
KHANDERAO, PAWAR VIJAY B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-4991 Machinery and Plant -
KHANDESHE, MILIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21730 Immovable Property -
KHANGAL, SHANKAR M. M.I.E. (Elect.), F. I.V. F-4133 Machinery and Plant -
KHANVILKAR, R.P G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-116 Immovable Property -
KHANWILKAR, SURESH A. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17490 Agricultural Lands -
KHANZODE, R.B. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1371 Machinery and Plant -
KHANZODE, R.G. B.E. (Elect. & Tel.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13371 Computer Technology -
KHANZODE, RAGHUNATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17410 Immovable Property -
KHAPLI, M.D. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3811 Machinery and Plant -
KHARAT PRASHANT RAMCHANDRA B.Com., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30776 Land & Building -
KHARCHE, ANIL WASANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13304 Immovable Property -
KHARDE, AMIT S. B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22839 Machinery and Plant -
KHARE, PRAKASH S. B.E., M.E., M.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9214 Immovable Property -
KHARE, RAJESH M. B.E.(Civil), C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11054 Immovable Property -
KHASNIS, S.D. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2853 Immovable Property -
KHATHATE, A.R. B.E., F.I.V. F-1589 Immovable Property -
KHATRI, N.H. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14952 Machinery and Plant -
KHATTER, RAJESH G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20034 Immovable Property -
KHEDKAR, D.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5698 Machinery and Plant -
KHEDKAR, P.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4563 Machinery and Plant -
KHEDKAR, VINOD B.Tech.,(Chem. Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11255 Machinery and Plant -
KHILARI, VIJAY JAGANNATH B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21733 Immovable Property -
KHILLARE NIRANJAN JANARDAN B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29502 Land & Building -
KHIVASARA, KISHORE ZUMBERLAL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25019 Machinery and Plant -
KHIVASARA, RAJESH S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22602 Immovable Property -
KHODWE, ANIKET ARVIND B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22598 Immovable Property -
KHOSE SANKET DADASAHEB Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28851 Immovable Property -
KHOSLA, I.P. G.D. Arch., A.M.I.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2357 Immovable Property -
KHOT, GAJENDRA VASANTRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27431 Immovable Property -
KHOT, SANJAY BAPUSAHEB B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat/I/328/94 F-4943 Immovable Property -
KHOT, V.R. Diploma in Civil, B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14203 Immovable Property -
KHWAJA, I.B. B.E., F.I.V. F-6305 Immovable Property -
KIKANI, ASHISH JANARDAN B.E.(Cons.), M.E.(Cons.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/470 of 2014 Approved Valuer F-25499 Immovable Property -
KIKANI, J.J. B.E.(Civil), M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3585 Immovable Property -
KINI, RAHUL YATISH G.D.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14724 Immovable Property -
KIRAN KUMAR N. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17295 Immovable Property -
KIRAN RAJARAM GHANEKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29706 Land & Building -
KIRDAT, ABHIJIT SHRIRANG B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24331 Immovable Property -
KISHOR S. TAPASKAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19488 Immovable Property -
KISHOR SHRIDHAR MAHAJAN GD. Arch., F.I.V. F-18391 Immovable Property -
KOCHURE, PRAMOD B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21749 Machinery and Plant -
KODGIRWAR, SURENDRA S. B.E., D.Tech. (Conts) , F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16373 Immovable Property -
KOKATE, PRAVIN PANDURA NG B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22595 Immovable Property -
KOLAPKAR, S.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-4859 Immovable Property -
KOLHAR AMITKUMAR ASHOK B.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27244 Immovable Property -
KOLHE, SANJAY JANARDAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10620 Immovable Property -
KOLTE, JAYANT RAMAKANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22844 Immovable Property -
KOLTE, PRADEEP B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10271 Machinery and Plant -
KORE, C.Y. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14305 Immovable Property -
KORE, RAJENDRA A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14965 Immovable Property -
KORGAONKAR, ANIL B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15849 Immovable Property -
KORGAONKAR, RAJIV V. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15838 Machinery and Plant -
KORHALKAR, A.R. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1465 Immovable Property -
KOSHTI A.G. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14614 Immovable Property -
KOSHTI, MILIND S. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13868 Immovable Property -
KOSUMBKAR, RAHUL V. B.Sc (Agri.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-6738 Agricultural Lands -
KOTAKAR, SANDEEP G. B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22015 Machinery and Plant -
KOTHARE, PRAFULLA M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21104 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, AJAY P. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5046 Machinery and Plant -
KOTHARI, BHAVESH H. B.E.(Const.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22381 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, KARAN PRAVIN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28954 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, MANISH M. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25904 Machinery and Plant -
KOTHARI, PRATAP P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. no. Cat-I /613 F-10547 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, SNEHAL S. B.E., A.M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4890 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, GHANSHYAMDAS B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11349 Machinery and Plant -
KOTHHARI, NIKKHIL V. C.A., ICAI, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24142 Stocks and Shares -
KOTHIWALE, DAYANAND B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-14001 Computer Technology -
KOTKAR, SHARAD VISHWAS GD. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9703 Immovable Property -
KOTNIS, S.R. B.E.(Mech.), D.M.S., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3359 Machinery and Plant -
KOTWAL, M.K. B.Sc., M.I.E., E.E., F.I.V. F-901 Machinery and Plant -
KRISHNAMACHARI A. B.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V. F-18882 Machinery and Plant -
KSHIRSAGAR SUHAS SADASHIV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28337 Immovable Property -
KSHIRSAGAR, AMOL A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22447 Immovable Property -
KSHIRSAGAR, BIPIN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18133 Machinery and Plant -
KSHIRSAGAR, JAYWANT DATTATRAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24150 Immovable Property -
KUBAL, VIVEK GURUNATH B.E.(Mech.), FI.V. Approved Valuer F-11465 Machinery and Plant -
KUBER, MAHESH ARVIND B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26360 Immovable Property -
KUCHEKAR, C.S. D.M.E., A.M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9128 Machinery and Plant -
KUDAV, RAJESH P. Dip. Arch., B.Arch., F.I.I.A, F.I.V. F-2717 Immovable Property -
KUKDE, DILIP V. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3658 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI ABHIJIT NAGESH B.Arch, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18709 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI BAL B. B.E., F.I.V. F-5791 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, JAYANT ANANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12408 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, A.D. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-3315 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, ABHAY B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9213 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, AMEYA MUKUND B.E.( Mech.), AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24785 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, ANAND V. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11468 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, ANANT N. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/55/2004-05 F-14310 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, ASHOK D. GD Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2851 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, ATUL SHRIKANTRAO Dip. Civil, B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18537 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, AVINASH D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9046 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, C.S. M.E.(Stru.), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2836 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, CHANDRAHAS RAGHUNATH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3890 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, CHANDRASHEKHAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19335 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, DEEPAK V. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15058 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, DEEPAK C. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18287 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, G.K. B.Sc., B.E.(Civil), A.R.I.C.S., F.I.V. F-3059 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, G.L. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1999 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, JEEVAN B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-1462 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, K.V. B.E., F.I.V. F-4420 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, M.M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3642 Mines and Quarries -
KULKARNI, M.M. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-3845 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, MAKARAND KAMALAKAR B.E.(Prod.), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22084 Production and Industrial Engineering -
KULKARNI, MAKARAND M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/384/1995 F-3853 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, MOHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10364 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, MOHAN B. B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22671 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PALLAVI R. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16478 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PARAG B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25257 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, PARAG LAXMAN B.Arch., A.I.IA., M.I.C.A., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-10259 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRADEEP B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2682 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRADIP V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13191 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRAMOD N. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16980 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, PRAMOD G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2464 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRASAD S. B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15059 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRASAD SHRIPAD B.Arch., F.I.V. F-20535 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRAVIN RAMCHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17292 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, S.A. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15841 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, S.V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12864 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SADANAND B.E., F.I.V. F-15506 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SAMEER MADHUKAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26455 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SANJAY MADHUKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25735 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SANTOSH S. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. NSK/CCIT/WT/34AB/40/63(AL) /2011-12 F-23634 Agricultural Lands -
KULKARNI, SATISH P. M.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5124 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, SATISH DATTATRAYA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25498 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SAYALI RITESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26274 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SEEMA P. B.E., AMIE., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22019 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SEEMA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13302 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SHAMKANT RAMAKANT I.I.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. (N) C.C.I.T./I- 75/57/2004-2005 Approved Valuer F-25916 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SHREEKANT B.E. (Mech.), B.E. (Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16454 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, SHRIKANT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21743 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SMITA VIVEK B.E.(Elect. Tele.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18545 Computer Technology -
KULKARNI, SUBHASH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19262 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, SUDHIR P. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22461 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SUHAS G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-27900 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SWANAND B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12407 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, SWAPNA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Approved Valuer A-19182 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, UDAY R. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8375 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, V.A. B.E., A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13784 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, V.D. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2496 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, VENKATESH RAM CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26637 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, VIJAY B. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21460 Machinery and Plant -
KULKARNI, VIJAY B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4383 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, VIVEK C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. (N)CCIT/I- 58/55/2003-04 F-10357 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, VIVEK B.E., F.I.V. F-7882 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, BHALCHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20330 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, GURUNATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15202 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, PRASANNA B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17094 Immovable Property -
KULKARNI, VIDYADHAR P. Graduateship (Ind- Engg.), A.I.V. A-16987 Production and Industrial Engineering -
KULTHE, ASHOK B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12629 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, AJEET B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. F. No. 316/115/WT/76 Approved Valuer F-26200 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PRANAV B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26721 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, RAJIV B.Tech., F.I.V. F-9050 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, RUPESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23624 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANTOSH G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2722 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SHRAWAN B.Tech.(Elect.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28242 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, VINAY B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14410 Machinery and Plant -
KUMARAN, K.V. B.E., M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11738 Production and Industrial Engineering -
KUMAVAT, ASHOK KISAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26636 Immovable Property -
KUMBHAR, VIJAY SHANKAR A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9623 Immovable Property -
KUMBHARE, P.B. B.Arch.(Hons.), F.I.I.A., M.B.A., F.I.V. F-5450 Immovable Property -
KUMBHARE, PANKAJ M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16163 Immovable Property -
KUMBHARE, SANJAY N. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19480 Immovable Property -
KUMTHEKAR, MADHAV B. M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3909 Immovable Property -
KUNDANEH, SATPAUL M.I.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6220 Machinery and Plant -
KUNDARGI, ABHAY ARUN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27732 Immovable Property -
KUNTE, SUHAS PRA BHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25089 Immovable Property -
KURADE, MOHAN G. M.Arch. (USA), F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-288 Immovable Property -
KURDUKAR, ANIRUDHA B.E.(Elect & Tele.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9622 Computer Technology -
KURESHI JUNED ASLAM B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31307 Land & Building -
KURHE, CHANDRASEKHAR N. B.E.(Civil), M.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-3238 Immovable Property -
KURIAN, RESHMY MARY B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28345 Immovable Property -
KURUMBHATI, M.M. B.E., F.I.V. F-11047 Immovable Property -
KURUNDKAR, RAJENDRA KAMALAKAR B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. [ N]CCIT/I-24/53/2009-10 F-24488 Immovable Property -
KUSHAWAR, PRADEEP D.C.E., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-15443 Immovable Property -
KUSHIRE, DILIP PANDURANG D.C.E., B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18048 Immovable Property -
KUSURKAR, S.G. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5811 Immovable Property -
KUWAR, MAHESH DEVIDAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26736 Immovable Property -
KWEALRAMANI, MUKESH MOTIRAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13457 Immovable Property -
LAD, M.D. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7139 Machinery and Plant -
LAD, V.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4088 Machinery and Plant -
LADDHA, DEVEN DEELIP B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23160 Immovable Property -
LADDHA, RACHANA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CA/2010/47376 F-21723 Immovable Property -
LADDHA, RITESH J. B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23630 Immovable Property -
LADDHA, RUPESH B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. F-11163 Machinery and Plant -
LADHE, ARVIND V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26366 Immovable Property -
LADSE, CHANDRASHEKHAR TRIMBAKRAO B.Sc.(Agri.), M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-27520 Agricultural Lands -
LAHANE AMOL BHAGWANRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27726 Immovable Property -
LAHANE, KIRAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12415 Immovable Property -
LAKDAVALA, AKBAR ASGAR B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18294 Immovable Property -
LAKHANI, M.K. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1671 Immovable Property -
LAKHANI, RAM B.Arch., M.E., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-5169 Immovable Property -
LAKHDIVE, ARVIND B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-VIII/406 of 1996 F-24020 Machinery and Plant -
LAKHDIVE, PRANAV B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24021 Machinery and Plant -
LALCHANDANI, N.J. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1961 Immovable Property -
LALLA, SURAJ P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20546 Immovable Property -
LALSARE, P.K. M.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4938 Immovable Property -
LALWANI, RAJKUMAR B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11729 Immovable Property -
LAMBAT, NITIN ASHOK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24076 Immovable Property -
LAMBE, PANKAJ R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15797 Immovable Property -
LAMKHADE SAGAR HIRAMAN DCE, B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22762 Immovable Property -
LANDAGE AMARSINH BABANRAO B.Tech.(Civil), M.Tech.(Resonrces Engg.), Doctor of Philosophy, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32309 Land & Building -
LANDGE, S.D. B. Arch., M.C.P., F.I.V. F-15067 Immovable Property -
LANJEWAR, NAVIN KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21319 Immovable Property -
LANJEWAR, SOMESH T. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27897 Immovable Property -
LANJILE, S.C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12596 Immovable Property -
LANJILE, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17968 Immovable Property -
LANKE, VISHWAS ACHYUTRAO B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26645 Agricultural Lands -
LASHKERE, VASANT Y. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8693 Jewellery -
LATHI, K.B. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-5410 Machinery and Plant -
LATKAR, PRAMOD B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21570 Machinery and Plant -
LAVEKAR, CHANDRASHEKHAR D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13866 Immovable Property -
LELE, AJAY KESHAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat- VII/350/68/12/26/2005-06 Approved Valuer F-26368 Machinery and Plant -
LELE, N.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7749 Immovable Property -
LELE, SHIRISH PANDURANG B.Tech., F.I.V. F-19622 Immovable Property -
LEMBHE, MRUGANK ARVIND B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20035 Immovable Property -
LIMAYE, ABHISHEK VIKAS B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27331 Immovable Property -
LIMAYE, SANGRAM SUDHIR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18697 Immovable Property -
LIMAYE, VIJAY MAHADEO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19572 Machinery and Plant -
LOBO, A. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-814 Immovable Property -
LODHA, SAGAR S. D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21318 Immovable Property -
LODHA, V.S. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2833 Machinery and Plant -
LODHA, VIJAY CHAMPALAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9284 Immovable Property -
LOHIYA, DEEPAK R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15720 Immovable Property -
LOHIYA, NANDKISHOR B.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23002 Immovable Property -
LOHIYA, SUBHASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12088 Immovable Property -
LOKARE, SHARAD B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. -1/518 F-21740 Immovable Property -
LOKHANDE, DEEPAK SHASHIKANT B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14713 Immovable Property -
LOKHANDE, SHASHIKANT D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1691 Immovable Property -
LOKHANDWALLA, A.E. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3245 Immovable Property -
LOLAYEKAR, NEELESH, S. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28133 Immovable Property -
LOLGE, MANDAKINI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20118 Immovable Property -
LOMATE, AMRUTA AMEET B.Arch., A.I.V. A-25811 Immovable Property -
LONDHE, A.D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11145 Immovable Property -
LONDHE, VIKAS T. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11728 Immovable Property -
LONGANI, H.H. B.E.Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8376 Immovable Property -
LONGANI, VEDPRAKASH AMARNATH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26196 Immovable Property -
LONKAR, PRAKASH BHASKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27072 Immovable Property -
LONKAR, SATISH V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10826 Immovable Property -
LOPES, REEMA SANJAY B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27067 Immovable Property -
LOTHE, DILIP AMBADAS B.E.(Elect.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26553 Machinery and Plant -
LUHARUKA, RAMESHKUMAR VISHWANATH CA, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.VI/50 of 1988 Approved Valuer F-20623 Stocks and Shares -
LULLA, MONICA ASHOK M.E.(Stru.), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24723 Immovable Property -
M.M. KETKAR Dip.(Mech), A.M.I.E.,M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8327 Machinery and Plant -
M/s Biyabani & Associates, B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11473 Immovable Property -
MADAME, G.L. B.E. (Hons.) Civil, F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6088 Immovable Property -
MADAN, S.Y. F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-455 Immovable Property -
MADANMOHAN R. TIWARI B.E.(Elect. & Power), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15723 Computer Technology -
MADAV, RAMESH M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.V. F-9217 Agricultural Lands -
MADHAO, MEHAR DIGAMBAR D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9798 Immovable Property -
MADIRWALA, SATISH KUMAR V. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25497 Machinery and Plant -
MAGDUM, R.D. B.E.(Civil), M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1876 Immovable Property -
MAGDUM, RAHUL V. B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23075 Immovable Property -
MAGDUM, SHASHIKANT V. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23071 Machinery and Plant -
MAHADAR, ANIL B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24337 Agricultural Lands -
MAHADEOKAR, R.D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1282 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN P.N. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5690 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, A.P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10454 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, ANAND Y. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22452 Machinery and Plant -
MAHAJAN, ANIL G. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I/305 of 1988 F-13560 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, ARVIND M. B.E., M.Tech., LL.B, F.I.V. F-7138 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, B.G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-893 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, G.S. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14857 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, HARBANS LAL B.Sc.(Mining Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19384 Mines and Quarries -
MAHAJAN, HEMANT S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11340 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, M.B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2770 Machinery and Plant -
MAHAJAN, PRADEEP R. B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15434 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, PRADIP MOTILAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25091 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, PRAKASH MAHARU B.Sc.(Agri.), M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25809 Agricultural Lands -
MAHAJAN, R.C. C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10037 Marine -
MAHAJAN, RAVINDRA S. B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. F-12767 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, SADASHIV D. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13447 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, SANDEEP B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15511 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, SHASHIKANT LAXMAN B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/143 of 1990 Approved Valuer F-27071 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, SUJATA P. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15436 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, UMESH ANIRUDDHA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20279 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, V.S. B.Arch., G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11567 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, YOGESH T. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13880 Immovable Property -
MAHAMUNI, MILIND MUKUND B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25725 Production and Industrial Engineering -
MAHAPATRA, LT. COL. A.B. B.Sc.Engg., M.Sc., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8723 Machinery and Plant -
MAHBUBANI, SHANKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5584 Machinery and Plant -
MAHENDRA, J. VELINKAR G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2460 Immovable Property -
MAHENDRAKUMAR, D.R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23726 Immovable Property -
MAHESH CHANDRA SHARMA B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28952 Immovable Property -
MAHESH V. SHETTY B.E., M.Sc.(P&M), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23064 Immovable Property -
MAHINDRAKAR, A.L. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12091 Immovable Property -
MAIN, SACHIN GOVIND B.Arch., A.I.IA., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13997 Immovable Property -
MAITY, SUJIT RANJAN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26275 Machinery and Plant -
MAJID KAIS ASMAT Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14612 Immovable Property -
MAJUMDAR, ABHAY B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15513 Immovable Property -
MAKANDAR ALTAP MOHAMMADSHAH B.E.(Civil), M.Valuation(Real Estate), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31887 Land & Building -
MAKARAND NARAYAN PANDE B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27527 Immovable Property -
MAKARAND, G. RAJENDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT(N)-I-30/2002 F-10453 Immovable Property -
MAKHIJA, MANOHAR A. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10361 Immovable Property -
MALHARA, SHEKHAR S. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3762 Machinery and Plant -
MALHOTRA, D.P. D.M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1168 Machinery and Plant -
MALHOTRA, YASH Degree in Elect. Engg., F.I.V. F-12353 Machinery and Plant -
MALHOTRA, BHAGWAN DASS A.M.I(Mech).E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15843 Machinery and Plant -
MALLAWAT, LAXMINIWAS B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15359 Immovable Property -
MALLIKARJUN RAVI A.M.I.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3266 Machinery and Plant -
MALOO, KALPESH G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21322 Immovable Property -
MALPANI, L.S. B.E., A.I.V. A-5001 Machinery and Plant -
MALPANI, NILESH S. B.Arch., M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15944 Immovable Property -
MALVANKAR, NARAYAN SHAMRAO A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22092 Immovable Property -
MALVIYA, ASHOK B. B.Tech.(Agric.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17175 Agricultural Lands -
MALVIYA, R.K. B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-4775 Immovable Property -
MALWADE, P.W. B.Arch., D.B.M., F.I.V. F-2782 Immovable Property -
MALWADKAR, RAHUL B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15510 Immovable Property -
MANDAKMALE, SAGAR RAMESH Jwellers, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25016 Jewellery -
MANDAR M PESHAVE B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14211 Immovable Property -
MANDAVGANE ASHWIN SURESH B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30576 Land & Building -
MANDHNA, RAJESHKUMAR N. Dip.(Mech.), B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18289 Machinery and Plant -
MANDLEKAR, MRS. T.D. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-7037 Immovable Property -
MANDLIK, UNMESH BHASKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I-697 of 2003-04 F-9795 Immovable Property -
MANE AVINASH DATTATRAY Dip.(Electronics & Tele-Communication Engg.), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32345 Land & Building -
MANE DHAIRYASHIL VIJAY B.E., M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30527 Land & Building -
MANE, AJIT ARJUNRAO B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-26804 Immovable Property -
MANE, ANILKUMAR DEVRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13440 Immovable Property -
MANE, H.B. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3300 Immovable Property -
MANE, JAIPRAKASH B.E., M.E.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21470 Immovable Property -
MANE, SANDIP MUKUND B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25998 Machinery and Plant -
MANERIKAR, SUDHIR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7364 Machinery and Plant -
MANGALE, RAJESH PADMAKAR D.C.E., B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23818 Immovable Property -
MANGESH VISHNUPANT MANKAR B.E.(Prod.), M.E.(Design & Fabrication), Ph.D., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30160 Plant & Equipment -
MANGLIKI, ABHAY B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16975 Machinery and Plant -
MANGNALE, SURESH MADHAVRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11643 Immovable Property -
MANGRULKAR, DIPAK GOPALRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27725 Immovable Property -
MANIAR, HARSHAD Sunderlal B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1292 Immovable Property -
MANISH SURESHRAO KATE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24929 Immovable Property -
MANIYAR, ATUL GOVIND B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20038 Immovable Property -
MANIYAR, SHAHNAWAZ ISMAIL B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25996 Immovable Property -
MANJAL, P.A. B.E., M.IE., F.I.V. F-3646 Machinery and Plant -
MANJUNATH, SARITA S. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-17880 Immovable Property -
MANKAR, SHRIKANT B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-12612 Immovable Property -
MANKAR, YOGESH SUBHASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17959 Immovable Property -
MANOJ SADASHIVRAO KORPE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27240 Immovable Property -
MANSUKHLAL, SHAH KETAN A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16375 Immovable Property -
MANTHANWAR, C.T. B. Arch, M. Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16892 Immovable Property -
MANTRI, RAVINDRA VIJAYKUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24653 Immovable Property -
MANUSMARE, SACHIN S. D.C.E., B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11479 Immovable Property -
MARATHE MORESHWAR CHINTAMANI Dip.(Mech.), AMIE(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30770 Plant and Equipement -
MARATHE, ROHINI B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18055 Immovable Property -
MARATHE, SATYEN P. A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20277 Machinery and Plant -
MARATHE, SHARAD K I.C.W.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19336 Stocks and Shares -
MARATHE, VIJAY G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10451 Immovable Property -
MARATHE, SHITALKUMAR V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14210 Immovable Property -
MARHALKAR, RHISHIKESH SHARAD B.Arch., M.Val.(RE), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. (N) CCIT (I) 51/2003-2004 Approved Valuer F-21731 Immovable Property -
MARULKAR, S.P. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3387 Machinery and Plant -
MASANAGI, BASAVARAJ V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9365 Immovable Property -
MASANAGI, SHAILAJA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11052 Machinery and Plant -
MASE, SATISH SHRIKRISHNA B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26458 Immovable Property -
MASHRU, SANDEEP B.E. (Electro.), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6644 Computer Technology -
MATE, AMIT NARENDRA B.E., M.E., M.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28709 Machinery and Plant -
MATE, NARENDRA BHASKAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I 323/1994 and CBDT under W.T. Act. Cat- VII/349/1985 Approved Valuer F-21724 Machinery and Plant -
MATH, GOPALKRISHNA B.E.(E&C), MBA, F.I.V. F-25338 Computer Technology -
MATHADU, JASPAL SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10262 Machinery and Plant -
MATHANKAR, SACHIN R. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21463 Immovable Property -
MATHOS, H.J. B.E., F.I.V. F-21640 Immovable Property -
MAWLIKAR, D.M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6324 Machinery and Plant -
MAYEKAR, ASHOK B.Tech., F.I.V. F-6935 Machinery and Plant -
MAZOOMDAR, N.V. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-2804 Immovable Property -
MEDHEKAR, PRAKASH S. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22016 Immovable Property -
MEER, YAWARALI MURADALI B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16804 Machinery and Plant -
MEGHRAJANI, RAMESH VASUDEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26543 Immovable Property -
MEGHRAJANI, VIJAY M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8166 Immovable Property -
MEHENDALAY, SMITA B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-1932 Machinery and Plant -
MEHENDALE, DATTATRAYA RAGHUNATH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24019 Immovable Property -
MEHRA, CHANDERMOHAN G.D.Arch., B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4347 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, ANIL B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1065 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, ASHVIN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18452 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, BABUBHAI CHHOTALAL B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9975 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, BHASKAR K. B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2106 Machinery and Plant -
MEHTA, DHARMENDRA A. B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28062 Production and Industrial Engineering -
MEHTA, HITENDRA K. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5550 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, JASWANT B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-981 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, JYOTINDRA B. M.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-303 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, K.G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1103 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, MOHIT R. B.E., F.I.V. F-12209 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, NIRANJAN SHANKER LAL B.E.(Civil), MACL, F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2019 Immovable Property -
MENON, LT. COL. T.K.S. (Retd.) B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-8591 Machinery and Plant -
MERCHANT, HARSHIT B.E., A.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9494 Automobile -
MERCHANT, MAYUR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21824 Immovable Property -
MERCHANT, NAINIT P. B.Tech., P.G.D.M., F.I.V. F-2289 Machinery and Plant -
MERCHANT, HARENDRA J. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2091 Immovable Property -
MESHRAM, YUVRAJ PURUSHOTTAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26546 Immovable Property -
MESHRAM, DHARMADAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19125 Immovable Property -
METKAR, GANESH KEDU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22840 Immovable Property -
MHADDLKAR, SADANAND, G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3332 Immovable Property -
MHAPSEKAR, S.B. D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2534 Immovable Property -
MHASKE, SANJAY VISWANATH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18540 Immovable Property -
MHATRE, SHEKHAR B.Tech. Civil (Engg.), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2611 Immovable Property -
MHATRE, SUBODH G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-3182 Immovable Property -
MICHAL, DE SA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-2948 Machinery and Plant -
MILIND BALASAHEB DESAI Diploma Civil, B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29641 Land & Building -
MINAWALA, NARBHEROM V. F.I.V. F-1477 Jewellery -
MIRAJKAR, NAGENDRA GOVINDRAO B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24485 Immovable Property -
MIRCHANDANI, GAUTAM B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20544 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, RAJIV M.E., GD.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8688 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, S.N. B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12611 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRIKOTKAR, ANUP CHANDRAKANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25332 Immovable Property -
MISRA, U.N. B.E., F.I.V. F-5885 Machinery and Plant -
MISTRY, JASMIN B. Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3799 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, J.N. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13193 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, MANOJ SANWARMAL B.E., M.Sc.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26799 Immovable Property -
MODAK, AMOL VINAYAK M.Valuation (Real Estate), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20408 Immovable Property -
MODAK, M.A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13679 Production and Industrial Engineering -
MODI, ANIL R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1765 Machinery and Plant -
MODI, B.M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1421 Immovable Property -
MODI, PROP. V.S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6805 Machinery and Plant -
MOGAL, SANJAY M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14408 Immovable Property -
MOGRE, ASHOK C. B.E.(Met.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23352 Metallurgical Engineering -
MOHABANSI, ANUP A. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3104 Immovable Property -
MOHABE, V.C. B.E., M.B.A., A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14403 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMAD ASIF B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11897 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMAD MERAJUDDIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25013 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMAD MOHIB AFSAR ABDUL GHANI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25161 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMED IQBAL B.E., M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23354 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMED NAZEERUDDIN AHMEDUDDIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12435 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMED SAJID ALI B.E., M.Tech., C.E., F.I.V. F-19567 Immovable Property -
MOHAN DATTATRAYA PANDIT B.E.(Mech), M.Tech.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31336 Plant & Equipment -
MOHANAKUMAR. T Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32018 Land & Building -
MOHAPATRA, NIHAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21941 Immovable Property -
MOHAPATRO, NARASINHA B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17465 Immovable Property -
MOHD YUSUF ABDUL AZIZ Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32492 Land & Building -
MOHEKAR, ASHOK Tehsildar, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24793 Agricultural Lands -
MOHITE, D.N. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16369 Immovable Property -
MOHOKAR, RAJENDRA D. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16037 Immovable Property -
MOKASHI, DEEPAK RAJANINATH A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18916 Machinery and Plant -
MOKASHI, SAMEER B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14851 Machinery and Plant -
MOKHA, K.L. M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1000 Immovable Property -
MOKHA, MAHESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7302 Immovable Property -
MOMIN, M.A. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1473 Immovable Property -
MONGIA, DR. RAJESH AMIE, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-26341 Immovable Property -
MORE, GOPINATH DAMODAR B.E., F.I.V. F-18548 Immovable Property -
MORE, MADHUKAR BHADU B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. NSK/CCIT/WT/34AB/50/65(IP)/201 1-12 Approved Valuer F-9487 Immovable Property -
MORE, NANDISHOR U. D.C.E., B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12196 Immovable Property -
MORE, PRAKA SH BABULA L B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26549 Immovable Property -
MORKAR YASHWANT KOUTIK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29500 Immovable Property -
MOTWANI, SANJEEV GOBIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8782 Immovable Property -
MOURYA, JAGDISH J. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14722 Immovable Property -
MUDADI KANDI HARIDAS K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15620 Immovable Property -
MUDAWADKAR, P.D. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1741 Immovable Property -
MUDGAL, MANOHAR VASANT B.E., F.I.V. F-17498 Immovable Property -
MUDHKHANNA, RAJENDRA D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24237 Immovable Property -
MUDKANNA, J.C. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12404 Immovable Property -
MUDKANNA, PRATIK JAIPRAKASH Dip.(Mech.), B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24145 Machinery and Plant -
MUDKANNA, RAVINDRANATH G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24080 Immovable Property -
MUDVIKAR, AMIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25578 Immovable Property -
MUGARDAND, SACHIN R. B.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17088 Immovable Property -
MUHAMMED, YUNUS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12405 Immovable Property -
MUKHERJEE, AVIJIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24655 Immovable Property -
MUKHERJEE, MRS. DHEERA SINGH B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8948 Immovable Property -
MUKHERJEE, SANTANU A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8574 Machinery and Plant -
MUKUND GOVIND MUDGAL Dip.(Civil), AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30925 Land & Building -
MUKUND NARSINHA SANGLI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29396 Immovable Property -
MUKUNDRAI SHANKARRAO GAYDHANI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28668 Machinery and Plant -
MULANI NIZHAT BABULAL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27438 Immovable Property -
MULAY, DR. J.M. M.Sc., ME, Ph.D., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-1836 Immovable Property -
MULAY, PADMA DILIP G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I-128 of 1988 & Cat No., ED-I-736 of 1975. F-2877 Immovable Property -
MULAY, RAVINDR A G. B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15726 Immovable Property -
MULAY, SANDEEP S. B.E., L.L.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19896 Immovable Property -
MULLA, MANSOOR SAHEB B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21392 Immovable Property -
MULYE, JAYANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22925 Immovable Property -
MULYE, N.N. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2494 Immovable Property -
MULYE, SHANKAR D. B.Sc.(Agri)., F.I.V. F-12200 Agricultural Lands -
MUNDHADA, GHANSHYAM DAS B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/318/1988 Approved Valuer F-25728 Immovable Property -
MUNJE RAJENDRA VITHALRAO B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29779 Land & Building -
MUNJE, A.C. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-7143 Immovable Property -
MUNOT, DHANESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15618 Immovable Property -
MUNOT, MAHESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25015 Machinery and Plant -
MUNOT, MRS. HEMA. K. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6023 Immovable Property -
MUNOT, RAJKUMAR B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10931 Immovable Property -
MUQRI, SAMEER S. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13462 Immovable Property -
MURANJAN, ANAND G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-14858 Immovable Property -
MURDANDE SAGAR UDAY B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27526 Machinery and Plant -
MURGUDKAR CHANDRASHEKHAR PURUSHOTTAM B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V.M.Sc. (REV), Year - 2013 Approved Valuer F-15722 Machinery and Plant -
MURKUTE, SIDHESHWAR TUKARAM D.C.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24028 Immovable Property -
MURTHY, J.K. B.E., F.I.V. F-4370 Machinery and Plant -
MUTHA, AMIT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11051 Immovable Property -
MUTHA, ANAND B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17093 Immovable Property -
MUTHA, DINESH L. B.Arch., A.I.V. A-2720 Immovable Property -
MUTHA, NIRMAL SHARAD B.E., A.I.V. A-15834 Immovable Property -
MUTHA, SANTHOSHKUMAR B.E.(Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24854 Computer Technology -
MUTHA, SARTHAK DINESH B.E., B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26550 Immovable Property -
MYAKAL, MADHUSUDAN C. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8990 Immovable Property -
NABAR, BHOOSHAN B.E.(Construction), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17182 Immovable Property -
NADGAUDA, P.M. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-1471 Immovable Property -
NADKAR, H.C. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6303 Immovable Property -
NADKARNI, A.P. B.E., M.S.(USA), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6636 Immovable Property -
NADKARNI, M.N. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3283 Immovable Property -
NADKARNI, MUKUND A. B.E.(Elect.&Comni.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22921 Computer Technology -
NADKARNI, P.S. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1958 Immovable Property -
NADKARNI, S.D. B.E.(Elec. & Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1657 Machinery and Plant -
NADKARNI, S.G. G.D. Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1187 Immovable Property -
NADKARNI, UDAY SHRIPAD B.Arch., G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-18194 Immovable Property -
NAG, SAIBAL KUMAR B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5255 Immovable Property -
NAGAR, SANJAY B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16262 Machinery and Plant -
NAGARAJ, K.R. M.Sc.(Geology), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19628 Mines and Quarries -
NAGARAJAN, B. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6182 Immovable Property -
NAGARE, KSHITIJ L. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22675 Immovable Property -
NAGARKAR, R.D. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., A.I.V. A-1550 Immovable Property -
NAGARKAR, VAIBHAV VILAS B.E.(Electronics), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24151 Computer Technology -
NAGARSETH, DIPAK K. B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2087 Machinery and Plant -
NAGPURE, ASHOK B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26191 Immovable Property -
NAHAR, SWAPNIL S. B.Tech., PGP-ACM, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22918 Immovable Property -
NAIK KETAN PRABHAKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27731 Immovable Property -
NAIK KRUSHNARAU BHASKARRAO B.E.(Civil), Master OF Valuation In (Real Estate), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32239 Land & Building -
NAIK, A.R. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-992 Immovable Property -
NAIK, ABHIJIT GOPAL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22449 Machinery and Plant -
NAIK, ARVIND VITTHAL B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14515 Machinery and Plant -
NAIK, DINKAR BABURAO M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19836 Immovable Property -
NAIK, KISHOR B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21637 Immovable Property -
NAIK, NITIN BHAIYASAHEB B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18543 Immovable Property -
NAIK, SANKET SHRIDHAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20416 Immovable Property -
NAIK, SUNIL VIKAS B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25084 Immovable Property -
NAIK, YOGENDRA GOVIND B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15444 Immovable Property -
NAIKWADI, SALIM MASHAK B.E. (Const.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15199 Immovable Property -
NAIR, NARAYANAN S. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19759 Machinery and Plant -
NAKHAWA, VINAY D. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4862 Immovable Property -
NAKHYE, AWADHOOT B.E, M.Sc. (Engg), A.M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14303 Immovable Property -
NAKHYE, SHRIDHAR S. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1569 Immovable Property -
NALAVADE, PRAKASH P. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2678 Immovable Property -
NALAWADE SUCHETA DATTATRAYA B.Sc.(Physisc), M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31696 Land & Building -
NALBALWAR DHONDU SHANKARRAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. [N]C.C.I.T./I- 05/58/2009-10 Approved Valuer F-24857 Machinery and Plant -
NALLURI, SURENDRA KUMAR B. A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8551 Machinery and Plant -
NAMDEO, LT. COL. AMBRE EKNATH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7674 Immovable Property -
NANAVATI, JAGAT SHIRISH B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14301 Machinery and Plant -
NANDEDKAR, D.Y. F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3584 Immovable Property -
NANDEDKAR, G.C. B.Tech., D.C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16153 Immovable Property -
NANDEDKAR, S.S. M.Tech., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7407 Machinery and Plant -
NANDEDKAR, VINAYA B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I /184/2014-15 Approved Valuer F-25813 Immovable Property -
NANDEDKAR, SHRINIDHI S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CC/NGP/34AB/204(8)/03-04 F-22459 Immovable Property -
NANDI, TAPAS B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28993 Machinery and Plant -
NANDODE, SUBODH B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14214 Immovable Property -
NANDODVALA, G.D. (MRS.) G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2666 Immovable Property -
NANNDARGI, SOMASHEKAR M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17873 Immovable Property -
NARANG, H.K. B.Sc (Elect)., F.I.V. F-6888 Machinery and Plant -
NARANG, PANKAJ M.I.S., A.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/THN/Cat- I/7/2012-13 A-22254 Immovable Property -
NARASIMHAN, ABHISHEK D.C.E., B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21575 Immovable Property -
NAREDI, SANTOSH FULCHANDJI B.E.(Mech.), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11258 Machinery and Plant -
NAREN KUMAR SAHOO B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32594 Land & Building -
NARENDRA P. DHOKA Dip.(Gemmology & Diamond Grading), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31308 Jewellery & Precious Stones -
NARGUNDKAR, S.V. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-13556 Immovable Property -
NARGUNDKAR, GOVIND V. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8423 Machinery and Plant -
NARKHEDE, P.N. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-4166 Immovable Property -
NARSAY, DIGVIJAY DEVENDRA B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-13872 Immovable Property -
NARVEKAR LEENA R. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12991 Immovable Property -
Nashine, M.N. B.E., F.I.V. F-6355 Immovable Property -
NASHTE, AMOL RAMESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24657 Immovable Property -
NATHE, PRASHANT D. B.Arch., AIIA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15208 Immovable Property -
NATU, M.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12976 Computer Technology -
NATU, S.D. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4556 Machinery and Plant -
NAVANDAR, PRIYANKA ROHIT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28846 Immovable Property -
NAVANI, AJIT K. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20740 Immovable Property -
NAWANDAR, MANOJ S. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7370 Immovable Property -
NAWARE, D.L. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1093 Immovable Property -
NAWARE, SUPRIYA DILIP B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24024 Immovable Property -
NEHETE PRAKASH N. , B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3621 Immovable Property -
NEHRA, NAVRAJ TEKRAM B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24232 Machinery and Plant -
NEMADE, K.B. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13296 Immovable Property -
NENE, SADASHIV KRISHNA B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4583 Immovable Property -
NENWANI, KISHAN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15445 Immovable Property -
NEWASKAR, PRASHANT D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21642 Immovable Property -
NIGAM, R.R. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2088 Immovable Property -
NIGHOL, VIJAY RAM B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-14006 Immovable Property -
NIKAM PRAVIN SHANKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29992 Land & Building -
NIKAM SANDEEP D. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11642 Immovable Property -
NIKAM, DILIP V. B.Arch., M.C.A., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-8855 Immovable Property -
NIKAM, PRAKASH RAMRAO B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6930 Immovable Property -
NIKAM, SANJEEV DHONDU B.E., AMIE, C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4806 Immovable Property -
NIKAM, SHARAD JANRAO B.E., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23514 Immovable Property -
NIKHAR, VIJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21190 Immovable Property -
NIKUMBHA HARSHAL SITARAM B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30687 Land & Building -
NILKANTH, V.S. B.E., M.B.A., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-8735 Machinery and Plant -
NIMBAL, SURENDRA R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24230 Immovable Property -
NIMBALKAR, SUDHIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26188 Immovable Property -
NIMKAR, VINAY B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13675 Immovable Property -
NIPANE, K.G. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7669 Immovable Property -
NIPANKAR, GAJANAN B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5576 Immovable Property -
NIRANJAN C B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32101 Land & Building -
NIRGUDE, ANIL R. Dip.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14611 Immovable Property -
NIRGUDE, VASANT V.003 B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17666 Immovable Property -
NIRWADEKAR SUNIL KRISHNA B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28574 Immovable Property -
NITEEN KRISHNAKUMAR ZANWAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26103 Immovable Property -
NITIN KALE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10367 Immovable Property -
NITIN KEWAL JUNEJA B.Sc.(Marine Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30773 Plant & Equipment -
NITIN VENUPRASAD BAGADIA B.Arch, C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10460 Immovable Property -
NIWAL, KAMLAKAR RAMAJI AMIE, M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27325 Immovable Property -
NUNES, MILTON D. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-6363 Immovable Property -
OAK, P.A. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., R.I.B.A., A.I.V. A-5713 Immovable Property -
OBEROI, DR. C.R. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-373 Immovable Property -
ODHEKAR, DILIP K. B.E.(Civil), LL.B., F.I.V. F-3862 Immovable Property -
OGALE, VIJAY S. B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1746 Machinery and Plant -
OSTWAL, M.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15068 Immovable Property -
OSTWAL, RAVINDRA PRAKASH B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24492 Production and Industrial Engineering -
OSWAL, DR. RAJESH JAWANMALJI Ph.D., M.Pharm., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23000 Chemicals -
OSWAL, G.C. C.A., F.I.V. F-753 Stocks and Shares -
OSWAL, H.M. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6181 Immovable Property -
OSWAL, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19826 Immovable Property -
OVALEKAR, MANDAR KRISHNARAO B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12416 Immovable Property -
OZA, GOPAL RAMESHWAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24333 Immovable Property -
OZARKAR, RAJEEV JANARDAN G.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19411 Immovable Property -
PAATIL, SUNJJOY BHATU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18771 Immovable Property -
PABARI, J.V. B.Arch.,F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-876 Immovable Property -
PABARI, J.V. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-867 Immovable Property -
PACHARE, RAVINDRA S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17499 Immovable Property -
PACHHAPURKAR, SHARAD. K. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1431 Immovable Property -
PACHICHIGAR, R.M. Dip. Arch., A.I.V. A-2135 Immovable Property -
PACHKAWADE, VITTHAL RAMCHANDRA I.I.A, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26802 Immovable Property -
PADALIKAR, P.N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10038 Immovable Property -
PADALKAR, R.K. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6057 Machinery and Plant -
PADOLE RAJNIKANT LAXMIKANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16600 Immovable Property -
PAGARE , GIRISH PANDIT B.E.(Metallurgy), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26547 Metallurgical Engineering -
PAHADE, MAHAVIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7044 Immovable Property -
PAI, KOCHIKAR RAMANAND B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7235 Machinery and Plant -
PAI, NARASIMHA P. B.E., F.I.V. F-17750 Immovable Property -
PAKADE, MANOHAR NAMDEORAO AMIE, M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27322 Immovable Property -
PALASH RAMESHCHANDRA MUNDADA B.Tech.(Civil) Approved Valuer A-31381 Land & Building -
PALEKAR, NIKHIL C. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22379 Immovable Property -
PALHANI, CHANDAN ARJUN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24714 Immovable Property -
PALICHA, PANKAJ PREMJI B.Sc. Engg., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10933 Machinery and Plant -
PALNITKAR, S.M. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., LL.B, F.I.V. F-7040 Machinery and Plant -
PANCHAMIA, DILIP R. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3751 Machinery and Plant -
PANDARE, P.K. B.E.(Civil), M.I.S., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-558 Immovable Property -
PANDAV, NITIN MOHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25427 Immovable Property -
PANDE, ABHAY SUDHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20196 Immovable Property -
PANDE, ANIL B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3672 Machinery and Plant -
PANDE, K.M. B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-3928 Immovable Property -
PANDE, LINESH RAMESH B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27729 Production and Industrial Engineering -
PANDE, M.B. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-812 Immovable Property -
PANDE, VIJAYKUMAR AMBADASRAO B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. NSK/CCIT/Tech./34AB/256/29(Imm . Prop.)/Cat-I/16-17 Approved Valuer F-26371 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, ANOOP KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28240 Immovable Property -
PANDIRKAR, DHIRAJKUMAR SHANKAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27080 Immovable Property -
PANDIT, ABHAY K. B.E., A.I.I.I., F.I.V. F-10834 Automobile -
PANDIT, ANAND V. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23517 Immovable Property -
PANDIT, ASHISH HEMANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17185 Immovable Property -
PANDIT, GUNWANT B. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15365 Machinery and Plant -
PANDIT, VEEJAY D. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23272 Immovable Property -
PANDIT, VIJAY D. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3274 Machinery and Plant -
PANDYA, DEEPAN S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23642 Immovable Property -
PANDYA, R.J. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10092 Machinery and Plant -
PANGAL, SANJIVANI B.Arch., F.I.V. F-22842 Immovable Property -
PANPALIA, MANOJ KANHAIYALAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25909 Immovable Property -
PANSE, NARENDRA S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9614 Immovable Property -
PANSE, PADMAKAR B.E., F.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8686 Immovable Property -
PARAB, VILAS BALKRISHNA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22306 Immovable Property -
PARADKAR, S.R. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3861 Immovable Property -
PARADKAR, V.S. B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11243 Immovable Property -
PARAKH, NITIN V. B.E., C.E., A.M.I.E. A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-5860 Immovable Property -
PARAMESWARAN, V.V. B.S.c., B.E., C.Engg., F.I.V. F-6106 Machinery and Plant -
PARANJAPE, ABHIJEET G. B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7377 Immovable Property -
PARANJAPE, AVINASH P. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15056 Machinery and Plant -
PARANJPE, RAMCHANDRA GOVIND B.E.(Inst.), F.I.V. F-22674 Computer Technology -
PARASKAR, PARSHURAM A. B.E., A.I.V. A-14190 Immovable Property -
PARASNIS, AVANEESH VIDYADHAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8588 Immovable Property -
PARATE, ARVIND SEOKRAM B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10922 Immovable Property -
PARCHURE, S.M. B.E.(Civil), LL.B., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2059 Immovable Property -
PARDESHI, HIRALAL CHANDULAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23072 Immovable Property -
PARDESHI, PRASHANT D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20044 Immovable Property -
PARDHY, R.S. B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1416 Immovable Property -
PAREKAR, DATTATRAYA TUKARAM B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9208 Immovable Property -
PAREKH, N.H. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-354 Immovable Property -
PARELKAR, H.S. Dip.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15177 Immovable Property -
PARELKAR, NEELAM B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3800 Immovable Property -
PARELKAR, PRANIL VINAY B.Arch., A.I.I.A, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24146 Immovable Property -
PARELKAR, VINAY M. B.Arch., G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2566 Immovable Property -
PARELKAR, UMAKANT. B. B.Arch., G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3474 Immovable Property -
PARGAONKAR, SWAPNIL K. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21940 Immovable Property -
PARGHANE, RAVINDRA KISANRAO B.E., M.E.(CT&M) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23515 Immovable Property -
PARIKH, KIRAN M. B.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11990 Machinery and Plant -
PARIKH, NARENDRA P. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-804 Immovable Property -
PARIKH, V.C. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2658 Immovable Property -
PARIKH, PRAVINCHANDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7233 Immovable Property -
PARIYAL, OMPRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23936 Immovable Property -
PARKAR, KISHORE H. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-756 Immovable Property -
PARKAR, S.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13313 Machinery and Plant -
PARKHI SANDEEP SATISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24493 Immovable Property -
PARKHI, SANDEEP B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16792 Immovable Property -
PARMANAND, LAXMIKANT ATMARAM B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26100 Immovable Property -
PARMANE, SANJAY MAHALING B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23935 Immovable Property -
PARMAR, SACHIN L. D.C.E., B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23068 Immovable Property -
PARMAR, JEETENDRASING B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11895 Immovable Property -
PARULEKAR, M.K. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-4103 Immovable Property -
PARULEKAR, RENUKA H. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12436 Immovable Property -
PARULEKAR, SANDEEP C. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5912 Immovable Property -
PARVE, KIRAN JAGANNATH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23721 Immovable Property -
PAT IL, PRAMOD PANDURANG B.Sc.(Agri.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26146 Agricultural Lands -
PATAIT, RAJKUMAR B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21827 Immovable Property -
PATANGE, ANIL V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-2738 Immovable Property -
PATANGE, R.W. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1771 Immovable Property -
PATANGE, S.S. A.M.I.S., F.I.V. F-6268 Immovable Property -
PATANKAR, ANIL VASUDEO B.E., F.I.V. F-7069 Immovable Property -
PATANKAR, ASHOK KUMAR JAIRAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7615 Immovable Property -
PATANKAR, VIKAS B.E. (Mach.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9083 Machinery and Plant -
PATANKAR, VIVEK VIKAS C.A., A.I.V. A-18695 Stocks and Shares -
PATASKAR, AMOL R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7801 Immovable Property -
PATASKAR, R.G. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1179 Immovable Property -
PATEKAR, DEVENDRA ARUN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24577 Immovable Property -
PATEKAR, PRAMOD DHONDURAM G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15069 Immovable Property -
PATEL, ABDUL MAJEED B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20673 Immovable Property -
PATEL, B.M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2727 Immovable Property -
PATEL, DHAWAL B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24251 Machinery and Plant -
PATEL, KALPESH HASMUKH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24483 Immovable Property -
PATEL, MAHENDRA D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3528 Immovable Property -
PATEL, RAVI RAMESH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24861 Immovable Property -
PATEL, SHAIKH MOHAMAD M. Tehsildar, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20047 Agricultural Lands -
PATEL, TRISHA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24412 Immovable Property -
PATEL, TULSIDAS B. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8326 Machinery and Plant -
PATEL, VIKAS B. Arch., I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13796 Immovable Property -
PATEL, MAHENDRAKUMAR AMRUTLAL B.E.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26006 Machinery and Plant -
PATHAK, A.N. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9216 Machinery and Plant -
PATHAK, AMRUTA ABHISHEK B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25163 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, ATUL B. B.E., A.M.I.A.E., C.E., A.I.V. A-6975 Automobile -
PATHAK, M.H. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1774 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, NILESH RAMESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25816 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, PRANAB B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18791 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, PRBHAKAR A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15621 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, SACHIN B. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20743 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, SUNIL B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5711 Immovable Property -
PATHAK, YASHODHAN MOHANIRAJ B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24865 Immovable Property -
PATHAN, D.A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10455 Immovable Property -
PATHARE, SHIRISH B.Arch., G.D. Arch, A.I.IA., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9127 Immovable Property -
PATHRABE, Capt. G.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2093 Immovable Property -
PATHRIKAR, S.R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7339 Immovable Property -
PATIDAR, PARASMAL BANSHILAL B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13875 Immovable Property -
PATIL ALEKH RAJESH SANHITA B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32279 Land & Building -
PATIL ASHOK BABURAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29072 Immovable Property -
PATIL RANJIT BAJIRAO B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31468 Land & Building -
PATIL ROHIT RAMESH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32544 Land & Building -
PATIL SHIVRAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7976 Immovable Property -
PATIL TEJAS NARENDRA B.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29067 Immovable Property -
PATIL, A.L. JAHER B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4520 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, ABHAY S. B.E., M.E.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7303 Immovable Property -
PATIL, AJAY A. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9818 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, AJAYCHANDRA B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23933 Immovable Property -
PATIL, AMOL A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23513 Immovable Property -
PATIL, AMRATESHWER B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14718 Immovable Property -
PATIL, ANANDA BALAVANT B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25331 Immovable Property -
PATIL, ANIL SAMPATRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19833 Immovable Property -
PATIL, ANILKUMAR ANNA B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14509 Immovable Property -
PATIL, ASHOK GURUSIDDAPPA B.Tech., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 784 of 2014-15 Approved Valuer F-25500 Immovable Property -
PATIL, AVINASH S. M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13196 Immovable Property -
PATIL, B.L. JAHER B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4176 Immovable Property -
PATIL, B.N. B.Sc., M.Sc., D.S.F., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15062 Agricultural Lands -
PATIL, BALASAHEB BA BASAHEB B.E., M.E.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26359 Immovable Property -
PATIL, BHAUKANT JAYAPPA B.E., M.I.E, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-24490 Immovable Property -
PATIL, CHANDRASHEKHAR V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13455 Immovable Property -
PATIL, CHETAN B.E., M.S.(Env.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22464 Immovable Property -
PATIL, CHHAGAN WANA B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26459 Immovable Property -
PATIL, D.D. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., A.I.I.S.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuers F-11470 Metallurgical Engineering -
PATIL, DATTATRAYA YASHWANTARAO B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26190 Immovable Property -
PATIL, DEORAM T. G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25335 Immovable Property -
PATIL, DILEEPKUMAR GUMAN B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23269 Immovable Property -
PATIL, DILIP RAMCHANDRA B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24484 Agricultural Lands -
PATIL, DIPALI DATTATRAY B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27524 Immovable Property -
PATIL, HAMBIRRAO SAKHARAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27077 Immovable Property -
PATIL, ISHWARSING C. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9896 Immovable Property -
PATIL, JAGDISH BHASKAR B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22087 Immovable Property -
PATIL, JAYASHREE MAHADEORAO B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28663 Immovable Property -
PATIL, KALAGOUNDA R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-19256 Immovable Property -
PATIL, MAHENDRA S. B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9158 Immovable Property -
PATIL, MAHESHKUMAR NAMDEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23934 Immovable Property -
PATIL, MILIND LAKSHMIKANT B.Textiles, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26109 Textile -
PATIL, MINAL PANDURANG B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17405 Immovable Property -
PATIL, MOHAN D. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12194 Immovable Property -
PATIL, MRS. SEEMA U. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5489 Immovable Property -
PATIL, MUKUND B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17297 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, NAND KUMAR B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18698 Agricultural Lands -
PATIL, NARENDRA V. D.C.E., M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat/II/304 F-5082 Agricultural Lands -
PATIL, NAVNATH I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19684 Immovable Property -
PATIL, NEETA ARUN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25339 Immovable Property -
PATIL, P.R. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15522 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PANDURANG B.E., F.I.V. F-5824 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRADEEP GIRIDHAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9803 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRAKASH M. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7606 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRAMOD DADASAHEB B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26192 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, PRAMOD J. B.E., M.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11641 Production and Industrial Engineering -
PATIL, PRASHANT H. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5459 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRASHANT R. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14202 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRAVIN DHANSING B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15074 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRAVIN SHIVGONDA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28246 Immovable Property -
PATIL, PRAVIN WAMANRAO B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7607 Immovable Property -
PATIL, RAHUL RAOSAHEB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26098 Immovable Property -
PATIL, RAJAGOUDA B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22682 Immovable Property -
PATIL, RAJSHEKHAR B. B.E., C.Engg. (Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6012 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, RAVIKANT A. B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. F-4833 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, SA NJAY KRISHNARAO B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26454 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SA NJAY MA NOHARPA NT AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26545 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SANDEEP SARJERAO B.E.(Produ.), PGTDM, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24229 Production and Industrial Engineering -
PATIL, SANJAY NANASAHEB B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11347 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SANJEEV Y. B.Arch., M.E., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13297 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SARANG G. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14003 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SATISH SHANKARRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28454 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SUBHASH M. M.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-2863 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SUNIL G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18052 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SURENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Reg. No. ? CCIT ? Th/350/9/21/1/2009-10 F-21267 Immovable Property -
PATIL, SURESH G. M.E.(Mech.), Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21101 Machinery and Plant -
PATIL, SURESH S.P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21878 Immovable Property -
PATIL, TARESH S. B.E., A.I.V. A-19487 Immovable Property -
PATIL, TUSHAR JAYANTRAO B.Tech., M.Tech., M.Sc. REV, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28855 Immovable Property -
PATIL, V.K. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17281 Agricultural Lands -
PATIL, VIJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14847 Immovable Property -
PATIL, VIJAY R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6896 Immovable Property -
PATIL, VIJAYKUMAR BASAPPA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-18615 Immovable Property -
PATIL, VILAS RUPCHAND B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18296 Immovable Property -
PATIL, VINAY R. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-6582 Immovable Property -
PATIL, VISHAL VIJAY B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19263 Immovable Property -
PATIL, YASHA WA NT MOHA N B.E., M.E.(Env.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26465 Immovable Property -
PATIL, DHARMENDRA GOUDA S. B.E., F.I.V. F-18546 Immovable Property -
PATKAR SANDEEP ATMARAM B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30866 Plant & Equipment -
PATKAR, L.R. G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-422 Immovable Property -
PATKAR, SUNDER LAL B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16602 Immovable Property -
PATKI, G.J. Dip.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2375 Immovable Property -
PATRO, BRAHMANAND B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21234 Machinery and Plant -
PATRUDKAR, A.V. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12609 Immovable Property -
PATTEWAR, DEEPAK VIJAYRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17668 Immovable Property -
PATWARDHAN, A.B. B.Sc., GD.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5148 Immovable Property -
PATWARDHAN, AMIT A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27976 Immovable Property -
PATWARDHAN, DR. N.R. B.E., M.E., Ph.D., F.I.V. F-12628 Immovable Property -
PATWARDHAN, G.P. GD. Arch., M.C.A., A.I.V. A-6302 Immovable Property -
PATWARDHAN, SHASHANK SHEKHAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9757 Immovable Property -
PATWARDHAN, Y.G. B.E. (Civil), M.E. (Stru.), LL.B, F.I.V. F-6580 Immovable Property -
PATWARI, PRITI VIVEK B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17287 Immovable Property -
PAWAN GOSWAMI B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30404 Plant & Equipment -
Pawan Hanuman AMBILWADE, VINOD D.Mandir, B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19834 Immovable Property -
PAWAR ANIKET MANISH B.E., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30305 Land & Building -
PAWAR VIKRAM MADHUKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28564 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, ABHAY MADHUKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8744 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, APPASAHEB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17587 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, AVINASH A. B.E.(Prod.), D.B.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16708 Production and Industrial Engineering -
PAWAR, AVINASH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13673 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, CHETAN RAMDAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24082 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, DATTATRAY NIVRUTTI B.E., M.Tech.(T&C Planning), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23820 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, GIRISH BALKRISHNA B.E.(Mech.), M.Sc.(REV), AMIE, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 595 in Cat.-VII Approved Valuer F-6402 Machinery and Plant Land & Building
PAWAR, KIRAN M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11144 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, KIRAN VASANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14523 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, LAXMAN D. C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19573 Stocks and Shares -
PAWAR, M.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4526 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, PRAKASH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9477 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, RAJENDRA SHRIKANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27078 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, RAJENDRA MAHADEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23819 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, REKHA C. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-18047 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, SANJAY S. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12854 Immovable Property -
PAWAR, SATISH BALAJI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I- 374 of 1995 F-23520 Immovable Property -
PED SUDHIRKUMAR PANDITRAO Dip.(Civil),B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Stru), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31396 Land & Building -
PEDNEKAR, R.B. B.E., LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-7413 Immovable Property -
PEDNEKAR, RATNAKAR RAVINDRA Dip.(Arch.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24227 Immovable Property -
PEERZADE, J.V. B.E., M.E., A.M.I.E., M.M.S., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/682 of 2002/2003 F-7874 Immovable Property -
PENDSE, AVINASH B.Arch., M.I.C.A., C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3212 Immovable Property -
PENDSE, J.N. B.E.(Civil), I.R.S.E., F.I.V. F-3363 Immovable Property -
PERIASAMY, SATISH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14111 Machinery and Plant -
PHADALE, SURESH DEORAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27824 Immovable Property -
PHADATARE, SOMNATH L. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. F-14624 Immovable Property -
PHADKE, HARI M. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10162 Machinery and Plant -
PHADKE, PUSHPAHAS M.Com., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14517 Jewellery -
PHADTARE, RAKESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22303 Immovable Property -
PHATAK, SATISH K. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14307 Immovable Property -
PHATAK, VINAY SHARAD A.M.I.E., D.C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9624 Immovable Property -
PHATAK, Y.S. G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2220 Immovable Property -
PHULARI, ANIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13684 Immovable Property -
PHUSATE, PRASHANT WASUDEORAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24862 Machinery and Plant -
PILLAY, RAJENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9895 Immovable Property -
PIMPARKAR, SANJAY B.Sc., B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18044 Immovable Property -
PIMPLASKAR, SUBHASH L. B.Arch., MRTPI (Lond), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11629 Immovable Property -
PIMPLE, PRASAD K. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. F-9489 Immovable Property -
PINGALE, SHIVAJI D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14415 Immovable Property -
PINGALE, CHANDRASHEKHAR KERU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23274 Immovable Property -
PINGATE, NILESH SUDHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24573 Immovable Property -
PINGLE, J.M. B.E., F.I.V. F-6345 Immovable Property -
PINJARKAR, VIRENDRA ASHOK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26735 Immovable Property -
PIPLEWAR, SURESH BALIRAM B.E.(Civil), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2783 Immovable Property -
PISE, MANOJ ARVIND B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27518 Machinery and Plant -
PITALE, NARAYAN SUNDERLAL B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22754 Immovable Property -
PITALE, PRAMOD R. B.E.(Chemical Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17885 Chemicals -
PITALE, VINAYAK DATTATRAYA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9796 Immovable Property -
PITKE, VISHWAS PRABHAKAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24233 Machinery and Plant -
PODDAR, A.N. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-7617 Machinery and Plant -
POKALWAR, NANDKUMAR S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10088 Immovable Property -
POKHARKAR, G.D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20620 Immovable Property -
POKHARKAR, MILIND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18825 Immovable Property -
POL, ASHOK SAHEBRAO B.E., M.E. Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28849 Immovable Property -
PONKSHE, KEDAR SHRIKANT B.E., M.E.(Geo.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11996 Immovable Property -
POOJARA, A. PRASHANT B.E., A.M.I.E., M.B.A., A.I.V. A-6034 Immovable Property -
POOJARA, A.B. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1025 Immovable Property -
POOJARA, H.B. B.Tech., M.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13665 Immovable Property -
POTALE, RAVINDRA SUBHASH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24717 Machinery and Plant -
POTDAR, DEVENDRA V. B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27973 Immovable Property -
POTDAR, HEMANT PUNDLIK B.E., F.I.V. F-9287 Immovable Property -
POTDAR, M.G. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4368 Machinery and Plant -
POTE AJAY SURYABHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23641 Immovable Property -
PRABHU, G.S. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1715 Machinery and Plant -
PRABHU, V.S. B.B.M., F.C.A., F.I.V. F-12616 Stocks and Shares -
PRADEEP MOHANRAO RONGE Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Water Resources Engg.) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31395 Land & Building -
PRADHAN, R.R. B.Arch, G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-491 Immovable Property -
PRADNYA, SIKACHI B.Tech., M.E.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25423 Immovable Property -
PRAJAKTA KAIVALYA JAGTAP B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29880 Land & Building -
PRAKASH A. SATELIKAR B.E., M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11049 Immovable Property -
PRAKASH S. CHAVAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29307 Immovable Property -
PRAKASH SHARANAPPA TORAVI Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30473 Land & Building -
PRASAD, UMESH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14012 Immovable Property -
PRASHANT RANADIVE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8549 Immovable Property -
PRATAP B. SALUNKHE B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7491 Immovable Property -
PRATAPE, NISHIKANT C. DCE, B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22538 Immovable Property -
PREMNATH G.D.Arch., A.I.V. A-5970 Immovable Property -
PRIYANKA TUSHAR PATIL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29069 Immovable Property -
PUJARI, S.D. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14715 Machinery and Plant -
PUND, SURESH NIVRUTTI B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5954 Machinery and Plant -
PUNDE, SUSHILKUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11251 Immovable Property -
PUNDLIK, A.R. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A, F.I.V. F-4136 Immovable Property -
PUNEKAR, S.V. B.E.(Hons.), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3145 Machinery and Plant -
PUNJABI, K.G. B.E., F.I.V. F-3711 Immovable Property -
PUNJABI, NARAYAN L. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3623 Immovable Property -
PUNJWANI, M.C. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2062 Machinery and Plant -
PUNSHI, ASHOK. S. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4697 Immovable Property -
PURANDARE, ARUN N. M.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-934 Immovable Property -
PURANDARE, PRASAD M. B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16991 Machinery and Plant -
PURANIK A.G. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2667 Machinery and Plant -
PURANIK, MUKUND VISHNU B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. no. Cat- VII/98 of 2015 F-24926 Machinery and Plant -
PURI, PRITHVI RAJ B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., D.M.E.C., M.A., F.I.V. F-6718 Immovable Property -
PURNABRAT SHANKER ARCHANADAS Dip.(Mech), B.E.(Prod.), M.E.(Mech.). M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16986 Production and Industrial Engineering Land & Building
PUROHIT, SATISH B.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11253 Machinery and Plant -
PUSALKAR, MAHESH V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6697 Immovable Property -
QUAVI, ABDUL B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15442 Immovable Property -
QUAZI NOOR MOHIUDDIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13314 Immovable Property -
QURAISHI, J.I. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11058 Immovable Property -
RACCA, ASHAY KANTILAL B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. no. CCIT/I-49/2003- 04 F-11457 Immovable Property -
RADIJ, RAVI R. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3435 Immovable Property -
RAHALKAR, S.S. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3402 Immovable Property -
RAHEJA, G.L. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-603 Immovable Property -
RAI, KALLAJI MOHANDAS B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20537 Machinery and Plant -
RAI, SOHAN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20536 Machinery and Plant -
RAIEN, RAHMAN BUKSH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11907 Machinery and Plant -
RAIKAR, JAIDEV SHANTARAM B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7493 Machinery and Plant -
RAJ KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20154 Immovable Property -
RAJA SHIV SHAMBHU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21943 Immovable Property -
RAJADHYAKSHA, RAJESH. C. D.C.E., B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10359 Immovable Property -
RAJAGOPALAN, KRISHNAMURTHY B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2901 Immovable Property -
RAJANKAR, RAJESH SHRIKRISHNA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25425 Immovable Property -
RAJARAM, R. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3376 Immovable Property -
RAJARAMAN, LT. COL. S. (Retd.) B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9811 Machinery and Plant -
RAJE, HIMANSHU MADHUKAR B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/404 of 1996 F-24029 Immovable Property -
RAJEGAONKAR, ANANT K. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5814 Immovable Property -
RAJENDRA DIGAMBER RAO DESHMUKH B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28753 Immovable Property -
RAJENDRA SHASHIKANT W. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20479 Machinery and Plant -
Rajesh R Jadhav B.E. (Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16880 Machinery and Plant -
RAJKUMAR P. KHOTARE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22536 Immovable Property -
RAJMANE, MOHAN V. AMIE, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21025 Immovable Property -
RAJPURE, SANDEEP R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14414 Immovable Property -
RAJUSKAR, RAVINDRA SHESHNARAYAN B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25905 Immovable Property -
RAJWADE, ASHOK R. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19124 Machinery and Plant -
RAKA, SUNIL M. B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4253 Immovable Property -
RAM SAMPATKUMAR A.M.I.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13781 Machinery and Plant -
RAM SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9049 Machinery and Plant -
RAMABHADRA, V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11152 Immovable Property -
RAMACHANDRA, ADKAR ARUN B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4551 Immovable Property -
RAMACHANDRAN, V. D.M.E., B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18132 Machinery and Plant -
RAMAKRISHNAN, K.P. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12627 Immovable Property -
RAMAN, V.V.K. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., C.E., F.I.V. F-6234 Machinery and Plant -
RAMASWAMY, NARAYANAN B.E., C.E., P.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7495 Machinery and Plant -
RAMDAS TUKARAM KHAIRNAR Dip.(Civil), AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30524 Land & Building -
RAMESHWAR SHIVNATH KHEDKAR B.E.(Civil), M.Tech Valuation, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32258 Land & Building -
RAMMAIYA, DEEPAK D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14199 Immovable Property -
RAMTEKE, SURESH B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5577 Immovable Property -
RANADE CHANDRASHEKHAR VISHWANATH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29567 Land & Building -
RANADE, AJIT SITARAM B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/56 Approved Valuer F-27320 Immovable Property -
RANADE, ASHOK L. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16263 Immovable Property -
RANADE, B.S. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12613 Immovable Property -
RANADE, SURESH Y. B.E.(Mech.), B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18831 Machinery and Plant -
RANADE, DHANANJAY S. B.Arch., LL.B., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-5040 Immovable Property -
RANADIVE, RAJESH B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12828 Machinery and Plant -
RANAMALE, YOGESH MOHAN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Regn. No. ? CCIT/34AB/Cat-I/856 A-21264 Immovable Property -
RANDIVE, SHARAD D. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-6156 Immovable Property -
RANE, DILIPKUMAR BHAGWATHBHAI B.E.(Elct.&Com.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28450 Computer Technology -
RANE, RAJNISH V. B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16989 Immovable Property -
RANE, SHRIKRISHNA SHANTARAM B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3131 Machinery and Plant -
RANGACHARI, K.V. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8274 Machinery and Plant -
RANGANATHAN, T.K. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8589 Immovable Property -
RAO, NARSING M. B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18829 Immovable Property -
RAO, P.S. B.E.(Elect.& Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2628 Machinery and Plant -
RAO, PRABHAKARA A. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13000 Machinery and Plant -
RAO, PRAKASH A. B.E., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14960 Machinery and Plant -
RAO, R.V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16156 Machinery and Plant -
RAO, VINAYAK YESHWANTARAO M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24023 Immovable Property -
RAO, YOMESH NARAYAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17664 Immovable Property -
RASAL, ANIL VITTHALRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26803 Immovable Property -
RASSIWALA SAMOON. F. B.E., A.I.V. A-2503 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, S.N. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6501 Machinery and Plant -
RATHI, KIRTI ASHISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 777 of 2013-14 Approved Valuer F-25654 Immovable Property -
RATHI, B.N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8455 Machinery and Plant -
RATHI, DEEPAK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13453 Immovable Property -
RATHI, HITENDRA SHYAMSUNDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18291 Immovable Property -
RATHI, RAHUL AJAY B.E. Mech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21641 Machinery and Plant -
RATHI, VISHAL SHRIVALLABHAJI B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26457 Machinery and Plant -
RATHOD, B.P. G.D. Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-837 Immovable Property -
RATHOD, DINESH B.Arch. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15737 Immovable Property -
RATHOD, NITIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24338 Immovable Property -
RATNAKAR, S.V. B.E., F.I.V. F-1488 Immovable Property -
RAUT, AJINKYA DEEPAK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27440 Immovable Property -
RAUT, MOHAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12303 Immovable Property -
RAUT, PRASHANT MANOHAR B.E., F.I.V. F-17583 Immovable Property -
RAUT, RAJESH SHANKARRAO B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26102 Immovable Property -
RAUT, SAMIR RAFIK B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24716 Immovable Property -
RAUT, SUNIL AWADHUTRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-637/2000-2001 F-7375 Immovable Property -
RAUT, UDAY. V. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-2068 Immovable Property -
RAUT, VASANT N. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21027 Immovable Property -
RAVAL, CHINTAN JAVAHAR HITAISHI B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27525 Immovable Property -
RAVAL, JAVAHAR R. M.E.(Civil, Struct.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2272 Immovable Property -
RAVERKAR, R.B. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15717 Immovable Property -
RAVINDRAN, I.V. D.C.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10553 Immovable Property -
RAWALE, SHITAL M. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22305 Immovable Property -
RAWANDALE, S. ADHAR B.E. (Mech.) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17298 Machinery and Plant -
RAY, DEBASHIS SUSANTA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23631 Immovable Property -
RAY, SANJAY KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25428 Machinery and Plant -
REDDIWAR, AMOL S. B.Arch., AIIA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21742 Immovable Property -
REDEKAR, M. G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2141 Immovable Property -
REDEKAR, VILAS R. A.M.I.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16490 Immovable Property -
REDKAR, AMOL SADANAND B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26195 Immovable Property -
REDKAR, GURUNATH A. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11634 Immovable Property -
REGE, KAMALAKAR R. G.D.Arch., A.R.I.B.A., F.I.V. F-3378 Immovable Property -
RENGDE, ASHOK KRISHNA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19338 Immovable Property -
RETAREKAR, GIRISH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24576 Immovable Property -
RHUSHIKESH ANILRAO MORADE B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30865 Land & Building -
RODE, RAHUL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26194 Machinery and Plant -
RODE, SUBHASH PRABHAKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26197 Immovable Property -
ROHIDA, LAXMAN TILOKCHAND B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9615 Immovable Property -
RONGE, BABRUVAHAN PANDURANG B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27328 Production and Industrial Engineering -
ROY, P.K. SINGHA B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-2929 Immovable Property -
ROY, RABINDRA DUTTA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22183 Machinery and Plant -
RUGE SUHAS BHUPAL MANGALA B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-21028 Immovable Property -
RUPALI JAGESHWAR TONDARE B.E.(Llectronics & Telecommunication), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29644 Plant & Equipment -
RUPAREL, HARSHAD G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11982 Immovable Property -
RUPAWATE, P.M. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-6557 Immovable Property -
RUSHIKESH, RAVINDRA SALUNKE B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26096 Machinery and Plant -
RUTHE, D.M. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-11455 Immovable Property -
SABANNAVAR, H.A. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4595 Immovable Property -
SABHARWAL, UMESH CHANDRA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Chem.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6695 Machinery and Plant -
SABLE, KISHOR SAMBHAJI B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24027 Immovable Property -
SABNIS, S.S. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1203 Immovable Property -
SABNIS, SUJITKUMAR SHRIDHAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26630 Immovable Property -
SABOO, S.C. B.Sc.(Agr.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16794 Agricultural Lands -
SABOO, VINOD M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I/167/2013-14 F-23433 Immovable Property -
SACHIN P. KHADKE B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25736 Plant & Machinery -
SACHIN SUKUMAR CHOUGULE Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31963 Land & Building -
SADASHIV, MANOHAR SATISH B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8050 Immovable Property -
SADASIVAM, S. B.E.(ECE), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26093 Computer Technology -
SADRE, SANJAY D. Dip. (Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17096 Immovable Property -
SADVILKAR, JOGESH B.E., F.I.V. F-10456 Immovable Property -
SAGAVE, SHAM BHIMRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14313 Immovable Property -
SAHANI, SHARAD B.E. (Textiles), C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19417 Textile -
SAHARKAR, VAIBHAV S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19680 Immovable Property -
SAHASRABUDDHE, GUNWANT J. B.Sc., B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5330 Immovable Property -
SAHASRABUDHE, JAYANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4915 Immovable Property -
SAHASRABUDHE, JAYANT C. G.D.Arch., B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6639 Immovable Property -
SAHASRABUDHE, KETAKI KISHOR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26452 Immovable Property -
SAHIL SHARADCHANDRA KHADAKE B.Tech., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29074 Immovable Property -
SAHOTA, MALKIAT SINGH B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5437 Immovable Property -
SAIDATT, DIGAMBARRAO SAMANGAONKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26110 Immovable Property -
SAIWALA, MANGESH BHAGWANSINGH B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27235 Immovable Property -
SAKHARE, SANTOSH M. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21523 Immovable Property -
SALANKAR, ADITYA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20043 Immovable Property -
SALAVE, DATTATRAY J. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21390 Immovable Property -
SALGAR, MAHESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9900 Machinery and Plant -
SALPE, BHARAT S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12862 Immovable Property -
SALUJI, MUFADDAL B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18197 Immovable Property -
SALUNKE, ALANKAR MARUTI Dip.(Mech.), B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. A-18043 Machinery and Plant -
SALUNKE, ANIL BABURAO B.E., M.I.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8644 Immovable Property -
SALUNKE, MAHESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20042 Immovable Property -
SALUNKHAY, NIKHIL ATMARAM M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10943 Immovable Property -
SALUNKHE, DILIP D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18706 Immovable Property -
SALUNKHE, SHARAD B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15358 Immovable Property -
SALUNKHE, SURAJ V. Dip.(Mech.), B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17662 Machinery and Plant -
SALUNKHE, PRABHAKAR G. G.D.(Arch.), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23571 Immovable Property -
SAMANT, A.R. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5830 Immovable Property -
SAMANT, DEEPAK R. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4362 Immovable Property -
SAMBARE, CHANDRAMOHAN SHAMRAO B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26003 Immovable Property -
SAMBHARE, M.G. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1721 Immovable Property -
SAMBREKAR, V.B. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12766 Immovable Property -
SAMDADIYA, RAHUL RAMESH Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17670 Immovable Property -
SAMDANI, SATYA NARAYAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8259 Machinery and Plant -
SAMEL, S.M. M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7381 Immovable Property -
SAMPAT, D.V. M.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6885 Immovable Property -
SAMPAT, JAYANT B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5145 Machinery and Plant -
SAMPAT, V.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-2506 Immovable Property -
SANAP, AMIT MADHUKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23429 Immovable Property -
SANAP, VILAS KISAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14116 Immovable Property -
SANCHETI, C.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2711 Immovable Property -
SANCHETI, PRASHANT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10833 Immovable Property -
SANDANKAR, N.G. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-485 Immovable Property -
SANDBHOR YUVRAJ EKNATHRAO Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27974 Immovable Property -
SANDEEP KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30864 Land & Building -
SANDEEP NAMDEV GOLE Dip.(Civil), AMIS, M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29213 Land & Building -
SANE, PRASHANT MADHAV B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6538 Immovable Property -
SANE, SRIRAM M. B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11638 Machinery and Plant -
SANE, V.M. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5700 Machinery and Plant -
SANER, SANJAY BHIMRAO Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11456 Immovable Property -
SANGALE, SANJEEV R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10551 Immovable Property -
SANGHAVI, DINESH B.E.(Civil), M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4814 Immovable Property -
SANGHAVI, J.P. B.E., C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12617 Immovable Property -
SANGHI, MRS. MAMTA B.Tech., A.I.I.A., M.C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-10618 Immovable Property -
SANGHI, SUSHIL B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10256 Production and Industrial Engineering -
SANGHVI, APURVA BHARAT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27075 Immovable Property -
SANGHVI, ARTI B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3962 Immovable Property -
SANGHVI, NILESH RAMESH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15842 Immovable Property -
SANGHVI, RAMESH R. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3311 Immovable Property -
SANGLE ROHAN SANJAY B.E.(Civil), M. Tech ( Town & Country Planning), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32202 Land & Building -
SANGOI, VINIT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26544 Immovable Property -
SANGOLE, AJAY TRIMBAKRAO B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28672 Immovable Property -
SANGOLLI, ASHOK B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20739 Machinery and Plant -
SANGTANI, MRS. RENUKA B.Arch., M.I.C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13672 Immovable Property -
SANGVEKAR, RAVINDRA B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24794 Immovable Property -
SANGWIKAR, S.M. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-15736 Immovable Property -
SANGWIKAR, VIJAY G.D.Arch., F.I.I.A., A.I.I.I.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3336 Immovable Property -
SANJAY KISHOR PAGAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7369 Immovable Property -
SANJAY VASANTRAO BARAI Dip.(Civil), Town Planning, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31094 Land & Building -
SANKLECHA, NITIN G. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20674 Immovable Property -
SANKPAL, RAJARAM LAXMAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19479 Immovable Property -
SANNATH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3992 Immovable Property -
SAPATNEKAR, SUBODH D. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9553 Immovable Property -
SARAF VINEET ASHOK GAYATRI Dip.(Machine Tools and Maintenance), B.E.(Production Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32372 Plant & Equipment -
SARAF, DEEPAK P. B.E., A.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17826 Immovable Property -
SARAF, SANJAY. V. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-3481 Immovable Property -
SARAF, SHAMKANT G.D.Arch., M.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3177 Immovable Property -
SARANG SHAMRAOJI THORAT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31005 Land & Building -
SARANG, RAMESH GOVIND LME., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5974 Machinery and Plant -
SARANGDHAR, NILESH S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18699 Immovable Property -
SARDA, DILIP B.Arch, G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-6080 Immovable Property -
SARDA, KAUSHAL M. B.E.(Elect. & Tel.), M.B.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23632 Computer Technology -
SARDA, MURLI DHAR B.E.(Mech.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23163 Machinery and Plant -
SARDAR, A.G. GD. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2584 Immovable Property -
SARODE, PRAFULL SUDHIR B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25505 Immovable Property -
SARVAIYA, LALIT M. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16372 Machinery and Plant -
SARWADE, SANJAY B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8592 Immovable Property -
SASRABUDHE, N.H. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-5496 Immovable Property -
SATARDEKAR AJIT B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17294 Immovable Property -
SATEJ KANTILAL DHARIA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21737 Immovable Property -
SATHE ANJALI SHASHANK AMIE, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-29066 Immovable Property -
SATHE, DR. SATISH R. M.Tech., P.hd., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22012 Immovable Property -
SATHE, RAHUL B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24718 Machinery and Plant -
SATHE, SHRIKRISHNA Grad.(Ind. Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17411 Production and Industrial Engineering -
SATHE, UDAY DATTATRAYA B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 234 of 2015-16 Approved Valuer F-25646 Machinery and Plant -
SATHONE, VIVEK MOTIRAMJI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28664 Immovable Property -
SATISH DNYANOBA DHAGE Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29990 Land & Building -
SATISH JANARDHAN BHAWSAR C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29152 Land & Building -
SATPUTE, MANESH BADSHAH B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24789 Immovable Property -
SATPUTE, SUNIL KASHINATH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26001 Immovable Property -
SATYANARAYAN, K.N. I.C.W.A., A.I.V. A-10258 Stocks and Shares -
SAUDAGAR, V.M. Dipl.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13087 Immovable Property -
SAURABH OMPRAKASH DESHMUKH B.E.(Civil), M.Tech.(Environment Engg), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31973 Land & Building -
SAVANT, DR. J.S. M.Text., D.B.M., Ph.D., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6891 Textile -
SAVANT, PRAMOD U. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4527 Immovable Property -
SAVLA, K.L. B.E., A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-2067 Immovable Property -
SAW, VISHWANATH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23069 Immovable Property -
SAWANT, G.A. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11826 Immovable Property -
SAWANT, RAMRAO N. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/THN/Cat- I/15/2012-13 F-22678 Immovable Property -
SAWANT, YOGESH GANPAT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18711 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, ADITYA B.Tech., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11467 Machinery and Plant -
SAXENA, ASHOK KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9792 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, PUNIT B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23164 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, PUSHKAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26453 Immovable Property -
SAYED, AHMED NAZIR B.Com., Dip.Arb., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14205 Immovable Property -
SAYYED SHOHEB NAVID SAIRA D.C.E., B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23067 Immovable Property -
SEKHRI, ANMOL B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9807 Machinery and Plant -
SEN, T.K. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6322 Machinery and Plant -
SENGUPTA, PUBALI C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24571 Stocks and Shares -
SEQUEIRA, R.M. D.M.E., I.I.I.E., M.D.B.A., F.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16032 Production and Industrial Engineering -
SETHI, CAPT. ASHOK KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9805 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH JAIMIN GIRISH RASHMI B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29506 Plant & Equipment -
SHAH, A.G. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2894 Immovable Property -
SHAH, AJIT SHANTILAL D.C.E., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23162 Immovable Property -
SHAH, AKSHAY A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23609 Immovable Property -
SHAH, ANAND B. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20406 Immovable Property -
SHAH, ARUN V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/60/2004 F-22251 Immovable Property -
SHAH, ASHVIN S. B.E.Civil, A.I.I.E., F.I.V. F-461 Immovable Property -
SHAH, ATUL C. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7113 Immovable Property -
SHAH, B.J. B.E., M.S., F.I.V. F-2283 Immovable Property -
SHAH, BHARAT C. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1947 Immovable Property -
SHAH, DARSHAN P. Dip.(Chem.), B.E.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16491 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, DHARMESH RAJNIKANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7086 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, DILIP GANGJI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23260 Immovable Property -
SHAH, H.A. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-905 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, H.B. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-838 Immovable Property -
SHAH, HIMANSHU G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18701 Immovable Property -
SHAH, JAYANTILAL C. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1714 Immovable Property -
SHAH, JAYESH GANGJI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15180 Immovable Property -
SHAH, JAYKUMAR UMARSI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8687 Immovable Property -
SHAH, JIMIT RAMESH G.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23519 Immovable Property -
SHAH, JITENDRA DOONGARSHI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9800 Immovable Property -
SHAH, K.D. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-626 Immovable Property -
SHAH, K.K. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6272 Immovable Property -
SHAH, KALPAK B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22184 Immovable Property -
SHAH, KALPESH L. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-11472 Immovable Property -
SHAH, L.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1616 Immovable Property -
SHAH, MAHENDRA N. D.C.E., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14103 Immovable Property -
SHAH, N.C. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1784 Immovable Property -
SHAH, N.M. B.E., M.S.(ILL.USA), F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-551 Immovable Property -
SHAH, N.M. B.E. (Civil), M.E. (Stru.), C.E., F.I.V. F-634 Immovable Property -
SHAH, N.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1590 Immovable Property -
SHAH, NIKHIL V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12597 Immovable Property -
SHAH, NITIN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12996 Immovable Property -
SHAH, NITIN KANTILAL B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9209 Immovable Property -
SHAH, P.H. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15735 Immovable Property -
SHAH, POPATLAL NATHURAM B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15727 Immovable Property -
SHAH, PRAVINKUMAR RAMESHCHANDRA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21633 Immovable Property -
SHAH, RAJESH J. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2060 Immovable Property -
SHAH, RITESH B.E., M.I.C.I., C.A.C.I., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13570 Immovable Property -
SHAH, S.C. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6357 Immovable Property -
SHAH, SAGAR S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27433 Immovable Property -
SHAH, SANJEEV K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3209 Immovable Property -
SHAH, SHAFIQUE AHMED B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17502 Immovable Property -
SHAH, SHAILESH P. M.I.E., (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10830 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, SOHIL A. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17879 Immovable Property -
SHAH, SUBHASH NARANDAS B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1737 Immovable Property -
SHAH, SURESH D. B.E., D.B.M., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7142 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, TEJAS KUMARPAL B.E.(Mech.), F. I.V. Approved Valuer F-26729 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, TEJASH RAJNIKANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10087 Immovable Property -
SHAH, V.R. M.S., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4023 Immovable Property -
SHAH, V.R. B.E., F.I.V. F-6177 Immovable Property -
SHAH, VAIBHAV VIJAYKUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28951 Immovable Property -
SHAH, VIJAY J. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14848 Machinery and Plant -
SHAH, VIJAY ARUNKUMAR B.E., A.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25999 Immovable Property -
SHAH, VINAY C. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2110 Immovable Property -
SHAH, YATINKUMAR S. C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/THN/Cat-VI/39/2014- 15 F-23266 Stocks and Shares -
SHAHA, ABHAY KUMAR G.D. Arch., M.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4115 Immovable Property -
SHAHA, S.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2817 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH SADIYA ABUSALIM NADRA B.E., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26800 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, ABUSALIM SAMIUDDIN B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9375 Production and Industrial Engineering -
SHAIKH, AZHARUDDIN S. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27978 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, AZIMAHAMAD BIKHAN Dip. Arch., C.O.A., F.I.C.C.P., M.C.I. Arb, R.I.B.A., A.M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27935 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, JAWAID AHD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15628 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, MAHEMOOD Y. AMIE (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21822 Machinery and Plant -
SHAIKH, MAJAZ QADIR B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18983 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, MUKHTAR NIJAMODDIN D.C.E., B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. NSK/CCIT/Tech./34AB(81/ 23(Imm.Prop)/Cat-I/2013-14 F-24786 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, QUAMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11731 Immovable Property -
SHAIKH, T. ABDULLAH B.E.(Mech.), D.I.M., F.I.V. F-3328 Machinery and Plant -
SHAILENDRA KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21722 Machinery and Plant -
SHAILENDRA SINGH RATHORE B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3176 Immovable Property -
SHANKAR, AMAR B.E.(Elect. Comni.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12935 Computer Technology -
SHARAD, LOKARE PRAVIN B.E., M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28950 Immovable Property -
SHARADCHANDRA K. PATEL B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17669 Machinery and Plant -
SHARIFI, A.R. B.E., M.I.V. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10690 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, AJAYKUMAR SHIVRAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27218 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, C.B. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4132 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, CHANDRAPRAKASH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7879 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, MANOJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23066 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, MUKESHCHANDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20332 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SHRIKISHAN CHHAGANLAL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24241 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, UMESH B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3196 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VANDANA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24141 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, VIRENDRA RAJENDRA B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25995 Immovable Property -
SHASTRY, C.I. Dip. Civil(Engg.), F.I.V. F-3138 Immovable Property -
SHEDJI, VASANT MUKUNDDAS B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25159 Immovable Property -
SHEEL NOEL CABRAL Chief Engineer Officer, Marine, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29499 Marine -
SHEIKH, YASEEN GD. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9712 Immovable Property -
SHELAR, AMOL B. B.E., A.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16042 Immovable Property -
SHELAR, KEDAR V. Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20335 Immovable Property -
SHELAR, CHANDRAKANT F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7494 Marine -
SHELKE, PRASAD SHIVAJIRAO B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25818 Immovable Property -
SHELKE, SAMADHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20539 Immovable Property -
SHELKE, SUHAS J. B.E., D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12987 Immovable Property -
SHELKE, VISHWANATH PANDURANG B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15519 Immovable Property -
SHENOY, ARUNKUMAR R. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18710 Machinery and Plant -
SHENVI, RAMESH S. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-15193 Immovable Property -
SHEO RAJ M.Sc.(Agri.), Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18297 Agricultural Lands -
SHEO, DAN MAL F.I.E., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-188 Immovable Property -
SHETE, CHANDRAKANT M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15732 Immovable Property -
SHETE, MILIND R. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26508 Immovable Property -
SHETE, NITEEN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16889 Immovable Property -
SHETE, NANDAKUMAR S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23635 Immovable Property -
SHETGIRI, AMOL P. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20961 Immovable Property -
SHETGIRI, PRAKASH V. B.Sc., G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1270 Immovable Property -
SHETH, GAUTAM B.E.(Const.), A.I.V. A-12869 Immovable Property -
SHETH, S.C. B.E. (Textile), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16706 Textile -
SHETH, V.C. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3683 Immovable Property -
SHETRANIA, SANJAY MADHAV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24572 Immovable Property -
SHETTY, ASHWIN V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4355 Immovable Property -
SHETTY, DEVIDAS RAMKRISHNA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4282 Machinery and Plant -
SHETTY, M.V. B.E., F.I.V. F-5351 Machinery and Plant -
SHETTY, RAGHURAM B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8171 Machinery and Plant -
SHETTY, SANATH S. B.E., A.M.I.E, C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15073 Machinery and Plant -
SHETYE, MANOHAR E. GD. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-994 Immovable Property -
SHETYE, RAVINDRA BHASKAR B.E., F.I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11155 Machinery and Plant -
SHETYE, SANDEEP S. Dip.(Civil), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21321 Immovable Property -
SHEVADE, S.P. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3886 Immovable Property -
SHEWADE, A.V. D.T.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6530 Machinery and Plant -
SHEWALE, VIJAY M. B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10921 Immovable Property -
SHIDHORE, MANDAR SADASHIV B.E., MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24660 Immovable Property -
SHIKARI, K.S. B.Sc.Engg.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2616 Immovable Property -
SHIKARI, M.S. G.D.(Arch.), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11627 Immovable Property -
SHINDE AVINASH ANANT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29505 Land & Building -
SHINDE SURAJ DADASAHEB Dip.(Civil), B.Tech (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30772 Land & Building -
SHINDE, BHARAT M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21571 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, GUNVANT D. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11249 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, HEMANT KUMAR NARAYAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26364 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, PARVIN P. B.E., A.I.V. A-12870 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, RAJESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19477 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, SAGAR PRAKASH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26897 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, SAMEER SHANTARAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25900 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, SANDEEP KISANRAO B.E., F.I.V. F-26900 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, SANGEETA B. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14950 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, SANTOSH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23165 Immovable Property -
SHINDE, SUNIL RAMDAS B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17408 Machinery and Plant -
SHINDE, VAIBHAV NAMDEO G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-12406 Immovable Property -
SHINKAR, PRADIP D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7547 Immovable Property -
SHIRALKAR, PRABHAKAR V. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-5888 Immovable Property -
SHIRKE, PRAKASH GUNAJI G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25504 Immovable Property -
SHIRKE, SANJAY MAHADEV B.E., F.I.V. F-7744 Immovable Property -
SHIRKE, YUVARAJ N. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14843 Agricultural Lands -
SHIRKHEDKAR, M.V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-10360 Immovable Property -
SHIRKHEDKAR, KSHITIJ MUKUND B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23357 Immovable Property -
SHIRODE, AVINASH D. B.E., M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1768 Immovable Property -
SHIRODKAR, PROF. ABHIJIT M.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5692 Immovable Property -
SHIRODKAR, NITINCHANDRA B.E.(Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19415 Machinery and Plant -
SHIRPURKAR, ALIM AHMED B.E., F.I.V. F-15204 Immovable Property -
SHIRSAT, G.A. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13084 Immovable Property -
SHIRSAT, LAXMAN MANYABA B.Sc., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14192 Agricultural Lands -
SHIRSAT, MAHENDRA CHANDRABHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12311 Immovable Property -
SHIRUDE, RAJIV R. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22455 Immovable Property -
SHITALKUMAR PRABHAKAR TAWAR B.Sc.(Agricultuar), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32496 Land & Building -
SHIVALKAR, S.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13667 Immovable Property -
SHIVARKAR, SHAILESH D.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9493 Machinery and Plant -
SHOLAPURKAR, RAVINDRA BHALACHANDRA B.E., M.E.(Cons.), M.Tech.(Env.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26981 Immovable Property -
SHREYASH ROMHARSHAN NANDANWAR B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30578 Land & Building -
SHRIKANT HEMANT TUPKAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28751 Immovable Property -
SHRIKANT S. KONDO B.E.(Mech), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11260 Machinery and Plant -
SHRIMALI, NARBDA SHANKER A.M.I.E., A.I.V. F-17403 Immovable Property -
SHRIRAME, RAJESH G. Dip.(Elect.), B.E.(Ind. Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22537 Machinery and Plant -
SHRIVASTAV, PRAKASH M. B.E.(Mech.) B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17176 Machinery and Plant -
SHRIVASTAVA, S.C. B.E. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16796 Immovable Property -
SHROFF, N.G. B.E.(Mech. Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2315 Machinery and Plant -
SHROFF, SWAPNIL P. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14727 Immovable Property -
SHRUTI SURESH RAMKUMAR B.Arch., M.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29573 Land & Building -
SHUKLA, ANUPAM KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28135 Machinery and Plant -
SHUKLA, P.C. B.E., PG.D.B.A., PG.D.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6367 Machinery and Plant -
SIDHU, S.S. B.E., A.I.V. A-10458 Immovable Property -
SINDHIKAR, MOHAN S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22245 Immovable Property -
SINGAL, ANIL KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27860 Machinery and Plant -
SINGAL, TARANG ANIL KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28280 Machinery and Plant -
SINGALKAR, MANGALCHAND M. B.E., MI.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14312 Immovable Property -
SINGH (Retd.), COL. THAMAN B.Sc. Engg., M.E., D.I.B.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7207 Immovable Property -
SINGH, AJAY K. M.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3020 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ARUN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26281 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BHOLA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. F-8139 Immovable Property -
SINGH, CHANDRA PRAKDASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18912 Immovable Property -
SINGH, GURMAIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21745 Immovable Property -
SINGH, HARNANDAN P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2527 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, JAGVIR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5365 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KIRANJEET B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12601 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, KRISHNA VIR B. Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8993 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, RAVINDRA NAMWER B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., A.I.V. A-13083 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANGEETHA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28243 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANJIV KUMAR B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15844 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANTOSH KUMAR B.Sc., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12600 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, UDAI VEER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23625 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VINOD KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. F-8901 Immovable Property -
SINHA, ANIL KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22924 Machinery and Plant -
SINHA, G.P. B.Sc., M.Tech., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15954 Machinery and Plant -
SINHA, PRADEEP KUMAR B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27246 Machinery and Plant -
SINHA, PREMKANT B.E.(Production), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13309 Production and Industrial Engineering -
SINHA, RAJESH B.E.(Com.Sci.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22919 Computer Technology -
SINHA, TAPASH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18542 Machinery and Plant -
SIPY SHARAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12993 Immovable Property -
SITAP, SUNITTA N. B.E., PGDCM, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22018 Immovable Property -
SNEHAL CHOUDHARY B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31237 Plant & Equipment -
SOHANI, DATTATRAY GANESH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23570 Immovable Property -
SOHONI, A.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16272 Immovable Property -
SOLANKAR, MANOJ SOPANRAO D.M.E., B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21825 Machinery and Plant -
SOMAIYA, BHARAT C. B.E., D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7614 Immovable Property -
SOMAN, GOVIND V. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6370 Machinery and Plant -
SOMANI VAISHAKHI RAVINDRA B.Tech.(Civil), M.Tech.(Geotechnical), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31476 Land & Building -
SOMANI, H.N. M.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1298 Immovable Property -
SOMKUWAR, SANJAY KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26370 Immovable Property -
SOMVANSHY, S.S. B.Tech., M.Sc., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3494 Machinery and Plant -
SOMWANSHI, KIRAN R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26982 Immovable Property -
SOMWANSHI, VAISHALI AJAY B.Arch., F.I.V. F-17091 Immovable Property -
SONALKAR, PRASHAT RAMESH B.Arch., G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17756 Immovable Property -
SONALKAR, RAHUL A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21522 Immovable Property -
SONAR, KAMLAKAR T. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5372 Immovable Property -
SONAWANE, DEEPAK D. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20198 Immovable Property -
SONAWANE, DEEPAK S. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14620 Immovable Property -
SONAWANE, GANESH TULSHIRAM I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26000 Immovable Property -
SONAWANE, MANGESH SAVLERAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I- 60/2005 F-21105 Immovable Property -
SONAWANE, SANDIP V. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17496 Immovable Property -
SONAWANE, SHARAD PRAHLAD AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7307 Machinery and Plant -
SONAWANE, SHIRISH V. B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16614 Immovable Property -
SONEY, KUMAR, T. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16601 Immovable Property -
SONJE R. ASHOK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9219 Machinery and Plant -
SONKUSALE, ARUN GANESH B.E.(Mech.), M.Tech.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28341 Machinery and Plant -
SONKUSLE, ASHOK MAROTI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12857 Immovable Property -
SOORI, RAMA KRISHNA B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-2077 Machinery and Plant -
SOWANI, KIRAN H. B.Tech., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I-230 of 1988 F-21728 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAV, DEEPAK KUMAR B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17589 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, GYAN PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21141 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, P.C. Grad. Engr.(Mech.), MIE, C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21391 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, S.C. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13093 Machinery and Plant -
SUBHASH VALLABHADAS JOSHI B.E.(Civil), M.Tech.(Civil), PHD(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8645 Immovable Property -
SUBHEDAR UDAY MADHUSUDAN B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30406 Plant & Equipment -
SUBHEDAR, J.N. G.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2492 Immovable Property -
SUBRAMANIAM, SUBHIRAMANIYAM KRISHNAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25817 Immovable Property -
SUBRAMANIAN, K.V. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11730 Immovable Property -
SUCHITA MANOHAR SAYAJI B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30405 Land & Building -
SUDA, RAJESH SHYAMSUNDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28665 Immovable Property -
SUDHIR RAOSAHEB MAGDUM B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30686 Land & Building -
SUHAS T. GORE B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13318 Immovable Property -
SUKHTANKAR, RAVINDRA C. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7903 Machinery and Plant -
SUMIT BRIJLAL BILDANI B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32155 Land & Building -
SUNIL KISANLAL BAFNA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31138 Land & Building -
SUNIL KUMAR SHANKAR TALMALE B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28857 Immovable Property -
SUNIL P. PAWAR B.E.(Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23817 Production Engineering and Industrial Engineering -
SUNIL RAGHUNATH JOSHI B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-28671 Immovable Property -
SUPANEKAR, ANIL S. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14302 Machinery and Plant -
SURA ASHOK, B. G.D.Arch., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3727 Immovable Property -
SURA, PARAG SURESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21821 Immovable Property -
SURA, SURESH K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8781 Immovable Property -
SURANA, SUMTILAL KANHAIYALAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8457 Immovable Property -
SURESH, K.R. GD.Arch., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3148 Immovable Property -
SURLAKAR, SAMIR B.E., M.E., F.I.V. F-4481 Immovable Property -
SURPURE, SANJAY S. B.E., C.E., A.M.I.A.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5252 Automobile -
SURSHE, PANKAJ B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12202 Machinery and Plant -
SURVE, LAXMIKANT M. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-10365 Immovable Property -
SURWASE, TUKARAM DNYANOBA D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13088 Immovable Property -
SURYAVANSHI, SHEKHAR R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11977 Immovable Property -
SURYAWANSHI, CHANDRAKANT B.E., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25808 Immovable Property -
SURYAWANSHI, PRAMOD M. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16365 Immovable Property -
SURYAWANSHI, SHAMKANT VITTHALRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14024 Immovable Property -
SURYAWANSHI, SIDDHARTH R. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24238 Immovable Property -
SUTAR, SHIVAJI MARUTI B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20884 Immovable Property -
SWAMI, BIPIN IRANNA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9486 Immovable Property -
SWAMI, SHIVSHANKAR P. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20818 Immovable Property -
SWAMI, VIJAYKUMAR R. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25252 Machinery and Plant -
SWAPNIL DIGAMBAR NIKAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27155 Immovable Property -
SYED SHAHEED UL HAQUE AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20960 Immovable Property -
SYED, MOIZUDDIN B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19039 Immovable Property -
SYED, MUZAMMIL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17288 Machinery and Plant -
TADAS, VISHAL WAMANRAO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27826 Immovable Property -
TAKLE, RAKHI B.Arch., IIA., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20676 Immovable Property -
TAKLE, VIDYADHAR L. B.E. (Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17244 Machinery and Plant -
TALATHI, VINOD P. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18193 Immovable Property -
TALELE, Y.S. B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7568 Agricultural Lands -
TALIKOTI, M.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-112 Immovable Property -
TALITHAYA, V.N. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-3899 Machinery and Plant -
TALPADE, BIPIN SWARUP B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21948 Immovable Property -
TALWALKAR, V.R. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2651 Immovable Property -
TAMBAT, RAVIRAJ SHARAD D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24725 Immovable Property -
TAMBAY, LT. COL. PRADEEP V. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-11985 Immovable Property -
TAMBE VIKRANT VISHWASRAO B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32080 Land & Building -
TAMBE, G.N. B.E., F.I.V. F-15625 Machinery and Plant -
TAMBE, NITIN M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8912 Immovable Property -
TAMHANKAR, PRADIP BALKRISHNA B.E., M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/211/2013-14 Approved Valuer F-22670 Immovable Property -
TAMHANKAR, RAJAN MORESHWAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24334 Machinery and Plant -
TANDALE, MAHESH TRYMBAK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25819 Immovable Property -
TANDALE, PRADIP M. B.E., AMIE, A.I.V. A-16154 Immovable Property -
TANGA BHAGYASHREE LAXMAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29221 Immovable Property -
TANGADPALLIWAR, SAMIDHA A. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28576 Immovable Property -
TANKHIWALE, SANJAY DEVIDAS B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24659 Machinery and Plant -
TAPADIA, RAVI M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9045 Immovable Property -
TARA CHAND M.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1085 Immovable Property -
TARACHANDANI, ANIL D. Dip.(Mech.), A.M.I.M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19626 Machinery and Plant -
TARACHANDANI, RAM D. B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13295 Immovable Property -
TARALE, ANUP VINAYAK B.Tech.(Agri.), M.Tech.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19570 Agricultural Lands -
TARE, ARUN ANANT B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11735 Machinery and Plant -
TARE, M. MANOHAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8621 Immovable Property -
TARE, SANDIP A. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13086 Immovable Property -
TARE, SHIRISH D. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18826 Machinery and Plant -
TARI, SUBODH B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4690 Immovable Property -
TARODEKAR, B.V. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3561 Immovable Property -
TATALE, HANMANT TUKARAM B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26278 Immovable Property -
TATE, PRAKESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15350 Immovable Property -
TATED, SACHIN A. B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-20541 Immovable Property -
TAWADE, SANTOSH GOVIND B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6194 Immovable Property -
TAWDE, VIJAY N. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4120 Immovable Property -
TAYADE, SATYEN SUBHASH B.E.(Mech.), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14705 Machinery and Plant -
TAYDE, SUBHASH B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19757 Agricultural Lands -
TAYWADE, CHANDRAKANT M. B.Sc.(Agri.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18386 Agricultural Lands -
TEKADE, SHIVRAJ R. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23814 Immovable Property -
TELANG, D.V. B.E.(Civil), LL.B., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3608 Immovable Property -
TEMBHURNE, ABHAY PREMDAS B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/114/2010-11 Approved Valuer F-28453 Immovable Property -
THACKER, ANIL KUMAR B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8421 Immovable Property -
THACKER, NILEN VASANTKUMAR G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22681 Immovable Property -
THACKER, V.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1139 Immovable Property -
THAKAR, JAWAHAR PRAHLAD B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I 2729 of 1975 Approved Valuer F-27076 Immovable Property -
THAKAR, KESHAV TRIVIKRAM A.M.I.E., D.M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9370 Machinery and Plant -
THAKARE PRANAV RAJENDRA Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31186 Land & Building -
THAKARE, SUDHAKAR SHAMRAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24494 Machinery and Plant -
THAKKAR, S.V. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1450 Immovable Property -
THAKOR, RAJESH N. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8207 Immovable Property -
THAKRE, SALIL DEORAM B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3666 Immovable Property -
THAKRE, TRILOK Dip.(Civil), I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22242 Immovable Property -
THAKUR, KRUTTIKA N. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21747 Immovable Property -
THAKUR, LIYAKAT A. B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14953 Immovable Property -
THAKUR, M.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9537 Machinery and Plant -
THAKUR, RAVINDRA N. B.E., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20621 Immovable Property -
THAKUR, VASANT B.Arch., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16266 Immovable Property -
THANKI, MINAL SHANTILAL B.E.(Prdu.), M.Val.(P&M), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/P&M/60/2006- 07 Approved Valuer F-21732 Production and Industrial Engineering -
THATTE, SUBHASH MAHADEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24864 Immovable Property -
THIGALE CHINMAY VISHWAMBHAR B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32175 Land & Building -
THITE, RAJU HARISHCHANDRA D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22189 Immovable Property -
THITE, SHEKHAR L. B.E., M.Tech., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3626 Immovable Property -
THOKE, NARAYAN G. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19578 Agricultural Lands -
THOMBARAY, MANDHARR NANASAHEB B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23636 Immovable Property -
THOMBARE, ANIL UTTAM B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27150 Immovable Property -
THOMBARE, ATUL A. B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. (N)CCIT/I- 79/57/2004-05. A-6897 Immovable Property -
THOMBRE, NIRMAL B. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14842 Immovable Property -
THOOL, D.D. B.Arch., M.E., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11250 Immovable Property -
THOTE, S.G. B.E., F.I.V. F-5537 Machinery and Plant -
THOTE, SHITALNATH J. B.Sc.Agri., M.Sc.Agri., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25510 Agricultural Lands -
THOTE, VASANT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24726 Immovable Property -
TIJARE, V.J. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5999 Machinery and Plant -
TIKHE, MANDAR SUBHASH Dip.Gemology., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15719 Jewellery -
TILOKANI, VINOD GIRDHARI B.E.(Automobile), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19478 Automobile -
TILVE, SURESH HARI B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-9131 Machinery and Plant -
TIPNIS, JAYANT C. G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-1056 Immovable Property -
TIRPUDE, VIKAS H. B.E.(Mech.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7618 Machinery and Plant -
TIWADI, GANESH SUBHASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19183 Immovable Property -
TIWASKAR, N.V. G.D.Arch., C.E.Dip., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3289 Immovable Property -
TODKAR, PRASHANT Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19179 Immovable Property -
TODKAR, SANTOSH G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18128 Immovable Property -
TOKE, MUKUND A. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20545 Machinery and Plant -
TOLIWAL, MAHAVIR K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23518 Immovable Property -
TONDARE, JAGESHWAR PUNDALIK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28666 Immovable Property -
TONPE, ABHAY SHASHIKANT D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25734 Immovable Property -
TORANE, T.L. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14506 Immovable Property -
TOSHNIWAL, RAMNARESH B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-16486 Machinery and Plant -
TOTALA, SATYANARAYAN S. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-11908 Machinery and Plant -
TOTEWAR, SHAILESH S. B.Arch., M.C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Reg. No. CA/2003/30798 A-21462 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, KIRTIKAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25022 Machinery and Plant -
TRIVEDI, BHARAT D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3969 Immovable Property -
TRIVEDI, SANDESH S. B.Arch., M.Val.(RE), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19688 Immovable Property -
TRIVEDI, SUDHARANI S. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24575 Immovable Property -
TUSHAR KAMALKISHOR BHATTAD B.E.(Electrical), M.Valuation(Real Estate), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29065 Land & Building -
TYAGI, AJEET B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4897 Immovable Property -
UBALE AMOL BHIMRAO B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27728 Machinery and Plant -
UDAY GAJANAN MURDANDE B.E (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4144 Machinery and Plant -
UDGIRKAR, V.W. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24486 Immovable Property -
UGARE ANILKUMAR JAYPAL Dip.(Civil), B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31646 Land & Building -
ULAPE, SANDIP D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22094 Immovable Property -
ULLAL, DHIRAJ B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18538 Machinery and Plant -
ULLAL, Y.R. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. F-2672 Machinery and Plant -
UMAKANT NAMDEO JAWALE B.E. ( Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12868 Machinery And Plant -
UMALE, SHARAD B. M.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8396 Agricultural Lands -
UMALKAR, SATISH NAMDEORAO D.C.E., B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23637 Immovable Property -
UMBRAJKAR, AMIT PRABHAKAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28238 Immovable Property -
UMESH MADHUKAR SHRIKHANDE Dip. Civil, B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6520 Immovable Property -
UMESH NIVRUTTIRAO METKAR B. Arch, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25647 Immovable Property -
UMRANI, M.M. B.E., F.I.V. F-16703 Immovable Property -
UNDE, AMRUT B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18908 Immovable Property -
UPADHYAY, HASMUKH J. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9799 Immovable Property -
UPADHYE, SANJEEV S. B.E.(Cons.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12418 Immovable Property -
UPADHYE, PRABHAKAR VITHAL B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23815 Machinery and Plant -
UPASANI, MANDAR VINAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26456 Immovable Property -
UPENDRA, SHENOY VASUDEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9285 Machinery and Plant -
URADE, MADHAV CHINTAMAN B.E., F.I.V. F-24243 Immovable Property -
URADE, PARAG PANDURANGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15718 Immovable Property -
UTTARWAR MOHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25018 Immovable Property -
UTTARWAR, SURESH V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-907 Immovable Property -
UTTURE, SANJAY BAPUSO D.C.R.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11150 Immovable Property -
V V NERLEKAR AMIE(Metallurgy), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12441 Metallurgical Engineering & Engineering Materials -
V. B. NANAJKAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28858 Immovable Property -
VADALKAR, HEMANT S. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-5709 Immovable Property -
VADHER, GHANSHYAMSINH D. B.E.(Mech.), A.I.E., A.M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12830 Machinery and Plant -
VAGAL, AMRUT SUDHIR B.E.(Prd.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26367 Production and Industrial Engineering -
VAGAL, ANIL G.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. F-15363 Immovable Property -
VAIBHAV SURYAKANTRAO AJEGAONKAR B.Tech.(Agri.), M.Tech.(Agri.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31187 Land & Building -
VAIDHYANATHAN, V. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13552 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA ATUL KRISHANAJI B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22760 Machinery and Plant -
VAIDYA, A.S. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10552 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA, ABHIJIT B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16707 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA, ALOK MUKUND B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27068 Machinery and Plant -
VAIDYA, ASHOK B. B.E., F.I.V. F-7501 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA, B.S. B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17501 Agricultural Lands -
VAIDYA, MUKUND M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8914 Machinery and Plant -
VAIDYA, NANDKISHORE G. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2693 Machinery and Plant -
VAIDYA, SHYAM B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12979 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA, SUDHIR GOVIND B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9476 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA, TUSHAR J. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21464 Immovable Property -
VAIDYA, VIVEK K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17965 Immovable Property -
VAIDYANATHAN, L.P. B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3596 Immovable Property -
VAIDYANATHAN, N. B.E., D.O.M., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7496 Machinery and Plant -
VAIRAMOHAN, M. D.M.E., AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6694 Machinery and Plant -
VAISHNAV, KIRAN I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10464 Immovable Property -
VAJIR, BHARAT KR. V. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19832 Machinery and Plant -
VAJRE, ULHAS AMIE(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8173 Machinery and Plant -
VAKIL RAJ RAJENDRA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23823 Immovable Property -
VALIKARIMWALA, F.F. B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5376 Immovable Property -
VALIMBE, SHRIKANT RANGANATH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26643 Machinery and Plant -
VANJARI, SHIVKUMAR R. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5414 Immovable Property -
VANKAR, YOGESH R. B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22253 Immovable Property -
VANKUDRE, SUNIT AJIT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27724 Immovable Property -
VARDHAN, KANTILAL B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. A-2663 Immovable Property -
VARGANTWAR, RAJESH B. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21727 Immovable Property -
VARMA, DHIRENDRA B.Com., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19257 Jewellery -
VARMA, MANISH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-21820 Immovable Property -
VARMA, N.R. B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2523 Immovable Property -
VARMA, NEELIMA AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22376 Immovable Property -
VARMA, PRASHANT N. B.E., F.I.V. F-6696 Immovable Property -
VARMA, SANJAY HARIRAM B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7919 Immovable Property -
VARMA, RAGHWENDRA KISHORE B.Sc.(Engg.)(Metallurgic al), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19686 Metallurgical Engineering -
VARTAK, ATUL P. B.E.(Electron & Tel.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18913 Computer Technology -
VARTAK, MAHESH M. B.E.(Civil), A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-4142 Immovable Property -
VARTAK, N.G. GD. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9704 Immovable Property -
VARTAK, SHASHANK ANANT B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10467 Immovable Property -
VARTAK, V.L. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2260 Immovable Property -
VASAIGARA, A.D. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1800 Immovable Property -
VASANT DATTATRAYA PANDARKAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29393 Immovable Property -
VASI, A.Z. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8323 Immovable Property -
VASUDEVAN, CHAKRAVARTHY B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25258 Machinery and Plant -
VASUDEVAN, R. B.E., F.I.V. F-3939 Immovable Property -
VATSYAYAN, DHANANJAY KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24336 Machinery and Plant -
VENGSARKAR, SHARAD S. B.Chem.Engg., MS (USA), F.I.V. F-6397 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, ABHAY KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26734 Immovable Property -
VERMA, B.J. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14841 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, R.S.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10927 Immovable Property -
VERNEKAR, SANGEETA RAJAN GD. Arch, A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9701 Immovable Property -
VHANBATTE, RAJESH MADHUKAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8261 Immovable Property -
VIBHUTE, AJAYKUMAR BASAVRAJ B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25913 Machinery and Plant -
VIJAY KAILASH AGRAWAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20543 Immovable Property -
VIJAY SHRIRAM KAPSE B.Arch., M.Tech.(Urban Planning), COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30685 Land & Building -
VIJAYAKAR, R.K. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-16162 Immovable Property -
VIJAYKUMAR, B. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25716 Machinery and Plant -
VIKAMSEY, KANTILAL KARAMSEY B.E., M.S.(USA) F.I.V. F-1405 Immovable Property -
VIKAMSEY, KISHORE KARAMSEY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-986 Immovable Property -
VIKAMSEY, KUNAL K. B.E., M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/360 of 1988 A-9376 Immovable Property -
VINAY VISHWANATH NENE AMIE(Mech), Dip., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-32243 Plant & Equipment -
VIRAJ SHRIKRISHNA RANE B.E.(Mech), M.Valuation(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31750 Land & Building -
VISHAL SURESH PATIL B.E.(Civil), Mastes of Valuation in (Real Estate), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32312 Land & Building -
VISHWAJEET SINGH JADON B.E.(Mech.), M.Sc.(REV), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21630 Machinery and Plant Immovable Property
VISHWANATH, NAVARE DEEPAK B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. 1/79 of 2005 Approved Valuer F-24924 Immovable Property -
VISWANAATHAN, A.K. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11516 Machinery and Plant -
VIVAREKAR, V.D. M.I.E., C.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4127 Immovable Property -
VYANKATESH MANOHARRAO WAGHOLIKAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30683 Land & Building -
VYAWAHARE, V.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11633 Immovable Property -
W.Y. PATHAK B.E.Elect., F.I.V. F-15617 Machinery and Plant -
WAD, VIJAY MAHADEO G.D. Arch., F.I.V. F-4117 Immovable Property -
WADE, BHUSHAN H. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18917 Immovable Property -
WADEGAONKAR, R.V. B.E., M.E., M.I.W.W.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16893 Immovable Property -
WADEGAONKAR, V.W. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-868 Immovable Property -
WADGAONKAR, AVINASH S. B.E. (Civil), A.I.V. A-17089 Immovable Property -
WADHWA, HARJEET SINGH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19258 Machinery and Plant -
WADHWANI, KIRAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27199 Immovable Property -
WADKAR, BALASAHEB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26635 Immovable Property -
WADKE, B.D. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-518 Immovable Property -
WAGH, PANKAJ JAYANT Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19629 Immovable Property -
WAGH, SHREE SHEKHAR Jeweller, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23003 Jewellery -
WAGH, YOGESH VINAYAK B.Arch., A.I.V. A-14609 Immovable Property -
WAGHMARE, ABHEY V. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23573 Immovable Property -
WAGHMARE, AKASH HARIBHAU B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27329 Immovable Property -
WAGHMARE, R. B. B.E., M.Tech.(T&CP), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21729 Immovable Property -
WAGHOLIKAR, S.K. B.E., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14714 Immovable Property -
WAGHULDE, NITIN A. B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9053 Immovable Property -
WAIRAGADE, SMITA VIJAY B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24025 Immovable Property -
WAIRAGADE, VIJAY R. B.E.(Str.), M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5553 Immovable Property -
WAKALKAR, SURYAKANT S. Dip.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11900 Immovable Property -
WALAME, N.G. B.E., F.I.V. F-13185 Machinery and Plant -
WALHEKAR, SHANKAR D. G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20194 Immovable Property -
WALSE, VIJAY KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9617 Immovable Property -
WANDRE, ANIL LAXMAN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9374 Immovable Property -
WANGIKAR PRASHANT SURENDRA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28578 Immovable Property -
WANI SANDEEP VINAYAKRAO B.E., M.E.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30409 Land & Building -
WANI, AMIT RAVINDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23943 Immovable Property -
WANI, SHAILESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19568 Immovable Property -
WANIKAR, ANAND KUMAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-4933 Machinery and Plant -
WANKHADE, SUNIL R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16597 Immovable Property -
WARADE, DINESH P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11571 Immovable Property -
WARADE, K.R. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3620 Immovable Property -
WARADKAR, SANJAY MOHAN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24154 Machinery and Plant -
WARAMBHE, SHATRUGHNA Y. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18196 Immovable Property -
WARHEKAR, ANIL TULSHIRAMJI B.E., M.Tech.(Hydr.) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24332 Immovable Property -
WARJURKAR KESHAO HARISHCHANDRA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32206 Land & Building -
WARULE, ANTU POPAT B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23168 Immovable Property -
WARUNGASE BHASKAR B.E., F.I.V. F-18045 Immovable Property -
WASUDEO, MESHRAM RAJESH B.Arch., C.O.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28845 Immovable Property -
WATKAR, P.M. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11737 Machinery and Plant -
WYAWAHARE, M.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14018 Machinery and Plant -
YADAV SANDIP SHIVAJI B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30307 Land & Building -
YADAV, BABAU DAGADU B.E. (Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18919 Machinery and Plant -
YADAV, BALASAHEB SAKHARAM B.E., A.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. 242 of 2015-16 Approved Valuer A-21030 Immovable Property -
YADAV, DHARMANATH PRASAD B.Sc.(Engg.)(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25650 Machinery and Plant -
YADAV, RAJABHAU B.E, M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15362 Immovable Property -
YADKIKAR, S.V. B.E.(Civil), M.E., LL.B., F.I.S., F.I.V. F-13095 Immovable Property -
YARDI, SUDHAN D. B.Com., F.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12614 Stocks and Shares -
YELVE, RAMESH SHRIDHAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23355 Immovable Property -
YEOLA, SANDEEP JAGANNATH B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26506 Immovable Property -
YEOLE, ROHIT NANDKISHOR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26899 Immovable Property -
YERAM, AMIT NARAYAN D.C.E., B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21634 Immovable Property -
YERANDEKAR, GIRISH M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12999 Immovable Property -
YEVALE, SHRIKANT S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17491 Immovable Property -
YOG KISHORE B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-10036 Machinery and Plant -
YOGI, NARESH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-4319 Immovable Property -
ZADE, VISHVESHVAR Y. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16258 Immovable Property -
ZADGAONKAR, PRAVIN AMIE(Mech.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. VII/153/2012-13 F-21946 Machinery and Plant -
ZAINUDIN, GULAMALIWALA, B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-3119 Immovable Property -
ZALPURI, S.K. B.Sc.Engg., LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15837 Immovable Property -
ZALTE, KAILAS N. A.M.I.E., C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11998 Immovable Property -
ZAMBRE, DATTATRAY DHANARAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27819 Immovable Property -
ZAMWAR, ASHOK. G. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3649 Immovable Property -
ZANWAR, ALOK AVINASH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25577 Immovable Property -
ZANWAR, KRISHNA KUMAR B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4213 Immovable Property -
ZARKAR, DILEEP G. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6238 Immovable Property -
ZAVERI, ANKIT R. Jeweller, M.B.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23007 Jewellery -
ZITE, MADHURI SAGAR B.Arch., M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16040 Immovable Property -
ZODE, JAGESHWAR N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21627 Immovable Property -
ZOLE, SOURABH SUDHAKAR B.E., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28947 Immovable Property -
ZOLE, SUDHAKAR D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CAT-I-124 F-21739 Immovable Property -
ZOPE, SANJAY BHASKAR B.E., M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9717 Machinery and Plant -
ZOPE, WAMANSUKA B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2098 Immovable Property -

We have a strong team of more than 32000 valuers.