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KUMAR, B. SUDARSHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28803 Immovable Property -
AARORA, NEERAJ ICWA, LLB, PGD, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20642 Stocks and Shares -
ABHINAV BHARTI B.Tech. (Elect. & Comm.), AME Training Course, Remote Pilot Certificate, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30730 Plant & Equipment (Aeronautics) -
ACHANTANI, S.K. AMIE, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/629/176/2014-15 Approved Valuer F-28522 Immovable Property -
ADALAKHA, S.P. A.M.I.S., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3488 Immovable Property -
ADLAKHA, P.K. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1905 Immovable Property -
ADLAKHA, YOG DHIAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17375 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, AMRIT LAL C.E., M.I.R.C., F.I.V. F-1451 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, ARCHANA I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16437 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, B.K. B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-4625 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, KHEM RAJ B.E. (Hons.) Civil, F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2941 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, M.L. B.Sc., Dip. Civil, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2466 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, M.M. B.Sc.,B.E.(Civil),M.B.A.,I.R.S.E. ,F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3187 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, MAHESH KUMAR M.I.S., A.D.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/550/150/2006-07 F-22573 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, N.K. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9933 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, P.M B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13742 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, PRAMOD NARAIN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17370 Machinery and Plant -
AGARWAL, RANU M.I.S., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22426 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, S.S. B.Sc.Engg., LL.B., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7642 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, SUNIL KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9447 Machinery and Plant -
AGARWAL, UMA B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7458 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, UMA SHANKER A.M.I.E.. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9256 Machinery and Plant -
AGARWAL, VIDYA PRAKASH B.Tech., M.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/18 F-3077 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, VISHNU KUMAR Dip.(Civil), F.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3639 Immovable Property -
AGARWAL, VIVEK B.Sc., B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7108 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, ADITI B.Com., C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28517 Stocks and Shares -
AGGARWAL, ARUN M.Valu.(Real Estate), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CIT(Coord)/Valuer/540/03/ 2004-05 F-21907 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, ASHOK B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5034 Machinery and Plant -
AGGARWAL, DEEPAK KUMAR C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24537 Stocks and Shares -
AGGARWAL, HARISH KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.VII/89/327/2003-04 Approved Valuer F-13521 Machinery and Plant -
AGGARWAL, HARSH VARDHAN B.Arch., A.I.I.A., FIV, Approved Valuer F-14095 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, K.K. B.Sc., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-1472 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, K.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16235 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, MUNISH C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28113 Stocks and Shares -
AGGARWAL, R.P. B.E., M.B.A., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9105 Machinery and Plant -
AGGARWAL, RISHI KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.) (Prod.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28406 Production and Industrial Engineering -
AGGARWAL, V.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. I/490/131/2003-04 F-5219 Immovable Property -
AGGARWAL, VED MITRA M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7010 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, R.C. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2118 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, SANJEEV V. B.E. (Mech.), F.I.V. F-5000 Machinery and Plant -
AGRAWAL, VANDANA S. AMIE(Elect. & Com.), M.Val.(RE), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12355 Computer Technology -
AGRAWAL, VINOD C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22811 Stocks and Shares -
AHLUWALIA, ANAND KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21355 Machinery and Plant -
AHMAD JAMALUDDIN B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8419 Machinery and Plant -
AHMAD, ANIS UDDIN B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6067 Immovable Property -
AHUJA, MELARAM A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8367 Immovable Property -
AHUJA, MOHINDER PAL B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24896 Machinery and Plant -
AKHAURI, GAUTAM B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7336 Immovable Property -
AKHILESH KUMAR B.Sc./M.Sc. (Engg.)., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-14378 Immovable Property -
AMIT KUMAR B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30269 Land & Building -
AMIT PRAKASH DHANETIYA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29836 Land & Building -
ANAND VERMA B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32158 Land & Building -
ANAND, KULWANT SINGH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5702 Immovable Property -
ANAND, RAVI B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24536 Immovable Property -
ANAND, RENU B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17538 Immovable Property -
ANAND, SUBHAS CHANDER Dip. Arch., A.I.T.P., F.I.V. F-2472 Immovable Property -
ANAND, V.K. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. F-6681 Immovable Property -
ANAND, V.K. B.Tech., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8196 Immovable Property -
ANAND, VIJAY B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7181 Immovable Property -
ANCHAL CHOPRA B.Tech.(Urban & Reg. Planning), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18300 Immovable Property -
ANDLEY R.N. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-278 Immovable Property -
ANDLEY, MAHINDER NATH B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-984 Immovable Property -
ANEJA, AJAY B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26855 Machinery and Plant -
ANEJA, SWADESH B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7850 Immovable Property -
ANGRISH, VINOD KUMAR M.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8812 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR B.Tech.,B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31172 Land & Building -
ANIL KUMAR DAHIYA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29270 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR GUPTA Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30729 Land & Building -
ANIL KUMAR RATHORE B.Arch., C.O.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29011 Immovable Property -
ANIL KUMAR SHARMA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31419 Land & Building -
ANIL KUMAR SINGH B.E.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30138 Plant & Equipment -
ANIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11799 Immovable Property -
ANTHAK, AIR CMDE. G.S. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19665 Machinery and Plant -
ANURADHA I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- 1/573/157/2007-08 F-14809 Immovable Property -
AROHAN MAGGO B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30506 Land & Building -
ARORA, A.D. D.C.E., M.I.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5727 Immovable Property -
ARORA, ANIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Eng.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16685 Immovable Property -
ARORA, ANUPAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8277 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, BHUPENDRA KUMAR B.Sc., B.Tech., F.I.E.(I), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4749 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, D.K. B.Sc.Engg.(Hons.) Elect., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3932 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, NAVEEN AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18878 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, NAVEEN KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-19387 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, PRADEEP KUMAR Dip. Arch., A.I.I.A. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11947 Immovable Property -
ARORA, PRIKSHAT KUMAR B.Sc. (Engg.) (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16759 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, RAJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14667 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, RAMESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16552 Immovable Property -
ARORA, RAMESH KUMAR B.Tech., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6952 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, ROHIT B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23775 Immovable Property -
ARORA, TARUN ROI B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27787 Machinery and Plant -
ARORA, TARUN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3715 Immovable Property -
ARORA, VIKRAM B.Sc.Engg., A.M.I.M.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8285 Immovable Property -
ARORA, VIRENDER K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4966 Machinery and Plant -
ARSHAD M.Com.(REV), MBA(Financial), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32490 Land & Building -
ARYA, SANJEEV KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20718 Immovable Property -
ASGAR, HUSSAIN B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14806 Immovable Property -
ASHISH GOEL B.Sc.(Mech.)(Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30139 Plant & Equipment -
ASHTA, SATYA PAL B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25224 Immovable Property -
ASLAM PARVEZ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25386 Immovable Property -
ASNANI, MOHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8241 Immovable Property -
ASSUDANI, CHUNI LAL Degree (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19862 Immovable Property -
ATRI, V.S. AKELLA I.I.A, F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24376 Immovable Property -
AURORA, S.M. B. Tech, FICA, DRTM, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10135 Textile -
AWASTHI, NIRMAL D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11093 Immovable Property -
BADHAN, DIVYA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26857 Immovable Property -
BADLANI, BRIG. G. B.Sc.Engg., M.Tech (Civil), F.I.V. F-6568 Immovable Property -
BAGGA, COL. K.D. C.M.E.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1889 Immovable Property -
BAGGA, R.C. Dip. Civil, A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3407 Immovable Property -
BAHAL, J.S. C.E., A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4507 Immovable Property -
BAHAL, VIJAY KUMAR G.D. Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-14461 Immovable Property -
BAHRI, N.K. F.I.S., F.I.V. F-2444 Immovable Property -
BAJAJ, HARISH B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17242 Machinery and Plant -
BAJAJ, YOG RAJ A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6347 Immovable Property -
BAKSHI, NAVIN CHANDER B.Sc, B.Sc. Engg.(Elect.), A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4702 Machinery and Plant -
BAL KRISHNA AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29837 Land & Building -
BALANI, ANIL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28715 Immovable Property -
BANDHOO, NIPUN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26594 Immovable Property -
BANDYOPADHYAY, DEEPAK B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8947 Immovable Property -
BANERJEE, D.C. N.D.(Arch.), A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-2852 Immovable Property -
BANERJEE, M.K. Dip. Mech., F.I..Mech., A.I.V. A-1236 Machinery and Plant -
BANERJEE, S.K. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3510 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, ARUN KUMAR B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14153 Machinery and Plant -
BANSAL, DINESH KUMAR B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5669 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, G.K. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15283 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, M.L. B.A., B.Sc.Engg., C.E., F.I.V. F-2600 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, RAJENDER PRASHAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25057 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, S.N. Dip.C.E., F.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15287 Immovable Property -
BANSAL, SURESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11803 Immovable Property -
BAPANA, PRAMOD B.E.(Elect. & Ind. Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5573 Computer Technology -
BASU ROY, S.C. F.I.E., A.M.I.Struct.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5529 Immovable Property -
BATHAM, L.R. D.C.E., B.Sc.Engg., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8083 Immovable Property -
BATRA, ISHWAR DUTT B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. F-19225 Machinery and Plant -
BATRA, K.C. B.Tech., F.I.V., Approved Valuer F-10868 Immovable Property -
BATRA, NANU K.G. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/625/174/2014-15 Approved Valuer F-25961 Immovable Property -
BAWA, J.S. B.A., B.Sc. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6457 Immovable Property -
BEHL, SATISH KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12365 Machinery and Plant -
BERI, RANJAN B.Com., M.Sc. REV, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25553 Immovable Property -
BHAGAT, DHARAM CHAND A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3335 Immovable Property -
BHAGAT, S.S.K. M.I.R.C., M.I.C.A., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-2645 Immovable Property -
BHALLA, R.K. Gard.I.S., F.I.S., F.I.V. F-5511 Immovable Property -
BHAN, SURAJ B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17924 Immovable Property -
BHARAL, RAJENDAR PARKASH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24065 Immovable Property -
BHARAT BHUSHAN Dip. Arch. Assistantship, B.Arch., M.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30350 Land & Building -
BHARDWAJ, DINESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24062 Immovable Property -
BHARDWAJ, OM PARKASH M.Arch., F.I.V F-8411 Immovable Property -
BHARDWAJ, RAVI MOHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21696 Immovable Property -
BHARDWAJ, SUNIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23491 Immovable Property -
BHARGAVA, RAHUL B.Arch., M.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27943 Immovable Property -
BHATIA AVDESH CHANDRA B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-7454 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, ABHIMANYU B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19075 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, DEVESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24299 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, I.M. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-9335 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, J.C. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8839 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, K.B. Dip (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3860 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, O.P. B.Sc., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13055 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, OM PRAKASH B.Tech, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20654 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, R.S. M.I.E., F.I.P.W.E., F.I.V, Approved Valuer F-5131 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, S.S. G.D.Arch., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-4620 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, SUDHIR KUMAR B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27033 Machinery and Plant -
BHATIA, V.V. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6403 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, VIJAY KUMAR M.Val (RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28519 Immovable Property -
BHATIA, VIKRANT B.Arch., M.Plan., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26953 Immovable Property -
BHATNAGAR, J.P. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7100 Immovable Property -
BHATNAGAR, BHUPENDRA SWAROOP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25960 Immovable Property -
BHATTACHARJEE, J. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-6354 Immovable Property -
BHUSHAN, COL NARENDER (Retd B.E., M.Tech.(Stru.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5406 Immovable Property -
BINDAL, RAM GOPAL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19868 Immovable Property -
BINDLISH, N.C. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9672 Immovable Property -
BINDRA, ATUL A.M.I.E. , C.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10018 Machinery and Plant -
BINDRA, HARBANS SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22425 Machinery and Plant -
BIRENDRA TIWARI B.Sc. (Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29019 Machinery and Plant -
BISHNOI, TANMAY B.Tech., M.Sc., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24115 Immovable Property -
BISWAS, BISWAJIT B.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9157 Immovable Property -
BRAHMANAND AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt Reg. No. Cat.- I/620/174/2012-13 F-22975 Immovable Property -
BRAR, SURJIT SINGH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16550 Immovable Property -
BRIG. NASA, M.L. M.Sc, M.E., F.I.E.(India), F.I.V. Approve Valuer F-17369 Immovable Property -
BUDHIRAJA, S.C. B.Sc.Engg (Elect.)., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13633 Machinery and Plant -
BUDHIRAJA, SURINDER N.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7581 Immovable Property -
BURMAN, RAJESH B.E., M.B.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3810 Machinery and Plant -
CAMBOW, VIRENDER N.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18754 Immovable Property -
CHACHAD, D.B. B.Sc., F.I.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-711 Immovable Property -
CHACHRA, J.K. B.Tech. (Hons.), M. Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13141 Immovable Property -
CHADHA, BAS DEO G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5501 Immovable Property -
CHADHA, BEHARI LAL B.Sc., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21848 Immovable Property -
CHADHA, HITESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22289 Immovable Property -
CHADHA, VINAY KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1329 Immovable Property -
CHANDI, RAJESH KUMAR A.M.I.E. (Elect), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18346 Machinery and Plant -
CHANDNA, SACHIN B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17539 Immovable Property -
CHANDNA, SUBHASH C. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20499 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA KANT B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18752 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, BHUPESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18880 Immovable Property -
CHANDRA, RAVI B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20080 Immovable Property -
CHARY, D. ANANTA KRISHNA B.E.(Elect.)., M.B.A., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13408 Machinery and Plant -
CHAUDHARY, PRADEEP B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18960 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHARY, R.K F.I.E., I.R.S.E., F.I.V. F-1581 Immovable Property -
CHAUDHURY, MANISH ICWA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27679 Stocks and Shares -
CHAUHAN, ABHISHEK B.Text.(Text Chem.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23486 Textile -
CHAWLA, KAMAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20263 Immovable Property -
CHAWLA, SUDARSHAN B.Tech., C.E., F.I.V. F-10662 Immovable Property -
CHETAN SHARMA B.Tech, AMIE, A.I.V Approved Valuer A-29009 Immovable Property -
CHHABRA, AJIT K. B.E.Hons.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5151 Machinery and Plant -
CHHABRA, PRAMOD KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23773 Immovable Property -
CHOHDDA, ASHOK KUMAR M.Tech., B.Sc. (Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14460 Machinery and Plant -
CHOPRA, N.K B.Tech.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10874 Immovable Property -
CHOPRA, SATISH KUMAR C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7224 Immovable Property -
CHOPRA, SHARAD KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/457/121/2002-03 F-20500 Immovable Property -
CHOPRA, SUNIL B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-19936 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARI, RAMA RAO B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4079 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, CHHABIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/558/153/2006-07 Approved Valuer F-18011 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, DIWAKAR KUMAR B.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27373 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, HANS B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10879 Machinery and Plant -
CHOUDHARY, SAMIR KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23885 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, SHAM SUNDER B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-5868 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHURY, NILOTPOL B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12261 Machinery and Plant -
CHUGH, BHARAT B. B.Arch., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-23411 Immovable Property -
CHUGH, PRADEEP B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7107 Machinery and Plant -
CHUGH, PRAVESH KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27680 Immovable Property -
DAHIYA (RETD.), BRIG. R.S. B.Sc., B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11221 Machinery and Plant -
DAHIYA, SURENDRAKUMAR SHERSINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22431 Immovable Property -
DALWANI, G.D. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6398 Immovable Property -
DAS, DEBASHISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22628 Immovable Property -
DAS, GHANSHAM B.Sc. Engg., M.B.A., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-8762 Immovable Property -
DAS, KAUSHIK B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.) M.Tech., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-20652 Machinery and Plant -
DAS, MANISHA G. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22627 Immovable Property -
DAS, R.K. B.E., M.I.S., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4717 Immovable Property -
DAS, RAJ KUMAR B.E., M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13233 Immovable Property -
DASWANI, NARESH KUMAR I.I.A.(By Exam), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-20722 Immovable Property -
DATTA, A.K. B.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-2287 Immovable Property -
DATTA, B.D. C.Engg., M.I.E.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1041 Machinery and Plant -
DATTA, BHASKAR B. Tech. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8959 Immovable Property -
DAYA KRISH AN N.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11004 Immovable Property -
DEEPAK B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32195 Land & Building -
DEEPAK MAURYA B.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29271 Immovable Property -
DESHWAL, DEVENDRA SINGH B.E., M.B.A., M.I.C.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14925 Immovable Property -
DEV RAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14665 Immovable Property -
DEWAN, SANJAY ICWA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25867 Stocks and Shares -
DHALL, KALPANA Dip.(Arch.), I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17922 Immovable Property -
DHAM, MUKESH D.C.E., LL.B., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-3706 Immovable Property -
DHANJJAL, P.P.S. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11548 Immovable Property -
DHAPOLA, DEVENDRA SINGH B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19382 Immovable Property -
DHAR, LT. COL. KIRTI AMIE, M.I.A.Stru., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22282 Immovable Property -
DHAR, RAKESH B.Arch., F.I.V. F-9673 Immovable Property -
DHARMENDRA JAGDISHNARAYAN TRIPATHI B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30268 Land & Building -
DHATWALIA, RAMESH KUMAR I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26689 Immovable Property -
DHAWAN, RAKESH B.Sc.Engg., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7280 Machinery and Plant -
DHAWAN, S.K. M.Tech., M.Phil, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8707 Immovable Property -
DHIMAN, KHUSHWANT RAI A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17551 Immovable Property -
DHINGRA, SHASHI BHUSHAN I.I.A., F.I.V. F-10137 Immovable Property -
DHIR, S.L Dip. C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4755 Immovable Property -
DHRUV ANIL GOEL B.Tech.(Chemical), M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30660 Land & Building -
DHRUV PUNIANI B.Tech.(Elect)., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31722 Plant & Equipment -
DINESH SURI Dip.(Mech), AMIE(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32537 Plant & Equipment -
DOGRA, ISHWAR CHANDER B.Sc.(Prev.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6456 Immovable Property -
DORE, GOKAL CHINNADORE B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. F-4683 Immovable Property -
DOSSA, S.K. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1083 Immovable Property -
DRISHTY ARORA B.Arch., C.O.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29272 Immovable Property -
DUA, Q.L. Dip.(Civil),F.I.E.,F.I.S.,M.B.A.,L L.B.,F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3838 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, AJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19224 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, GAURI SHANKAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/688/197/2017-18 Approved Valuer F-28026 Immovable Property -
DUBEY, RAJESH P. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21160 Immovable Property -
DUGGAL, AMARJIT SINGH B.E.(Mech.) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22724 Machinery and Plant -
DUHAN, DEVENDRA SINGH I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28627 Immovable Property -
DUREJA, SUNIL KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27872 Immovable Property -
DUSHYANT SHANDILAYA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29676 Land & Building -
DUTT, SURESH B.E.(Cons.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23333 Immovable Property -
GAHLAWAT, ATTAR SINGH B.E., M.I.C.A., C.E., F.I.V. F-6772 Machinery and Plant -
GAMBHIR, VINOD KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23989 Machinery and Plant -
GANDHI, JATINDER SINGH A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-4616 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, LALIT KUMAR A.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13950 Immovable Property -
GANDHI, T.R. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.E., F.I.U., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11218 Immovable Property -
GANGARAMANY, A.S. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10918 Immovable Property -
GARG, ASHOK KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3972 Immovable Property -
GARG, GIRISH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28200 Immovable Property -
GARG, M.L. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6093 Immovable Property -
GARG, PREM KUMAR B.Sc., B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10869 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAM KRISHNA B.Sc.(Hons.), B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3186 Immovable Property -
GARG, RAVI PARKASH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21906 Immovable Property -
GARG, SANJAY KUMAR ICWA, FCMA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27032 Stocks and Shares -
GARG, SATPAL A.I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10136 Immovable Property -
GARG, SURESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24455 Immovable Property -
GAUR, DINESHWAR D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15571 Immovable Property -
GAURI SHANKER B.A., A.M.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-5228 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM (RETD.), COL. A.K. B.Tech., M.Tech., A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12823 Immovable Property -
GERA, ATUL B.E., F.I.V. F-20721 Immovable Property -
GERA, VIJAY A.M.I.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16952 Machinery and Plant -
GERA, VINOD KUMAR D.C.E., AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23484 Immovable Property -
GHAFFAR, ABDUL G.D. Arch., M.I.I.A., M.C.A., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-7852 Immovable Property -
GHAI, GAGAN C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23884 Stocks and Shares -
GHAI, PRAVESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11874 Immovable Property -
GHAI, R.S. D.M.E., A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-12526 Machinery and Plant -
GIAN CHAND F.I.E., D.B.M., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7644 Immovable Property -
GIRI, HARI OM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18252 Immovable Property -
GIROTRA, DEVENDER KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20922 Immovable Property -
GOEL, ANIL KUMAR B.E.(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3879 Immovable Property -
GOEL, JATIN K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6540 Immovable Property -
GOEL, LOVKESH B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23332 Machinery and Plant -
GOEL, MUKESH KUMAR B.Sc.Engg.(Hons.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-10979 Immovable Property -
GOEL, MUKESH B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-9935 Immovable Property -
GOEL, O.P. B.Sc.Engg.(Hons.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4097 Immovable Property -
GOEL, PANKAJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/518/139/2004-05 Approved Valuer F-27211 Immovable Property -
GOEL, R.K. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7783 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SACHIN K. M.Sc., B.Tech. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8748 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SAMBHAV B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26419 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SANDEEP AMIE, M.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24765 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SANJEEV KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-3222 Immovable Property -
GOEL, SAT PAUL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10870 Immovable Property -
GOEL, DR. VINAY K. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5111 Immovable Property -
GOGIA, RAJU B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18425 Immovable Property -
GOLANI, D.W. A.M.I.E (Civil) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16856 Immovable Property -
GOPAL, DINESH B.Tech.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26317 Machinery and Plant -
GOPAL, R.S. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13249 Immovable Property -
GOSWAMI, AJAY Dip.(Arch.), I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-19935 Immovable Property -
GOVIL, A.K. B.Tech. A.M.I.E., F.I.I.S.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7523 Machinery and Plant -
GOVIND RAM B.Sc., B.E., M.Tech.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5726 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, ASHOK KUMAR M.I.E., A.I.I.I.(Fire), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7464 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, D.P. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18095 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, R.A M.I.E., C.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. F-10533 Immovable Property -
GOYAL, SHIV KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16335 Machinery and Plant -
GOYAL, SUBHASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14279 Immovable Property -
GROVER (RETD.), LT. COL. V.K. B.E., M.B.A., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-8141 Machinery and Plant -
GROVER, J.M B.A., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4055 Immovable Property -
GROVER, RAMESH C. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-8390 Immovable Property -
GROVER, RAMESH CHANDER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18094 Machinery and Plant -
GUGLANI, RAJEEV KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27786 Immovable Property -
GULA TY, SACHIN B.Arch., M.Pla n., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23684 Immovable Property -
GULATI, B.S. Dip. (Civil), M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-3769 Immovable Property -
GULATI, K.K. N.D. (Arch.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4448 Immovable Property -
GULATI, SANJAYKUMAR B.E.(Electronics & Ind. Electronics), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28024 Computer Technology -
GULATI, SOM NATH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8885 Immovable Property -
GUPTA AGARWAL, NEERJA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28407 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, AKASH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21437 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ANANT VIJAY B.E.(Computer), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20371 Computer Technology -
GUPTA, ANIL KUMAR AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27677 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, ANIL B.E.Mech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19080 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, ARUN B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20260 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, ASHOK KUMAR ICWA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27785 Stocks and Shares -
GUPTA, ASHOK KUMAR B.Sc.(Enng.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19865 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20370 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, B.M. B.Sc.(Chem.) Engg., F.I.V. F-4159 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, BAL KISHAN B.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14664 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, BHAVESH M.E., LL.B., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10067 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, D.N. F.I.E, P.G.(P.M.), F.I.V. F-4988 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, DARSHAN LAL C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2083 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, I.K. F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3970 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, JAGDISH PARSHAD D.M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14810 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, JITENDER B.E. (Civil), M.E. (Soil Mech.), F.I.V. F-7282 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, K.G. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16857 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, M.L. B.Sc., B.E. (Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2440 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, M.S. Dip. C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4195 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, MAJ. M.L. M.A., B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1034 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, N.K. B.Sc., M.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12520 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NANAK CHAND A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20084 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, NEERAJ B.E., M.B.E.M., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14813 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, OM PARKASH A.M.I.E., F.I.E.(I), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19383 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, P.C. A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4101 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, PANKAJ B.Sc.(Mech.), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. VII/125/341/2016-17 Approved Valuer F-28028 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, PREETI B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14812 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R. B.Sc.(Hons.), B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4075 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.K. Dip. Civil, F.I.V. F-6679 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, R.P. F.I.E., I.R.S.E., F.I.V F-1652 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJEEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24538 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAKESH K. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4352 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAM NIWAS D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13631 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RANDHIR B.Tech.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3829 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, RASHMI I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15021 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, S.D A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2167 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SANJAY KUMAR I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Regis. No. I/499/133/2003-04 F-11686 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SOHAN LAL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14927 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SOM PARKASH B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8085 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, SUDESH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20375 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SURESH CHAND M.I.E., F.I.V. F-13848 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, SURESH MOHAN ICWA, F.I.V. F-23410 Stocks and Shares -
GUPTA, TRIJUGI NATH B.Arch., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-19303 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20312 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VIJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(PCM), M.Sc., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9761 Machinery and Plant -
GUPTA, VIKAS KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21549 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, VINOD KUMAR B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11687 Immovable Property -
GURBANI, MOHAN C. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16232 Immovable Property -
GURCHARAN JIT SINGH AMIS, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23598 Land & Building -
GURDEEP SINGH BAGGA Dip. Arch. Assistantship, B.Arch., M.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30447 Land & Building -
HANDA, RAJIV D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13250 Immovable Property -
HANDA, VIJAY DUTT A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18877 Immovable Property -
HAR KRISHAN B.Sc. (Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11411 Machinery and Plant -
HARISH CHANDRA B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27870 Machinery and Plant -
HARISH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22722 Immovable Property -
HARJAI, ALPNA B.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/565/155/2007-08 Approved Valuer F-21067 Immovable Property -
HARNE, SURESH DIGAMBER B.E., M.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14278 Immovable Property -
HIMANSHU BANSAL B.Arch., M.B.A., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30379 Land & Building -
HURIA, GULSHAN LAL M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-7630 Immovable Property -
INDER KUMAR G.D.Arch., F.I.V. F-5229 Immovable Property -
ISHAN GOEL B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30349 Land & Building -
ISHAN JUNEJA B.Arch., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29950 Land & Building -
IVASTAVA, SUDHANSHU B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23409 Immovable Property -
JAGANNATHAN, S. B.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8136 Immovable Property -
JAGJIT SINGH BEDI B.Arch, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32209 Land & Building -
JAGMOHAN AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27210 Immovable Property -
JAGTAP, SHANKAR NITIN B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18010 Machinery and Plant -
JAHAGIRDAR, G.B. B.E., M.S.. F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8293 Immovable Property -
JAIN, MUKESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24692 Immovable Property -
JAIN, AMAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15477 Immovable Property -
JAIN, ASHISH B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28516 Immovable Property -
JAIN, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., L.L.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9104 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, COL. S.K. B.Tech.(Elect.), M.B.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5719 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, DINESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28412 Immovable Property -
JAIN, G.L. M.I.E., F.I.V F-2662 Immovable Property -
JAIN, JINENDRA KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. F-8368 Immovable Property -
JAIN, K.R. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6680 Immovable Property -
JAIN, KRISHNA CHANDRA D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4467 Immovable Property -
JAIN, MANOJ KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21004 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, MUKESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20172 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, N.K. Dip. C.E., A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5607 Immovable Property -
JAIN, NARENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27031 Immovable Property -
JAIN, P.C. Dip. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2881 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PANKAJ D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16228 Immovable Property -
JAIN, PARMOD KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22812 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, PAWAN KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CA/98/23921 F-12069 Immovable Property -
JAIN, RAKESH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8370 Immovable Property -
JAIN, S.K. B.Tech (Civil), LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10403 Immovable Property -
JAIN, S.L. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V., IDSE (Retd.) F-6428 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SAT PAL I.R.S.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7250 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SUNIL KUMAR Degree (Mech.), F.I.V. F-19861 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, SURESH CHAND M.I.E., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15694 Immovable Property -
JAIN, SWARAJ SINGH B.E., F.I.V. F-17629 Immovable Property -
JAIN, VIDYA RATAN B.Sc.(Elect.)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27386 Machinery and Plant -
JAIN, VINOD KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28027 Immovable Property -
JAISWAL, DHIRAJ B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-9078 Immovable Property -
JAMAL, TARIQ B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-17241 Immovable Property -
JASVER SINGH B.Sc (Agriculture.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29012 Agricultural Lands -
JASVINDER SINGH Dip.(Civil), AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30827 Land & Building -
JHA, MANIKANT A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7763 Immovable Property -
JHABVALA, C.S.H. A.R.I.B.A., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-229 Immovable Property -
JHAM, HARBANS LAL B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12742 Immovable Property -
JINDAL, SUNIL KUMAR Dip. C.E., A.M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14377 Immovable Property -
JITESH SHARMA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30828 Land & Building -
JOHAR, UMESH A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17863 Machinery and Plant -
JOHRI, ASHOK B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21850 Immovable Property -
JOLLY, ASHOK ICWA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23412 Stocks and Shares -
JOSHI, DEEP PRAKASH D.C.E., B.E.(Com. Sci.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23407 Computer Technology -
JOSHI, SATIHS KUMAR M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cate- I/536/144/2006-07 F-22979 Immovable Property -
JOSHI, VINOD KUMAR AMIE, M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25550 Immovable Property -
JOTIN SOUBAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28923 Immovable Property -
JUNEJA, ASHOK KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., A.I.V. A-19076 Immovable Property -
JUNEJA, B.S. M.I.E(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16364 Machinery and Plant -
JUNEJA, RAJIV D.M.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13956 Machinery and Plant -
KACHHWAHA, R.S. N.D. Arch., M.C.A., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1355 Immovable Property -
KAILA, SATISH K. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. F-13957 Machinery and Plant -
KAILA, SURRENDRA K. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6998 Machinery and Plant -
KAIN, VISHVA MITRA B.Sc.(Engg.), I.R.S.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3128 Immovable Property -
KAKAR, KRISHAN KUMAR N.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4221 Immovable Property -
KALRA, RAJEEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24456 Immovable Property -
KALSI, R.K. C.E., F.I.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-6541 Immovable Property -
KALSY, ANAND K. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V F-6719 Immovable Property -
KAMBOJ, M.G. M.Tech., A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10778 Machinery and Plant -
KAMBOJ, NAVEEN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-14782 Immovable Property -
KANSAL, N.K. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5578 Immovable Property -
KANT, NIKHIL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16234 Immovable Property -
KANWAL, ANUJ B.E. Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7227 Immovable Property -
KANWAR SANJAY AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21798 Immovable Property -
KAPIL JOSHI B.Arch., COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30056 Land & Building -
KAPOOR, JAWAHAR LAL M.I.S., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. F-4609 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, K.N. B.Tech. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3301 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, MANU B.Arch., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-23999 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, NEERAJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), M.I.E., M.Sc.(REV), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9087 Machinery and Plant Immovable Property
KAPOOR, Ram nath N.D. Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-6219 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, S.C. B.E. Hons. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4077 Immovable Property -
KAPOOR, VIMAL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21800 Immovable Property -
KAPUR, GOLDI B.Arch., M.Tech.(Plan.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24904 Immovable Property -
KAR, SUPRATIM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24457 Immovable Property -
KARAN, J.N. B.M.E.(Hons.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3170 Machinery and Plant -
KASHI NAT H B.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26232 Immovable Property -
KASHORI LAL B.Sc. Engg. (Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5959 Machinery and Plant -
KASHYAP, RAJINDER KUMAR B.Sc. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18344 Immovable Property -
KATARIA, L.D. M.I.S., F.I.V. F-8819 Immovable Property -
KATARIA, SUNIL B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13247 Machinery and Plant -
KATHURIA, R. CHANDER A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16680 Immovable Property -
KAUL JAN, J.L. B.Sc. Engg. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6098 Immovable Property -
KAUR, GURDEEP Dip.(Arch.), I.I.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-21001 Immovable Property -
KAURA, RAKESH AMIE, MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21909 Immovable Property -
KAUSHAL, SURESH CHANDRA B.E.(Hons) Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10726 Immovable Property -
KAUSHIK, AJAY B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12524 Immovable Property -
KAUSHIK, LALIT B.Tech.(Mech.), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22980 Machinery and Plant -
KHADKIWALA, ANIL B.Sc.(Engg.) (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14154 Immovable Property -
KHANDELWAL, ANIL KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17698 Immovable Property -
KHANDURI, ALOK B.Tech., M.E.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26156 Immovable Property -
KHANNA, BRIJ BHUSHAN B.Sc.Engg.(Mech.),M.T ech.,F.I.E.,F.I.V. F-5890 Machinery and Plant -
KHANNA, VIVEK KUMAR B.E(Civil), F.I.V. F-4857 Immovable Property -
KHANUJA, SUBHASH C. A.M.I.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13849 Machinery and Plant -
KHARBANDA, V.K. B.E., M.I.E., A.I.I.I., F.I.V. F-4396 Machinery and Plant -
KHARE, NEERAJ B.E. (Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28518 Machinery and Plant -
KHERA, BALDEV RAJ B.E.(Chem.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22575 Machinery and Plant -
KHOSLA, GAURAV B.E., M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24298 Immovable Property -
KHOSLA, SURINDER KUMAR AMIE(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. ED- VII-138, VII-332 F-25373 Machinery and Plant -
KHURANA, GULSHAN RAI N.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-495 Immovable Property -
KHURANA, VINAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13155 Immovable Property -
KHUSHU, P.L. F-10801 Immovable Property -
KHUSHU, SANJIV B.E.(Elect. Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20861 Computer Technology -
KHUSHU, SUNDEEP B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12518 Immovable Property -
KOHLI, BRIJ MOHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21152 Immovable Property -
KOHLI, JAGDiSH SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.) Civil, F.I.S., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-1833 Immovable Property -
KOHLI, K.K. B.Sc.Engg.(Mech.), Hons., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4913 Machinery and Plant -
KRISHAN MOHAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19222 Immovable Property -
KRISHNA KANT M.Tech.(Stru), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3231 Immovable Property -
KUKREJA, BIKRAMJIT SINGH B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21002 Immovable Property -
KULDEEP KUMAR PALUVADI VENKATA B.Arch., COA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29018 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, AKHIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25618 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, AKHILESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12525 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, AMBRISH B.E.(Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5289 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, ANIL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27387 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANIL M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28297 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANIL AMIE, M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22810 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANUJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25375 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANUJ B.E., M.Tech.(Str.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28114 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21693 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHOK AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22893 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHWANI AMIETE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20860 Computer Technology -
KUMAR, BINOD A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14805 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, L.N. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6231 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MOHIT B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23596 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MUKESH B. Tech. (Chem), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18347 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, MUKUL B.E., F.I.V. F-7580 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NARINDRA D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11798 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NAVEEN B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26954 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PANKAJ B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-23125 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PRADEEP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24300 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJENDER B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19531 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I/680/195/2017-18 Approved Valuer F-27030 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27388 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, RAJIV B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22579 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAN VIJAY B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17368 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAVINDRA B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28805 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ROHIT B.Sc. Engg., A.I.I.I., F.I.V. F-3241 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SUDHIR B. Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28806 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, TANUJ A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10333 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VIPAN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11306 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VIPUL B.Com., C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21606 Stocks and Shares -
KUMAR, VIVEK B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-17149 Immovable Property -
KUNAL BHATIA B.Tech.(Elect.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29476 Machinery and Plant -
L KUMAR A.M.I.E., F.I.V.CHANDHOK, ANI Approved Valuer F-20086 Immovable Property -
LAHIRI, S. B.Sc., G.D.(Arch.), F.I.V. F-2598 Immovable Property -
LAL, KRISHAN KUMAR C.E., A.M.I.E, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11407 Immovable Property -
LAL, MADAN M.I.S., F.I.V. F-21695 Immovable Property -
LAL, MADAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18079 Immovable Property -
LAL, RAJANDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22058 Immovable Property -
LAMBA, J.S. B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-8886 Production and Industrial Engineering -
LEHKRA, MANOHAR LAL A.M.I.E, C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13405 Immovable Property -
LOVEKISHAN SENI AMIE(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30201 Plant & Equipment -
LUTHRA, AJENDRA SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7645 Machinery and Plant -
MADAN, PRITHI PAL SINGH B.E., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10802 Machinery and Plant -
MADAN, RAKESH KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13523 Immovable Property -
MAGO (RETD.), Lt. Col. H.S. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3728 Immovable Property -
MAGOO, JAGDISH CHANDER B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19454 Machinery and Plant -
MAHAJAN, A.K. A.M.I.E. (Civil) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16762 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, GAUTAM B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12263 Immovable Property -
MAHAJAN, KARAN KUMAR AMIE, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20715 Immovable Property -
MAHENDALE, M.R. B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. F-360 Immovable Property -
MAHENDRU, S.C. B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1853 Immovable Property -
MAHESHWARI, MANOJ C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24693 Stocks and Shares -
MAHESHWARI, R.C. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18643 Machinery and Plant -
MAHNA, DEEPAK Jeweller, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24201 Jewellery -
MAITRA, INDRAJIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18961 Immovable Property -
MAJUMDAR, P.K. B.E., F.I.V. F-3333 Immovable Property -
MAKOL, NARINDER SINGH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23231 Machinery and Plant -
MALHOTRA, COL. B.M. B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6619 Immovable Property -
MALHOTRA, DEVENDER KUMAR B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. F-19223 Machinery and Plant -
MALHOTRA, K.L. B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1662 Machinery and Plant -
MALHOTRA, LAKSHYA B.Tech(Elect. & Com.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27568 Computer Technology -
MALHOTRA, SANJAY M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19307 Immovable Property -
MALHOTRA, VIVEK B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11800 Immovable Property -
MALIK, DEVENDRA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CA/2000/26145 F-20653 Immovable Property -
MALIK, S.C. B.E., F.I.V. F-6368 Machinery and Plant -
MALIK, VIRENDRA KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25472 Immovable Property -
MALLICK, M.K. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7521 Immovable Property -
MALPANI, ANIMISH KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16233 Machinery and Plant -
MALPANI, B.P. B.C.E., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1090 Immovable Property -
MANCHANDA, JATINDER PAL C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22976 Stocks and Shares -
MANGAL, R.C. B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5074 Immovable Property -
MANGHERA, K.R. C.E., F.I.E., LL.B, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7182 Immovable Property -
MANMOHAN AMIE, AMIS, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29478 Immovable Property -
MATHUR, OMESH N. B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3313 Immovable Property -
MEHAN, DEVINDER KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CC/PTA/Tech/89- 90/14/40 Approved Valuer F-26688 Immovable Property -
MEHAN, SHIV LAL A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5112 Immovable Property -
MEHAR, RAM AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26424 Immovable Property -
MEHRA, ANIL B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10584 Immovable Property -
MEHRA, S.K. C.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1164 Immovable Property -
MEHRA, T.C. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3074 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, A.K. M.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4386 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, ANUJ B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20600 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, D.V. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11552 Machinery and Plant -
MEHTA, DINESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-336 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, EINO S. B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9334 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, GITANJALI C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21231 Stocks and Shares -
MEHTA, KAPIL KUMAR I.I.A., F.I.V. F-9258 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, NARESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16945 Immovable Property -
MEHTA, SURESH B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15143 Immovable Property -
MEHTANI, M.N. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5968 Immovable Property -
MENDIRTTA, G.S. F.I.E., F.I.C.A., F.I.V. F-3127 Immovable Property -
MER, RAJESH KUMAR B.E.(Electro.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17714 Computer Technology -
MIGLANI, SURENDER B.Sc. (Engg) (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12259 Immovable Property -
MINOCHA, G.S. ND.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8652 Immovable Property -
MINOCHA, R.S. F.I.E.(I), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4438 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, A.K. B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-7014 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, BIRENDRA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28520 Machinery and Plant -
MISHRA, H.S. B.Sc. (Engg), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17051 Machinery and Plant -
MISTRY, C.M. D.C.E., B.E. Civil, A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-824 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, BAL KISHAN B.A., C.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. F-3063 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, K.S. Dip.Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7345 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, O.P. N.D.C., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-862 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, PRITAM LAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17240 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, PRIYANK B.Sc., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10503 Immovable Property -
MITTAL, S.K. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11413 Machinery and Plant -
MITTAL, SUNNY B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23490 Immovable Property -
MOHAMMAD, MUAZZAM B.Sc. (Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28626 Machinery and Plant -
MOHAN LAL N.D.Arch., F.I.A., F.I.V. F-5026 Immovable Property -
MOHAN, MUKESH C.A., F.I.V. F-13951 Stocks and Shares -
MOHIT NASA B.E.(Mech), M.Sc.(REV), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21053 Machinery and Plant Land & Building
MONGA, PRADEEP B.Com., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12527 Jewellery -
MOTWANI, ISHU B.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I/544/148/2005-06 Approved Valuer F-25549 Immovable Property -
MUDGAL, RAJENDRA D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-11610 Immovable Property -
MUKESH KUMAR ARORA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29613 Land & Building -
MUKUL GARG CA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30381 Securities & Financial Assets -
MUSANNA, SYED KHURSHEED B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-18962 Immovable Property -
MUSTAFA AHMAD B.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-29014 Immovable Property -
N.P. AGGARWAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2363 Immovable Property -
NAGAR, MANOJ B.E.(Elect.), M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21158 Machinery and Plant -
NAGPAL, D.K. B.E.(Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3777 Machinery and Plant -
NAGPAL, MEGHA B.Tech., M.Val.(RE), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24200 Immovable Property -
NALWAYA, K.S. B.E., M.I.E., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10878 Machinery and Plant -
NAMA, RATNAKAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7457 Immovable Property -
NANDWANI, M.K. B.Sc.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11310 Machinery and Plant -
NANGIA, S.D. AMIE(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20717 Machinery and Plant -
NATARAJAN, G. B.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6727 Immovable Property -
NATH U. M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9545 Machinery and Plant -
NAUKWAL, RAKESH KUMAR I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25385 Immovable Property -
NEHA GOEL B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25470 Immovable Property -
NEOG, REBANANDA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24514 Immovable Property -
OJHA, SUDHIR KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9880 Immovable Property -
OM PARKASH SHARMA Dip.(Civil), AMIE.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32293 Land & Building -
OM PRAKASH SHARMA M.I.S (Sury), A.I.V Approved Valuer A-21545 Immovable Property -
PAL, DALJIT SINGH N. D. Arch., A.I.I.A. F.I.V. F-799 Immovable Property -
PANCHAL, INDER BHUSHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13157 Immovable Property -
PANDEY, ABHINAV KUMAR B.Tech. (Elect. & Electro.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28408 Machinery and Plant -
PANDEY, MAHESH B.Tech. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6951 Immovable Property -
PANDIT, BINDESHWAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26157 Immovable Property -
PANDITA, RAVINDER B.E., PG.Dip., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8763 Immovable Property -
PANGASA, R.M. A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-3665 Immovable Property -
PANGASA, RAMESH B.Sc.Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6454 Immovable Property -
PANKAJ KUMAR CHAUHAN B.Tech.(Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29947 Plant & Equipment -
PANSE, MUNI PARISH RAO B.E.(Const.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11408 Immovable Property -
PARASHAR, PREM DATT B.E.(Mech.), B.E.(Elec.),F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7013 Machinery and Plant -
PARASHAR, SATISH CHANDRA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1563 Immovable Property -
PARDEEP KUMAR ARORA M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29015 Immovable Property -
PAREEK, SATISH N. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17717 Machinery and Plant -
PAREVA, MOOL CHAND T. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27569 Immovable Property -
PARUL MANIK B.Arch, M.Com.(Valuation of Real Estate) COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32322 Land & Building -
PARVEEN SHARMA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30507 Land & Building -
PARVESH KUMAR ANAND B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28920 Immovable Property -
PATNAIK, GOKUL CHANDRA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22636 Machinery and Plant -
PHUKELA, KULDiP SINGH B.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2168 Machinery and Plant -
PONNAMMAL S. B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17631 Immovable Property -
PRADEEP KUMAR Dip.(Civil), AMICE (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30948 Land & Building -
PRAPHULL GUPTA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30829 Land & Building -
PRASAD, C.S. B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21163 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, RAJENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3779 Immovable Property -
PREM PARKASH N.D. Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12173 Immovable Property -
PRITAM SINGH BADHAN Dip. Civil, B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26854 Immovable Property -
PUNEET KANT B.Arch., C.O.A, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28201 Land & Building -
PUNIANI, AJAY B.E. (Civil), F.I.V. F-13949 Immovable Property -
PUNIANI, RAMESH CHANDER B.A., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8133 Immovable Property -
PURI, ATUL B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-4264 Immovable Property -
PURI, HARISH CHANDRA B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22974 Immovable Property -
PURI, N.L. M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4199 Immovable Property -
PURI, VIJAY KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. F-4607 Immovable Property -
RAGHAVA, SUDHIR KUMAR Dip. (Mech.), B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28182 Machinery and Plant -
RAI, KAMAL NAIN B.E., M.Tech., F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-4552 Immovable Property -
RAI, M. DIVYA B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24203 Immovable Property -
RAI, SHASHI PRAKASH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-20373 Immovable Property -
RAINA, RATTAN SWAROOP B.Sc.Engg., Ph.D. M.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9179 Immovable Property -
RAJ KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat-I-396 of 1998-99 Approved Valuer F-27486 Immovable Property -
RAJ KUMAR ICAI., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29129 Stocks and Shares -
RAJ KUMAR B.A., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9257 Immovable Property -
RAJA RAM, D. B.E., D.C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18423 Immovable Property -
RAJANI, HARI B.Sc.Engg., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16231 Machinery and Plant -
RAJENDRA KUMAR VISHWAKARMA B.Tech.(Mech.) A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30662 Plant & Equipment -
RAJENDRA PAL B.Tech.(Hons.) Civil, F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6146 Immovable Property -
RALLY, B.R. M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10873 Immovable Property -
RAM BHAROSAY B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29743 Land & Building -
RAM KRIPAL SHARMA B.Tech.(Textiles), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29007 Textile -
RAM SINGH A.M.I.E., LL.B, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8524 Immovable Property -
RAM, N. Dip. C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3726 Immovable Property -
RAMAKRISHNA, BRIG. (DR.) L.V. (Retd.) B.E., M.B.A., M.S., Ph.D., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5122 Immovable Property -
RANA, R.K. Dip.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V, F-5664 Immovable Property -
RANA, SHRI BHAGWAN I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27773 Immovable Property -
RANJITH P. JOHN B.Arch., C.O.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29946 Land & Building -
RAO, D.S. B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6678 Immovable Property -
RAO, J.V. B.Tech.(Textiles), F.I.V. F-19869 Textile -
RAO, R. MOHANA B.Sc.(Agri.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14926 Agricultural Lands -
RAORI, V.P. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-465 Immovable Property -
RASTOGI, S.K. B.Sc., B.E., D.I.I.Sc., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-3162 Machinery and Plant -
RATHEE, SANJEEV KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28922 Immovable Property -
RATNAM, T.S. B.Sc. (Engg.), M.A., LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4009 Immovable Property -
REWARI (RETD.), LT. COL. PREM P. B.E., A.M.I.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1377 Immovable Property -
ROHIT BANSAL Dip.(Civil), B.Tech., M.E.(Stru.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25123 Immovable Property -
ROHIT DABAS B.Arch., Master of Urban & Rural Planning, COA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30200 Land & Building -
SABHARWALL, AJAY KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. F-3035 Immovable Property -
SACHDEVA, SUNIL KUMAR B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11949 Machinery and Plant -
SAGOO, KULDIP SINGH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4222 Immovable Property -
SAGOO, MANJIT SINGH B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-3964 Immovable Property -
SAH, RAM DATTA, S.C.E., LL.B., M.I.E., A.M.I.S., F.I.V. F-1912 Immovable Property -
SAHA, CHITTARANJAN B. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16946 Immovable Property -
SAHDEV, GULSHAN Degree.(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15890 Machinery and Plant -
SAHNI, PARIKSHIT A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19530 Immovable Property -
SAINI, JASBIR SINGH B.Arch., M.C.A., F.I.V. F-6809 Immovable Property -
SAINI, RAJEEV KUMAR D.C.E., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-13057 Immovable Property -
SAJDEH, RAJNISH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22977 Immovable Property -
SAKHUJA, S.K. A.M.I.E., M.I.I.M., F.I. V. F-4131 Machinery and Plant -
SALWAN, SOMYA Dip.(Arch.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21354 Immovable Property -
SAMUEL, S.P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22807 Immovable Property -
SANCHIT AGGARWAL B.Tech. (Electronics & Comm. Engg.), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30380 Plant & Equipment Land & Building
SANDEEP AGGARWAL B.E.(Electronics & Telecommunications), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20259 Plant & Equipment -
SANDEEP BHARTI B.Sc.(Electronics & Comm.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29535 Plant & Equipment -
SANDILL, B.K. AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28296 Immovable Property -
SANGITA ARORA I.I.A, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-29128 Immovable Property -
SANJEEV MAHAJAN B.Arch., C.O.A. F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24903 Immovable Property -
SARANGAL, NADISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9255 Immovable Property -
SARDANA, RAJENDER KUMAR M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2028 Immovable Property -
SAREEN, M.L. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16236 Immovable Property -
SARKAR, BARINDRA KUMAR B.E.(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23485 Machinery and Plant -
SARKAR, RAJ KUMAR AMIE, M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21801 Immovable Property -
SARWAN KUMAR M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6567 Immovable Property -
SATYAPAL AMIE(Elect.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29477 Plant & Equipment -
SAURABH MURARKA B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32353 Plant & Equipment -
SAWE, ASHISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25869 Immovable Property -
SAXENA K.M. B.A., M.I.E., M.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-1720 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, A.K. B.Sc., B.E., LL.B., F.I.V. F-11409 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, A.P. N.D.(Arch.), F.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-4074 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, ANIL KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19805 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, DEEPAK B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11008 Immovable Property -
SAXENA, SANJEEV B.Arch., M.Phil., F.I.V. F-11007 Immovable Property -
SEETHARAMAN, V. B.E.(Civil), M.B.A.,M.I.S., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5147 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, O.P. M.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6274 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, RAMESH CHAND N.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-5899 Immovable Property -
SEHGAL, S.D. B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17540 Immovable Property -
SENAPATI, L.R. L.C.E., M.I.E., LL.B., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11307 Immovable Property -
SETHI, B.B. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CC/PTA/Tech/II/Value r/91-92/165/80 F-5777 Machinery and Plant -
SETHI, RAJINDER SINGH G.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4158 Immovable Property -
SETHI, SURJIT SINGH B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14151 Immovable Property -
SHAH, BITTHAL DAS C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17713 Stocks and Shares -
SHAH, KRISHNA DAS C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17808 Stocks and Shares -
SHAH, VIKHYAT C.A., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27487 Stocks and Shares -
SHAILESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10642 Immovable Property -
SHANDILYA, VINAY B.E., M.E., M.I.E., M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16176 Immovable Property -
SHANKAR, ABHINEET B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28804 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, A.K. B.Sc.Civil (Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4324 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, AMIT A.M.I.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-15572 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, AMIT B.Arch, MBA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-16553 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ANIL KUMAR AMIE(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17050 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, ANOOP KUMAR B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25223 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, ASHOK KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26856 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ASHWANI KUMAR B.Tech.(Textile), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17864 Textile -
SHARMA, BRAMH DEV B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. I/504/135/2003-04 F-8949 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DHIRENDRA KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28410 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, DOSTI RAM A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/613/170/2012-13 F-22576 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, H.D. B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19864 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, H.R. B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8369 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, HIRDESH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26775 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, JAGDEEP KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. F-5951 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, KULDIP B.Tech., M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14816 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, L.K. B.Arch., F.I.V. F-8615 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, MRS. ARUNA B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10534 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, NANDU RAM B.Tech..(Chem.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19077 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, O.P. N.D. (CE), LL.B, M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2241 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ONKAR DUTT J. G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-781 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, PRABHU DUTT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28521 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, PREM PRAKASH B.E. (Mech.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10665 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, PROF. D.D. B.Sc. Engg., M.I.C., F.I.V. F-983 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, R.K. D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15285 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, RAJEEV AMIE, M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21849 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, S.C. B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15282 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SATPAL B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22339 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SHARVAN KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- I/606/168/2011-12 F-21547 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SHWETABH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19863 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, SUBHASH CHAND B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4427 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SUBHASH CHANDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21546 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, SUNIL DUTT B.Tech., A.I.V. A-6954 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, V.K. D.C.E., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24064 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, V.R. A.M.I.E. (India), F.I.V. F-2760 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, VARUN B.Tech.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19455 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VED PRAKASH B.E., PE(Ind), F.I.V. F-3974 Machinery and Plant -
SHARMA, VIRAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23597 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, YAGYA DUTT N.D. Arch., M.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9760 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, YASHWANT KUMAR GOVINDRAM B.E.(Mech.). F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26776 Machinery and Plant -
SHINGHAL, SHYAMJI B.Sc., B.E.(Elect.), Arch.R.S.S., F.I.V. F-3126 Machinery and Plant -
SHISHIR BANSAL B.E.(Civil), M.E.(Highways), PHD, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32411 Land & Building -
SHIV NARAYAN SINGH Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31936 Land & Building -
SHIV SHANKAR BANSAL Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), B.Arch, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23883 Immovable Property -
SHRI PAL (COL.) B.E. Civil, M.E., Ph.D., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12352 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, AKHILESH B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11520 Immovable Property -
SHUKLA, KAMLESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21230 Machinery and Plant -
SIDDIQUI, ASIF AZIZ B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21908 Immovable Property -
SINDHWANI, BHIM SAIN M.I.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4765 Immovable Property -
SINGAL, ISHWAR CHAND B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22891 Machinery and Plant -
SINGAL, MAHESH CHAND AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25866 Immovable Property -
SINGAL, R.K. B.Sc., C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10876 Stocks and Shares -
SINGH SURJIT A.M.I.E. (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16678 Immovable Property -
SINGH, AJIT G.D.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17712 Immovable Property -
SINGH, AMARJIT B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21066 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BIRENDRA PRASAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat- 1/288/1995 F-21905 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BRIJENDRA A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11801 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BRIJKISHOR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18407 Immovable Property -
SINGH, CAPT. INDER JIT F.I.E. F.I.V. F-3276 Immovable Property -
SINGH, GURMEJ AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.I- 130 of 1990 F-10402 Immovable Property -
SINGH, HAR MANDiR C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1766 Immovable Property -
SINGH, HARBIR Dip.(Civil), AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21161 Immovable Property -
SINGH, I.M. B.Sc (Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4201 Immovable Property -
SINGH, INDERJEET B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19940 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JASWANT A.M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-17716 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JITINDER B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I- 2029 of 1973 F-23882 Immovable Property -
SINGH, K. BALBIR B.E.(Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. F-4473 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KAMESHWAR PRASAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15137 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KANWAL PREET B.Sc.Engg., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9928 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KARTAR SHAH A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11802 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KARTIK PRASAD AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21694 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KULDIP MIS, A.I.V. A-4525 Immovable Property -
SINGH, KULDIP D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15923 Immovable Property -
SINGH, LT. COL. KHUSHWANT B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5964 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MAHBOOB B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16438 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MANGA M.Tech., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12260 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MANOJ B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-23408 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MOHINDER B.Sc. Engg., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-6364 Immovable Property -
SINGH, OM PRAKASH B.E., F.I.V. F-22973 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PARAMJEET AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25552 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PRAHALAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15141 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PREM PAL Dip.(Civil), M.I.S., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19529 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAKESH ICWA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24764 Stocks and Shares -
SINGH, RAKESH KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CA/92/14727 (COA) F-11305 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAKESH KUMAR B.E. (Hons.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12942 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAMAJEET B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23683 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, RAMAN DIP AMIE, F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat. I/2/1999-2000 Approved Valuer F-13409 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ROHIT KUMAR B.E.(Elec. & Commu.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22577 Computer Technology -
SINGH, S.K. B.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1822 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANTOSH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9665 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SURJIT G.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. AARPS3258-B F-22574 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIJAY PRATAP B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24202 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIKRAM B.Arch., M.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25868 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIRENDRA KUMAR B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9544 Immovable Property -
SINGHAL, JAI PARKASH AMIE, F.I.V. F-24635 Immovable Property -
SINGLA, SURINDER KUMAR B.E.(Elect.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26058 Machinery and Plant -
SINHA, SHASHI SHEKHAR PRASAD KAPILDEO B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28029 Immovable Property -
SIVARAM, CDR. S. B.E.(Mech.), MIIIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23230 Machinery and Plant -
SMITA P. RAMTEKE B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22808 Immovable Property -
SOHAL, PUNEET B.Arch., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.- I/623/174/2014-15 Approved Valuer F-24829 Immovable Property -
SOMANI, KISHAN GOPAL C.A., F.I.V. F-23488 Stocks and Shares -
SOMANI, VINOD C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23489 Stocks and Shares -
SONI, SHIV Jeweller, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23700 Jewellery -
SOOD, AMOD B.Arch, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12058 Immovable Property -
SOOD, M.S. N.D.(C.E.), F.I.V. F-1971 Immovable Property -
SOOD, RAKESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24980 Immovable Property -
SREENIVAS, TAMMAREDDY B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9543 Immovable Property -
SRINIVASAN, G. B.Tech., M.Tech., M.B.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-5083 Machinery and Plant -
SRIVASTAVA, J.P. B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19867 Immovable Property -
SRIVASTAVA, RAVI B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21142 Machinery and Plant Land & Building
SRIVASTAVA, RAJENDRA PRASAD B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19456 Machinery and Plant -
SUBRAMANIAN, V A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-6855 Immovable Property -
SUKHBIR SHARAN A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10875 Immovable Property -
SUKHIJA, JUGAL KISHORE C.E. Dip., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13958 Immovable Property -
SUMIT BARTHWAL B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27784 Machinery and Plant -
SUMIT KUMAR AMIE(Mech) Approved Valuer A-30508 Plant & Equipment -
SUNEEL KUMAR MAGGO CA, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30505 Securities & Financial Assets -
SUNIL KUMAR SACHDEVA Dip.(Civil), AMIE(Civil), MBA(Operations Management), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31940 Land & Building -
SUNIL KUMAR SINGH B.Tech.(Electrical), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29835 Plant & Equipment -
SURAJ PRAKASH SAGTA AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29351 Immovable Property -
SURESH KUMAR N.D. (Civil Engg.), F.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-12060 Immovable Property -
SWAIN, ASHUTOSH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V.AMIE Civil, Year - 2014. M.Sc. (REV), Year - 2015, Category ? 1 Approved Valuer F-23008 Machinery and Plant -
TAKULIA, TILAK RAJ B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-426 Immovable Property -
TALWAR, K.C. B.E., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7939 Computer Technology -
TANMOY CHATTERJI AIME, F.I.V Approved Valuer F-29008 Immovable Property -
TAYAL, ASHWANI KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7223 Immovable Property -
TAYAL, SUNIL KUMAR AMIE, F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25779 Immovable Property -
TEJWANT SINGH SAGGU B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31791 Land & Building -
THAKRAL DHARM PAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9425 Immovable Property -
THAKRAL, S.K. N.D. Mech. Engg., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13522 Machinery and Plant -
THAPLIYAL, HEERA MANI IIA(By Exam), F.I.V. Approved Valuers F-20498 Immovable Property -
THAREJA, RAMESH KUMAR AMIE., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20799 Immovable Property -
THIND, V.S. B.Sc.(Engg.), M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-5503 Immovable Property -
TIKU, VINOD KUMAR B.E., M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28294 Immovable Property -
TIWARI, G.D C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-237 Immovable Property -
TIWARI, R.S. B.E. Mech, F.I.V. F-4641 Machinery and Plant -
TOMER, SATYA PAL M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19079 Immovable Property -
TREHAN, C.M. B.Sc.(Engg.), LL.B., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13248 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, HARISH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12521 Immovable Property -
TRIPATHI, SANJAY B.E., M.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21159 Immovable Property -
TURAI, PREM CHAND N.D. Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17462 Immovable Property -
TUTEJA, J.S. Dip(Arch.), A.I.I.A., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-2265 Immovable Property -
TYAGI, POOJA B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22978 Immovable Property -
TYAGI, RAGHUNANDAN SINGH F.I.E., LL.B, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9333 Immovable Property -
TYAGI, SHASHANK B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22887 Immovable Property -
UPADHYAYA, RAKESH B.Tech., M.Tech., F.I.V. F-25548 Immovable Property -
UPMANYU, RAJNEESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22725 Immovable Property -
VAISH, V.K M.E., F.I.V. F-10068 Immovable Property -
VARGHESE, ALEX B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27942 Immovable Property -
VARMA, SATYENDRA KUMAR B.Tech., M.B.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20173 Immovable Property -
VARSHNEYA, J.K B.E., M.D.P.A., F.I.E., F.I.V. F-6617 Immovable Property -
VASHIST, GAURAV Dip.(Civil), M.I.S., F.I.V. F-21607 Immovable Property -
VASU DEV A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8825 Immovable Property -
VASWANI, MAHESH B.E.(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18093 Machinery and Plant -
VASWANI, NARESH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22892 Immovable Property -
VED PRAKASH B.Tech.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4311 Immovable Property -
VERMA, A.K. A.M.I.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11220 Immovable Property -
VERMA, ANURAG B.Arch., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-18589 Immovable Property -
VERMA, CHANDER B.E., F.I.V. F-9161 Immovable Property -
VERMA, MUNISH LAL N.D.Arch., A.I.I.A., F.I.V. F-1728 Immovable Property -
VERMA, OM PARKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. MSc(REV) Year:2013 Category: I Approved Valuer F-17365 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, PARMOD A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17150 Immovable Property -
VERMA, PRAKASH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valur Cat I/117/2000-01/459 u/s 34 AB of the W.T. Act 1957 F-9674 Immovable Property -
VERMA, PREM PARKASH I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17464 Immovable Property -
VERMA, S.K. B.Sc., B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10880 Chemicals -
VERMA, VIKAS B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18661 Immovable Property -
VIG, DiNA NATH Dip. C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. F-5375 Immovable Property -
VIJ, CHANDAR MOHAN A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9934 Immovable Property -
VIJAY PAL SHARMA B.Sc.(Civil) (Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30057 Land & Building -
VIJENDRA KUMAR N. Dip.(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4618 Immovable Property -
VIJH, JEEVAN LAL N.D. Arch., M.I.C.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10304 Immovable Property -
VIKAS GUPTA B.Sc.(Civil Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32016 Land & Building -
VINOD KUMAR B.Tech.(Elect.), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-29130 Machinery and Plant -
VIRDi, ASA SINGH Dip. C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V F-4096 Immovable Property -
VIRENDER KUMAR Dip.(Civil), AMIE.(Civil), MBA.(Disaster Management), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32217 Land & Building -
VIRENDER KUMAR CHARAYA B.Sc., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-28996 Immovable Property -
VIRMANI, MAJOR S.N. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11006 Immovable Property -
VISHAL KANWAR B.E.(Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29016 Machinery and Plant -
VISHV RATAN BANSAL AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29838 Land & Building -
VOHRA, SURESH CHANDER N.D.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18662 Immovable Property -
WADHWA, HARISH CHANDRA A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9858 Immovable Property -
WADHWA, M.R. N.D.(Civil), M.I.Struct.E., F.I.V. F-4766 Immovable Property -
WAHID, ABDUL AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-2218 Immovable Property -
WALECHA, TARUN B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14669 Immovable Property -
YUDHVEER SINGH B.A., A.I.I.A., A.I.V. A-9259 Immovable Property -
ZAIDI, ZISHAN RAZA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20081 Immovable Property -
ZUTSHI, S.C. A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-4327 Machinery and Plant -

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