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A.K. SRIVASTAVA AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29616 Land & Building -
AAKASH JAIN B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30140 Land & Building -
ADLAKHA, RAMESH K. B.E.(Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3267 Machinery and Plant -
ADLAKHA, SUBHASH CHANDER A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-11020 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, ANIL AMIE, MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26164 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, ARUN KUMAR AMIE, M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26163 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, ARUN KUMAR M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-7061 Marine -
AGARWAL, ATUL KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11616 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, B. K. B.Tech.(H), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5631 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, HIREN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19542 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, MONICA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19543 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SMT. MANILA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9769 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, G.P. G.D., I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-9109 Machinery and Plant -
AGGARWAL, RAJAN M.Arch., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24771 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, RAKESH K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13857 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, SATISH KUMAR D.C.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16686 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, SHAM LAL AMIE (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20930 Machinery and Plant -
AGGARWAL, VIRENDER KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24638 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, ARUNENDRA VIJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17376 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ASHUTOSH B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17870 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, B.S. B.E., F.I.V. F-5079 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, K.S. Dip. Civil, A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4255 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, KULDEEP KUMAR Dip.(Mech.), B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21708 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAWAL, PUNEET B.Arch., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27950 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, R.N. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-9315 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SATISH KUMAR B.Sc. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3093 Machinery and Plant -
AHLUWALIA, AMRISH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24539 Machinery and Plant -
AHLUWALIA, HARI GOPAL B.Sc. (Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14683 Immovable Property -
AHUJA, NITIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19874 Immovable Property -
AJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20178 Immovable Property -
AKHIL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28820 Immovable Property -
AKSH GARG B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29279 Immovable Property -
AKSHAY MITTAL B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32401 Land & Building -
AMANDEEP SINGH GHAMBIR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28119 Immovable Property -
AMANDEEP B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21219 Immovable Property -
AMIT DAHIYA Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31085 Land & Building -
AMIT GUPTA B.Tech.(Mech.), AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30510 Land & Building -
ANAND KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27496 Immovable Property -
ANCHAL, VIJAY AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25625 Immovable Property -
ANEJA, HARKIRAT SINGH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12366 Immovable Property -
ANEJA, T.D. B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19809 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR BANBAH Dip.(Civil), AMIE.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32196 Land & Building -
ANKIT B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28929 Immovable Property -
ANKIT SHARMA B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30952 Plant & Equipment -
ARORA, ANIL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26868 Immovable Property -
ARORA, C.L. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25394 Immovable Property -
ARORA, CHAMAN LAL B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1943 Immovable Property -
ARORA, HARISH CHANDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21167 Immovable Property -
ARORA, N.D. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., C.E, F.I.V. F-3362 Immovable Property -
ARORA, SURINDER K. B.Arch, M.C.A., F.I.V. F-1354 Immovable Property -
ARORA, VIJAY KUMAR D.C.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22898 Immovable Property -
ARUN KUMAR B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21996 Machinery and Plant -
ARYA, BHASKAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21554 Immovable Property -
ARYA, VIKAS B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13854 Immovable Property -
ATROLEY, R.S. B.Sc. Engg., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11495 Immovable Property -
AVINASHI, ANAND K. F.I.E, F.I.V. F-3844 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, RAKESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27047 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, RANGEELA B. Arch, M.C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16446 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, SAT PAUL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20267 Machinery and Plant -
BAJAJ, SAT SAROOP A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18966 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, SUSHIL K. B.Sc., C.Engg.(I), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5354 Immovable Property -
BAKSHI, AKASH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27581 Immovable Property -
BALWANT SINGH AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29959 Land & Building -
BANSAL, ANIL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23897 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, GIRRAJ PRASAD A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17374 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, H.K. A.I.M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18671 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, JAI KISHAN AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26693 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, P.K. B.Sc. (Civil) Engg., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10867 Immovable Property -
BATISH, SANJEEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17931 Immovable Property -
BENIWAL, AJAYENDER B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25973 Immovable Property -
BHA RDWA J, ANIL KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26338 Immovable Property -
BHAGAT, M.N. F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7529 Immovable Property -
BHARAT BHUSHAN BHAGAT B.E.(Civil), PG Diploma in (Business Management), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32248 Land & Building -
BHARDWAJ, KISHAN CHAND A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19950 Immovable Property -
BHARDWAJ, RAM PRAKASH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27495 Immovable Property -
BHASIN, P.L. F.R.I.C.S., M.I.S., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-955 Immovable Property -
BHASIN, SUMIT B.Arch., M.B.A., F.I.V. F-20471 Immovable Property -
BHASKAR, RANJIT RAI A.M.I.E., C.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9675 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, ANIL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25067 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, ASHWANI KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25784 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, C.K. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2557 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, GAGANDEEP SINGH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22819 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, RAJ KUMAR B.Sc., Divisional Forest Officer, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27863 Forests -
BHUPENDER SINGH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29027 Immovable Property -
BHUSHAN, BHARAT B.E., M.I.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14157 Machinery and Plant -
BHUTANI, BASANT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23242 Immovable Property -
BINDLISH, NARINDER KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24541 Immovable Property -
CHABBA, SUBHASH C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20804 Immovable Property -
CHADHA, RAJAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6864 Immovable Property -
CHAHAL, DINESH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25133 Immovable Property -
CHAHAL, ISHWAR SINGH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22729 Immovable Property -
CHAMAN LAL B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17478 Immovable Property -
CHAND, PRAVEEN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27297 Immovable Property -
CHANDER, JAGDISH Jeweller, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21807 Jewellery -
CHANDER, SUBHASH A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19018 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDER, SUKHESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23131 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDERPAL B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25130 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, SURESH D.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15025 Immovable Property -
CHANEY, JAGPAL SINGH N.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8651 Immovable Property -
CHATNANI, N.N. B.Sc., B.E.(Hons.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3326 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARY, DHANI RAM B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15026 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARY, SURENDER SINGH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26166 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, Brig. N.P.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15304 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, EX. CAPT. V.S. B.Sc.Engg., C.E., F.I.V. F-9294 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, ITYENDRA SINGH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9945 Immovable Property -
CHAUHAN, RAVINDER SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10537 Immovable Property -
CHAWLA, SATISH CHANDER M.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14824 Immovable Property -
CHHABRA, PRIT PAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CITC/Panchkula/34AB F-21366 Immovable Property -
CHHABRA, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10411 Immovable Property -
CHHIKARA, BALBIR SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22293 Immovable Property -
CHOTANI, VIR BHAN G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16958 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, MOHINDER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. F-2495 Machinery and Plant -
CHOUDHRY, S.C. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18964 Immovable Property -
CHOUHAN, NEHA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23499 Immovable Property -
CHUGH, RAKESH KUMAR B.E. , M.E.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17032 Immovable Property -
DABAS, P.K. B.Sc.(Engg.) , F.I.V. F-11022 Immovable Property -
DAHIYA, ANJALI B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16447 Immovable Property -
DAHIYA, P.S. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20509 Immovable Property -
DAHIYA, R.S. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. F-6863 Machinery and Plant -
DAHIYA, SINGH NARINDER C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15584 Immovable Property -
DAHIYA, VIKAS B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28819 Immovable Property -
DALAL, MOHINDER SINGH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19541 Immovable Property -
DALIA, LT. COL. DARSHAN K. B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15481 Machinery and Plant -
DANGI, RAM PHAL B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26165 Machinery and Plant -
DAVINDER KUMAR B.Tech., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30835 Land & Building -
DENOD, RISHI PAL A.I.I.A., M.C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7463 Immovable Property -
DESH RAJ AMIE, M.Tech.(E.E.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25396 Immovable Property -
DEWAN, SUNDEEP CA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17476 Stocks and Shares -
DHANUKA, AMIT B.E., M.E.(Con.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19170 Immovable Property -
DHARMENDRA SINGH Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30668 Land & Building -
DHARWADKER, P.P. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4080 Immovable Property -
DHIMA N, AMIT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23048 Immovable Property -
DHIMAN, BAL KRISHAN A.I.I.A.,M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13749 Immovable Property -
DHIMAN, SAT PAL AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22222 Immovable Property -
DHIMAN, DHARAMVEER B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22515 Immovable Property -
DHUPAR, S.L. B.Sc., B.Sc. (Engg), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4730 Immovable Property -
DUA, JATIN B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23784 Machinery and Plant -
DUA, L.R. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7081 Immovable Property -
DUA, MANJEET B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29191 Immovable Property -
DUHAN, M.S. A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13260 Immovable Property -
DURGESH MEHTA B.Arch., COA, M.Val.(R.E.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28817 Land & Building -
GABA, SHAM SUNDER B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14823 Machinery and Plant -
GAHLAN, VERENDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28530 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, RAJKAMAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7019 Immovable Property -
GANGULY, PRADIP KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22645 Machinery and Plant -
GARG, ANIL KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27051 Immovable Property -
GARG, DR. VIKASH B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22065 Immovable Property -
GARG, JAI PARKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25627 Immovable Property -
GARG, JASBIR SINGH A.M.I.E., A.I.V. A-8958 Immovable Property -
GARG, MADHU B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CC/CHD/Tech- II/Valuer/93-94/232/146 Approved Valuer F-10415 Immovable Property -
GARG, P.L. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7587 Immovable Property -
GARG, PRAVIN B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24382 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAM PRATAP B.Sc.(Civil Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24989 Immovable Property -
GARG, RATAN DEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18600 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAVI AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14968 Immovable Property -
GARG, SACHIN B.Tech., Mh. Valu., M.Sc.(P&M), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21367 Immovable Property Machinery and Plant
GARG, TARSEM C.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CC/CHD/TECH/Valuer/2011- 12/34AB/473 Approved Valuer F-11226 Stocks and Shares -
GARG, VAIBHAV B.E., A.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12746 Immovable Property -
GARG, VARUN KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26337 Immovable Property -
GARG, VIKAS C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23892 Stocks and Shares -
GARGA, KRISHNA SWARUP C.E., F.I.S.(I), F.I.V. F-2356 Immovable Property -
GAUR, PHUL KUMAR D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24696 Immovable Property -
GEETIKA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28421 Immovable Property -
GERA, BHARAT BHUSHAN AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13417 Immovable Property -
GERA, SUNIL D.C.E., AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15799 Immovable Property -
GIRDHER, VIJAY KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22166 Machinery and Plant -
GIROTRA, OM PRAKASH A.M.I.C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10413 Immovable Property -
GOEL, ISHWAR SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28207 Immovable Property -
GOEL, JAGDISH CHANDER AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28208 Immovable Property -
GOEL, KARAN B.Tech.(Mech.), M.E.(Prd.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21555 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, KRISHAN KUMAR B.Sc.(Elect.)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21914 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, RAM AVTAR B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10412 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SATISH CHANDER AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24540 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SURESH KUMAR AMIE, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20932 Immovable Property -
GOEL, UMESH KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19088 Immovable Property -
GOEL, YUDHISHTRA I.M.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19231 Machinery and Plant -
GOPAL KRISHAN AMICE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29360 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, ARUN K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7067 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, NAVEEN B.Arch. A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/PKL/34AB/2011- 2012 A-16009 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, NEERA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7068 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, RAJESH M.V.R.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/PKL/Tech/34AB/ 2010-11/48 A-24005 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, SAJJAN KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25395 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, VINOD B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27298 Immovable Property -
GROVER, ARCHNNA Dip.(Arch.), I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20095 Immovable Property -
GROVER, SUNIL KUMAR B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27034 Machinery and Plant -
GUGNANI, RAMESH CHANDER AMIE(Mech.), PGD(Proj.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22224 Machinery and Plant -
GULAB SINGH AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31119 Land & Building -
GULATI, SURINDER M.I.E., B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1968 Immovable Property -
GULSHAN B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30204 Land & Building -
GUNJAN RANI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29957 Land & Building -
GUPTA (RETD.), COL. SURESH A.M.I.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11104 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, AKHIL B.Arch., M.Plan., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25306 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ANUPAM VIJAY M.Sc. Real Estate Valuation, A.I.V. A-25551 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, APURAV B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11227 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, BAL KISHAN IME, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22649 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, BALBIR SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23604 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, BHARAT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13750 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, BHUPINDER I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CA/2002/29659 F-23047 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, CHANDER PARKASH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 430/34AB/2013-14 F-23893 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, GHANSHAM DASS B.E. Mech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4921 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, HARI RAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15796 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, HARI VANSH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17475 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, HEM CHANDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13255 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, I.P. Dip.C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4827 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, JAGDISH RAI AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22820 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, JAGDISH CHANDER M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9768 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, JAGMAL SINGH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21363 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, K.C. M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3540 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, K.L. F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-3253 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, KRISHAN GOPAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18965 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, M. SARUP B. Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1346 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, MADAN LAL A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6941 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, MAN MOHAN B.Sc. (Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22818 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, MANISH B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28282 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, MANOJ KUMAR B.E.( Mech.), F.I.V. F-19540 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, N.K. B.Tech.(Agri.), F.I.V. F-12362 Agricultural Lands -
GUPTA, NARESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.), C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9185 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, NARINDER PAUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/Panc./Tech./348 F-24209 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NATHI RAM AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19736 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, O.P. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14922 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, OM PARKASH B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. F-6926 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PANKAJ KUMA R B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25065 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PARSHOTAM LAL B.Tech., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11609 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PARVEEN KUMAR A.M.I.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-12275 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, POKHAR MAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23128 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PRATEEK B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23336 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PUSHPENDER R.C. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27049 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAHUL B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24909 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJNI I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16768 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAM KIRAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18761 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAM SARUP M.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13415 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAMAN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-7904 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RITESH mohan B.E., A.I.V. A-10894 Computer Technology -
GUPTA, S.N. DCE, AMIE, FIV, Approved Valuer F-16245 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANDEEP Dip.(Mech.), AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22988 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, SANJAY B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21077 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJEEV B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Govt. Regd. Valuer ? C.C.I.PANCH./2016-17/34AB/FARIDABAD/06 Approved Valuer F-24069 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SATISH CHAND B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15301 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, SHALABH I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19232 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SHAM LAL B.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12066 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SHIV KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16771 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SOM PARKASH B.Sc. Engineering Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16564 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SUBHASH CHAND AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28821 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SUBHASH CHANDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23496 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SWATI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26520 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, UMESH CA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23895 Stocks and Shares -
GUPTA, V.P. M.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6932 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, V.P. M.I.S., F.I.V. F-6037 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIJAY KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19738 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18599 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VINEET LOCHAN B.Sc. (Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8138 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VINOD KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27405 Immovable Property -
GURBIR SINGH MAANN B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29356 Immovable Property -
HANDA, V.M. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18601 Immovable Property -
HARBANS LAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20510 Machinery and Plant -
ISHWAR JAIN B.Sc., M.E.(Highways), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29545 Land & Building -
JAGE RAM A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18885 Immovable Property -
JAGGI, T.S. A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-5837 Immovable Property -
JAGLAN, RAJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15299 Immovable Property -
JAI KISHAN SHARMA Dip.(Civil), B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30836 Land & Building -
JAI PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25479 Immovable Property -
JAIDKA, R.K. A.M.I.E.(Civil) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15303 Immovable Property -
JAIN, AJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27050 Immovable Property -
JAIN, AJIT KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19087 Immovable Property -
JAIN, AMAN B. Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16449 Immovable Property -
JAIN, ASHOK K. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7020 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, JINENDER KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20916 Immovable Property -
JAIN, JINENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28527 Immovable Property -
JAIN, KAVI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9770 Immovable Property -
JAIN, KRISHAN KUMAR B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20096 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, MANOJ B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24123 Immovable Property -
JAIN, MULTAN SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14387 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, N.K. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18260 Immovable Property -
JAIN, NITIN B.Arach., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18803 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PANKAJ B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18673 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PARSHOTAM CHAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22585 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SANDEEP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21856 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SUBHASH CHAND M.E.(Strs.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15148 Immovable Property -
JAIN, VIJAY K. B.E.,. F.I.V. F-12946 Immovable Property -
JAIN, VIRANDER K. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-12833 Immovable Property -
JAISWAL, PANKAJ A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12948 Immovable Property -
JANDU, LOVNEEK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18022 Immovable Property -
JANGRA, RAJ KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20316 Immovable Property -
JATINDER KUMAR B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Highways), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31811 Land & Building -
JAVA, M.K. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13419 Machinery and Plant -
JINDAL, DINESH KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V F-3031 Immovable Property -
JINDAL, RAMESH DUMAR B.Sc. (Engg) (Civil) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16863 Immovable Property -
JINDAL, ROMESH CHANDER B.E., F.I.V. F-11101 Immovable Property -
JUNEJA, BHAGWAN DASS G.D.Arch. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21446 Immovable Property -
JUNEJA, RADHA KRISHAN N. Dip., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25062 Immovable Property -
KAISTHA, ANUJ B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15302 Immovable Property -
KAKAR, SHASHI KANT B.Sc., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-10405 Machinery and Plant -
KALIA, PITANJAL KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-14931 Immovable Property -
KALRA, S.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8377 Immovable Property -
KALRAIYA, SANJAY KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24990 Machinery and Plant -
KAMBOJ, NITIN B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28209 Immovable Property -
KAMBOJ, SANJEEV KUMAR D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23337 Immovable Property -
KANSAL, ANIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21517 Immovable Property -
KANSAL, B.K. B.Sc. (Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6879 Machinery and Plant -
KANSAL, SURINDER KUMAR AMIE(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22986 Machinery and Plant -
KANT, BISHNU B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1373 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, RAMESH KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21613 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, VINOD KUMAR D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/Panc./2012- 13/34AB/11 A-5558 Immovable Property -
KATARIA, PANNI LAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26867 Immovable Property -
KAUL, RAM KISHAN B.E.(E.E.E.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25481 Machinery and Plant -
KAUSHAL, VIKAS B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12068 Immovable Property -
KAUSHIK, RAM NIWAS B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14280 Immovable Property -
KHANDEKAR, VIKAS AMIE, M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21556 Immovable Property -
KHANDELWAL, NANAK CHAND B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28816 Immovable Property -
KHANDUJA, ASHWANI KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21220 Immovable Property -
KHANDUJA, LOVNISH B.Arch., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11102 Immovable Property -
KHANDUJA, THAKAR DASS B.E., F.I.V. F-4414 Immovable Property -
KHANNA, KULDEEP KUMAR D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21013 Immovable Property -
KHANNA, PARDEEP AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24304 Immovable Property -
KHANNA, SUSHIL K. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13965 Immovable Property -
KHOSLA, OM PARKASH B.Sc. Engg.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5902 Immovable Property -
KHURANA, DALIP I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18258 Immovable Property -
KHURANA, DHEERAJ B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10414 Immovable Property -
KHURANA, MAHINDER KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23238 Immovable Property -
KHUSHAL SETIA B.Tech.(Mech), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31215 Plant & Equipment -
KISHORI LAL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30669 Land & Building -
KOHLI, ANIL KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7080 Machinery and Plant -
KOHLI, R.C. Dip. (Civil), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11618 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, PAWAN B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21675 Immovable Property -
KOTHARI, RUPESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25132 Immovable Property -
KOUL, JAWAHIR LAL A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11100 Immovable Property -
KUKREJA, AJAY B.E.(Env.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26961 Immovable Property -
KUKREJA, ROHIT B.E., D.I.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12831 Immovable Property -
KUKREJA, S.L. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7815 Immovable Property -
KULDEEP KUMAR Diploma Computer Engineering, B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26429 Immovable Property -
KULDEEP SINGH AMIE(Elect.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31118 Plant & Equipment -
KUMAR, ANAND ARUN B.Sc., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12364 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, ASHOK AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28813 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ATUL B.E.(Civil), M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-4949 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, BALVINDER B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22223 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, HAMANT B.Tech., F.I.V., Approved Valuer F-28814 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, KRISHAN B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2519 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NAVEEN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26064 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PARVEEN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15480 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PAWAN AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27048 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PREM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28722 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJ AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23894 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJEEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17868 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJENDER AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26866 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21078 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAMESH D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25480 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAVINDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27129 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, S. NITIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/PKL/2010- 11/34AB/43 F-23239 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SHELENDER B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24992 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SURENDER B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29029 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SUSHIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10344 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VIJAY B.E. (Civil), F.I.V., F-4050 Immovable Property -
KUMRA, NAVEEN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25974 Immovable Property -
LAHIR, BALBIR KRISHAN M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19313 Immovable Property -
LALA, VINOD B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27494 Machinery and Plant -
LAXMAN GAGAN RAJWANI B.E. Civil, M.E. CA&AD, Exec. Prog. Business Management, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30205 Land & Building -
LEKHI, KAMLESH CHANDER B.Sc., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15482 Immovable Property -
MADAAN, PRANAV B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28419 Immovable Property -
MADAN, AMIT I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18675 Immovable Property -
MADAN, MANOJ B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21370 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, AJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23338 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, NARESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26596 Immovable Property -
MAHINDER KUMAR B.Com., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21364 Jewellery -
MAJOR GEN. ANIL KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17627 Machinery and Plant -
MAKHIJA, NIRMAL DASS I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27400 Immovable Property -
MAKKAR, D.S. B.E.(Auto.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13748 Automobile -
MALHOTRA, D.N. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18355 Immovable Property -
MALHOTRA, INDER KUMAR F.I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9547 Immovable Property -
MALHOTRA, R.N. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-10231 Immovable Property -
MALIK RANVIR SINGH AMIE, M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24208 Immovable Property -
MALIK, DEVENDER SINGH Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. A-19085 Immovable Property -
MALIK, R.D. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-1439 Immovable Property -
MALIK, RAVINDER SINGH D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21362 Immovable Property -
MALIK, SUKHBIR SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21999 Immovable Property -
MAN, MOHAN MADAN B.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7180 Immovable Property -
MANCHANDA, M.R. B.Sc.(Eng.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17251 Immovable Property -
MANCHANDA, HARINDER VIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18672 Immovable Property -
MANOHAR LAL M.I.E., F.I.V F-2542 Immovable Property -
MANOJ KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32382 Land & Building -
MARYA, MUNISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27404 Immovable Property -
MATHUR, ROMIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28176 Immovable Property -
MD GULAM MOINUDDIN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29846 Land & Building -
MEHRA, JAWALA SINGH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9680 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, AMAR SINGH F.I.E.(India), C.E., F.I.C.A, F.I.V. F-2976 Machinery and Plant -
MEHTA, COL. O.P. (RETD.) B.E., M.B.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9936 Machinery and Plant -
MEHTA, D.K. F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5762 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, KARTIK B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22165 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, PARDEEP B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8517 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, RAM SARUP A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-7726 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, VIJAY KUMAR Dip. C.E., F.I.S., F.I.V. F-4608 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, VINOD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21242 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, ATAMPARKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22514 Machinery and Plant -
MEHTANI, HITENDERA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18758 Machinery and Plant -
METHA, RAJIV B.Arch., A.I.V. A-7687 Immovable Property -
METHA, TARSEM LAL B.Sc., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-11080 Chemicals -
MITTAL, ABHISHEK M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23241 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, ANIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25972 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, G.R. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18597 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, HANUMAN B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12274 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, PAWAN K. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13257 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, PRAKASH CHAND B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24630 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, PREM PRAKASH A.M.I.E. (Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17474 Machinery and Plant -
MITTAL, RAMESH C. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21243 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, ROSHAN LAL B.Sc. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15800 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, SURESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Eng.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17159 Immovable Property -
MOHAN, ALOK B.Sc.(Mech.), Marine Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26962 Machinery and Plant -
MOHAN, SURINDER AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26778 Immovable Property -
MOHINDRA, VIRENDAR VIR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23605 Immovable Property -
MOHIT SAPRA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31084 Land & Building -
MOHIT, LALIT B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25061 Immovable Property -
MOKESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28140 Immovable Property -
MOOL CHAND AMIE, M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26336 Immovable Property -
MOZA, DR. KULDEEP KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26244 Immovable Property -
MUDGAL, ANIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18762 Immovable Property -
NAGIAL, KULWANT SINGH B.Tech.(Elect.), M.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26169 Machinery and Plant -
NAGPAL, NAND KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19737 Immovable Property -
NAGPAL, PAWAN KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., R.E.C., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-4146 Machinery and Plant -
NAGPAL, SANJEEV KUMAR Dip.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18106 Immovable Property -
NANDA, NARESH KUMAR I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25707 Immovable Property -
NANGRU, S.K. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19230 Immovable Property -
NARANG, ASHOK KUMAR B.Sc.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17555 Machinery and Plant -
NARANG, ISHAN B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26871 Immovable Property -
NARANG, K.K. B.E.(Hons.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2730 Immovable Property -
NARENDER KUMAR Build. & Quant. Surveying, M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28305 Immovable Property -
NARINDER B.Arch., C.O.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29281 Immovable Property -
NEERAJ GUPTA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14470 Immovable Property -
NEGI, MOHAN SINGH B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28815 Immovable Property -
NEHRU, SANJAY AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28725 Immovable Property -
NILESH B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28726 Machinery and Plant -
NITYANAND PRASAD AMIE(Civil), M.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31947 Land & Building -
NOHWAR, RAJEEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24070 Immovable Property -
OHRI, SURINDER KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18801 Immovable Property -
OM PARKASH D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22730 Immovable Property -
OPINDER PRABHAKAR Dip. (Arch.), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30739 Land & Building -
PAL, MADAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21369 Immovable Property -
PALBAG, BISWANATH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10015 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, NAVEEN CHANDRA Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20094 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, SANJAY B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19462 Immovable Property -
PANDHI, B.R. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8617 Machinery and Plant -
PANKAJ KUMAR Diploma Civil, B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27579 Immovable Property -
PANWAR, C.B. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Reg. No. CCIT/PKL/34AB/2005- 06/21 F-19396 Immovable Property -
PARASHER, S.B. A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-12363 Machinery and Plant -
PARVEEN Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31764 Land & Building -
PARVEEN KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30737 Land & Building -
PAUL, H.S. B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6400 Machinery and Plant -
PAUL, SEWA RAM B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22989 Immovable Property -
PAWAN RATHI Diploma Civil, AMIE, M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30203 Land & Building -
PHOGAT, HIMANSHU B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26065 Immovable Property -
PHOUGAT, TIRATH SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23417 Immovable Property -
PRAKASH, CHETAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24836 Immovable Property -
PRASHAR, PAWAN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15300 Machinery and Plant -
PRATEEK GUPTA B.E., M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29847 Land & Building -
PULKIT GUPTA B.Tech (Elect.), A.I.V Approved Valuer A-25971 Machinery and Plant -
PURI, ANIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-16561 Immovable Property -
PURI, MANDEEP SINGH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28210 Immovable Property -
PURI, PUNEET KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22063 Immovable Property -
PURI, RAJNISH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28416 Immovable Property -
PURI, S.D.K. B.Sc. Engg. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17059 Immovable Property -
PURI, SANJAY B.E., F.I.V. F-6031 Immovable Property -
PURI, SUNIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7650 Immovable Property -
PUSRI, SANJEEV KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25877 Machinery and Plant -
RAI, CHARAN JIT B.E.(Elect.), M.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27879 Machinery and Plant -
RAI, KALWANT B.Sc., LL.B., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12064 Immovable Property -
RAJ KUMAR MUNJAL AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29845 Land & Building -
RAJ SINGH MALIK B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), MBA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31855 Land & Building -
RAJAN DHIMAN Dip.(Arch.), B.Arch, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18760 Immovable Property -
RAJAN NALINI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24893 Immovable Property -
RAJESH KATARIA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29280 Immovable Property -
RAJPAL, K.L. A.M.I.E, F.I.V. F-10023 Immovable Property -
RAJVANSHI, SOM CHANDRA B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6467 Immovable Property -
RAM LAL A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7586 Immovable Property -
RAMESH KUMAR BSc.(Civil Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31449 Land & Building -
RANI, MADALSA B.Arch., L.L.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20098 Immovable Property -
RANI, NEERAJ B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14475 Immovable Property -
RAO, GAJRAJ SINGH GD. Arch., F.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11617 Immovable Property -
RAO, VIVEK SINGH B.Arch., P.G.(CMID), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13526 Immovable Property -
RATAN PAL B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29747 Land & Building -
RAWAL, SURJEET KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9772 Machinery and Plant -
RAWLLEY, RAJENDER KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18107 Immovable Property -
RISHAB MITTAL B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30275 Land & Building -
ROHIT SACHDEVA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27949 Immovable Property -
ROHTASH KUMAR B.Sc.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17458 Machinery and Plant -
ROMESH KUMAR GARG Sec. A&B, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29748 Land & Building -
RUCHI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18598 Immovable Property -
SACHDEV, GOVIND M.E., Ph.D., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2121 Immovable Property -
SACHDEVA, CHARU B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22225 Immovable Property -
SACHDEVA, PREM KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12367 Immovable Property -
SAGGU, MOHINDER SINGH I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17479 Immovable Property -
SAHNI, BHAGWAN DASS AMIE, M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/PKL/2006- 2007/34AB/12/2913 F-16560 Immovable Property -
SAHNI, COL. S.K. B.E., M.B.A., C.E., F.I.V. F-4260 Immovable Property -
SAIGAL, JATINDER KUMAR B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-10074 Immovable Property -
SAINI, SANDEEP B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24637 Immovable Property -
SAINI, ABHAY RAM AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28724 Immovable Property -
SAINI, AMITA I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25376 Immovable Property -
SAINI, MANDEEP B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28928 Immovable Property -
SAMBHAR, S.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11418 Immovable Property -
SANDHAL (RETD.), BRIG. A.L. M.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14474 Immovable Property -
SANGHI, AVINASH CHAND B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20179 Immovable Property -
SANJEEV KUMAR B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18061 Immovable Property -
SANON, PANKAJ Dip. Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16448 Immovable Property -
SARDANA, RAMESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18108 Immovable Property -
SATISH KUMAR GUPTA B.E.(Electronics), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19078 Plant & Equipment -
SATISH SHARMA AMIE(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30452 Land & Building -
SATSANGI, S.K. B.Tech.(Hons.), F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7525 Machinery and Plant -
SEHGAL, ANURAG B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18988 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, SUBHASH CHANDER B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24697 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, SUDHIR KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17727 Immovable Property -
SETHI, HARSHSAV B.Tech., M.E.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27300 Immovable Property -
SETHI, MADAN MOHAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5075 Immovable Property -
SETHI, PUNIT B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25706 Immovable Property -
SHAMEEK DEV B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31865 Land & Building -
SHARMA (RETD.), WG. CDR. C.L. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7072 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, AMIT B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28117 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ANSHUL B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24383 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ASHOK KUMAR I.I.A. (By Exam), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23240 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, BAL KRISHAN AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21365 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, LT. COL. VIRINDER B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-15676 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, MANIRAM AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28927 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NARINDER NATH A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V F-11695 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NEERAJ B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16769 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, OM PARKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22643 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, R.K. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7937 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, RAM PARTAP M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13259 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SANGEET B.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-14472 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SATYA PAUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21312 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SATYA PRAKASH I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16131 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SATYAM KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12947 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SAURABH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23702 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SERVESH KUMAR Dip.(Civil), M.I.S., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22651 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SURESH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21998 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SURESH CHANDRA B.E.(Elect.), M.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12067 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, SURINDER PAL B.E.(Elect)., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21448 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VED PARKASH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23049 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, VIDHYA DHAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24307 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, VIJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22899 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VIPIN KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24463 Immovable Property -
SHINGLA, V.K. B.E.(Elect.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1095 Machinery and Plant -
SHIVAM CHANDNA B.Arch. C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29683 Land & Building -
SHRI KRISHAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15795 Immovable Property -
SHUBHAM BANSAL Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30740 Land & Building -
SIDHARTH GABA B.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29359 Immovable Property -
SINDHU, SHISPAL AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22648 Immovable Property -
SINGAL, RAJ K. B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-12949 Machinery and Plant -
SINGAL, VIJAY KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14096 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ARVIND PAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25708 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BALJIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17793 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BIRENDER AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26431 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DILBAGH Degree (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19731 Immovable Property -
SINGH, GURBAX A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17553 Immovable Property -
SINGH, GURBAX B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23501 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, JAGDEEP B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20180 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, JOGINDER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22433 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KARNAIL AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21582 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KULVIR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6110 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PREM NARAIN B.Sc., B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V F-9992 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PUNJAB B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19086 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAJENDER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27045 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAJESH KUMAR Dip.(Mech.), B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21707 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, RAJKUMAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25129 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAM KARAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25066 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RANDHIR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23498 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, SUBODH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19314 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SURENDRA B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5743 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, TAJINEDER PAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17554 Immovable Property -
SINGH, TARLOCHAN AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27692 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, TARVINDER PAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11103 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, UDHAM B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27217 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VARSHA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24306 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VEER AMIE, M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26870 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIJENDER B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22584 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, MANISH Dip. Arch., I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19949 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, RAJESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22432 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, SANJAY B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8300 Machinery and Plant -
SINGLA, BRIJ MOHAN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20097 Machinery and Plant -
SINGLA, DIWAN SHER B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25063 Immovable Property -
SINGLA, NARESH KUMAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14389 Immovable Property -
SINGLA, RAKESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26522 Immovable Property -
SINGLA, S.R. A.M.I.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18520 Machinery and Plant -
SINGLA, SHIV KUMAR A.I.I.A., F.I.V., Approved Valuer F-5560 Immovable Property -
SINGLA, SOURABH D.C.E., AM.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11696 Immovable Property -
SINGLA, TARSEM CHAND B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19312 Machinery and Plant -
SONIA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29028 Immovable Property -
SONU VOHRA A-29482 LM C7 Har. Approved Valuer A-29482 Machinery and Plant -
SUD, RAJESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13810 Immovable Property -
SUDAN, KULJEET SINGH A.M.I.E., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-10234 Immovable Property -
SUDHIR, J.R. F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13162 Immovable Property -
SUKHATME, TARANG B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23487 Immovable Property -
SUKHEJA, JYOTI B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19463 Immovable Property -
SUKHIJA, LALIT B.Arch., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-14682 Immovable Property -
SUMAN DUHAN B.Tech.(Instrumentation), M.Tech.(Nano Science & Tech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31650 Plant & Equipment -
SUNIL CHAUHAN Build. & Quant. Surveying, M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28306 Immovable Property -
SURENDRA PANDEY B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29749 Land & Building -
SURESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16772 Immovable Property -
SURI, JYOTSNA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25563 Immovable Property -
SURI, SANJEEV B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25785 Immovable Property -
SUSHIL KUMAR AGRAWAL B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29958 Plant & Equipment -
SUSHIL KUMAR SACHDEVA B.Sc (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26595 Machinery and Plant -
SWAIN (RETD.), GP. CAPT. B.B. B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8475 Machinery and Plant -
SWAIN, SUBASINI B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24695 Agricultural Lands -
TANEJA, SATISH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13063 Immovable Property -
TANEJA, SUNIL B.Arch., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-13258 Immovable Property -
TANWAR, BABU DAN SINGH D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24303 Immovable Property -
TARA CHAND AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27131 Immovable Property -
TARSEM LAL F.I.E., F.I.E.T.E., F.I.V. F-5778 Machinery and Plant -
THAKUR, VIKRAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11106 Immovable Property -
THUKRAL, B.L. B.A.(Hons.), B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2911 Immovable Property -
TINDWAL, RAM PAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26598 Immovable Property -
TINDWAL, SURINDER KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24305 Immovable Property -
TIWARI, VIRINDER K. B.E., B.Sc., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13256 Machinery and Plant -
TREHAN, HARIOM G.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11319 Immovable Property -
TREHAN, RAVINDER KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22164 Immovable Property -
TSEWANG, RIGZIN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23500 Immovable Property -
VAID, MOHINDER SINGH B.A., M.I.F.S., F.I.V. F-4466 Forests -
VAMSI KRISHNA KANTH N. B.Tech.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27793 Immovable Property -
VARUN GUPTA B.Tech.(Civil), M.Sc.(P & M) Valuation, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32335 Land & Building -
VED PRAKASH Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-14471 Immovable Property -
VERMA, ARUN KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24835 Immovable Property -
VERMA, HUKAM SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21076 Immovable Property -
VERMA, J.B. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20725 Immovable Property -
VERMA, JAI KUMAR I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23129 Immovable Property -
VERMA, JAI PARKASH N.D. Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I- 215/92 F-9583 Immovable Property -
VERMA, MAJ. N.L. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6384 Immovable Property -
VERMA, OM PRAKASH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8026 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, PA WAN KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26430 Immovable Property -
VERMA, PRATEEK B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24988 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, SHIVA SHANKER D.C.E., B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23783 Immovable Property -
VERMA, SURESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10890 Immovable Property -
VIJ, M.K. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7295 Immovable Property -
VIJAY KUMAR CHAUDHARY B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31076 Land & Building -
VIPIN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26063 Immovable Property -
VIPIN KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), M.Tech.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32118 Land & Building -
VIRK, AMIR SINGH B.Sc.(Elect.)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27691 Machinery and Plant -
VISHVAS VAID Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30670 Land & Building -
VOHRA, SUSHIL K. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12945 Machinery and Plant -
VOHRA, VED PRAKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. F-19947 Immovable Property -
WADEHRA, VINOD KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19395 Machinery and Plant -
WADHWA, ATUL KUMAR C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9771 Stocks and Shares -
WALIA, ANIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-22987 Immovable Property -
WALIA, HARISH KUMAR B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24991 Machinery and Plant -
WATTS, SAT PAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23495 Immovable Property -
YADAV, KRISHAN GOPAL B.Sc.(Elect.)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24003 Machinery and Plant -
YADAV, TEZPAL SINGH Degree in Mech. Engg., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25949 Machinery and Plant -
YADAV, VIJAY PAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24004 Immovable Property -
YADUVANSHI, SUBHASH CHAND I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26168 Immovable Property -
YOGESH KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31771 Land & Building -
YOGESH SHARMA B.Tech.(Mech), M.Tech.(Automation), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32504 Plant & Equipment -
ZAIDI, SYED AFAQ H. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21447 Machinery and Plant -

We have a strong team of more than 32000 valuers.