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ABHIJEET ANAND B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31445 Land & Building -
ADITYA KUMAR B.Tech (Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32097 Land & Building -
AGARAWAL, RAJIV KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21065 Immovable Property -
AGRAWAL, ABHISHEK C.A., L.L.B., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-22885 Stocks and Shares -
AIN, NISHI B.Arch., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-22719 Immovable Property -
AMARESH KUMAR MISHRA B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30134 Land & Building -
AMIT KUMAR JHA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32173 Land & Building -
AMOD KUMAR MISHRA B.Tech.(Mech.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30556 Plant & Equipment -
ANAHAT VIKRAM B.E., M.Sc.(REV), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28511 Immovable Property -
ANAND VARDHAN B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-27869 Land & Building -
ANDAN, ACHALESH B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21064 Immovable Property -
ANURANJAN KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), M.Tech.(Integrated), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32334 Land & Building -
ANWAR, SOHAIL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27674 Immovable Property -
ARJIT BHARTIA B.Tech. (Chem.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-26510 Machinery and Plant -
ASHISH KUMAR B.E.(Civi), AMIE (Mech), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31911 Land & Building -
ATUL KUMAR B.Tech.(Elect & Comm.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-29001 Computer Technology -
AVINASH KUMAR SINGH B.Arch., M.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28291 Immovable Property -
BABLU KUMAR B.Tech.(Elect. & Comm.), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30728 Plant & Equipment -
BHAGAT MANOJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24534 Immovable Property -
BHAGAT, RABINDRA KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17805 Immovable Property -
BHARTIA, SHYAM SUNDAR B.E. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-4709 Immovable Property -
CHAITANYA, DIVYA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28510 Immovable Property -
CHOUDHARY, VISHNU KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18788 Immovable Property -
DEVESH MOHAN JHA B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32393 Land & Building -
DHUBEY, SHAMBHU SHARAN B.Sc.(Engg.)(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24197 Machinery and Plant -
DINESH MISHRA B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31670 Land & Building -
DUBEY, P.N. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16944 Immovable Property -
DWIVEDY, BRAJ KISHORE B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26585 Immovable Property -
GAUTAM, SAMITENDRA NATH Approved Valuer F-22806 Immovable Property -
GHOSE, SHOUVIK B.E., F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25981 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, AMOD KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18657 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, RAJIV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-10866 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, S.P. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12475 Immovable Property -
GUPTA, UMA NATH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17625 Immovable Property -
HAKRABORTI, A. B.Sc., B.Sc.(Engg.), A.M.I.E., F.I.V. F-1261 Immovable Property -
JALAJ PRAKASH Post Dip.(Industrial Safety),B.Sc.(Mech Engg.)., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30444 Plant & Equipment -
JAY BAHADUR SINGH B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31725 Land & Building -
JHA, ADITYA BHUSHAN B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26684 Immovable Property -
JHA, AMAR KANT B.E.(Elect.), F.I.V. F-14584 Machinery and Plant -
JHA, NAVIN CHANDRA B.E., A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-6189 Immovable Property -
JHA, SANJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28622 Immovable Property -
JHA, SURESH MOHAN A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18787 Immovable Property -
JHA, VIKASH KUMAR M.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24059 Immovable Property -
JHUNJHUNWALA, S.S. B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-7522 Immovable Property -
KAULESHNAM, MADAN GOPAL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18174 Immovable Property -
KHADRIA, SHYAM SUNDER B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved VAluer F-13515 Machinery and Plant -
KHAIRWI, MAJ. GEN. (Retd.) W.M B.Sc., C.E., M.I.E., F.I.V., Approved Valuer F-749 Immovable Property -
KHAN, SABIR ALI B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28112 Immovable Property -
KISHORE, UPENDRA B.Sc.Engg., LL.B., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-13244 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ABHISHEK B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28621 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ADARSH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-24900 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANIL B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28916 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ANIL B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15689 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ARVIND B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21687 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHOK B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), MBA, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23039 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHOK B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18088 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, ASHOK B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19220 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, BINOD B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V Approved Valuer F-9878 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, DINESH B.Sc.(Engg.), P.G.D.M., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14798 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MADAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19219 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, MANOJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19297 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, NAVENDRA B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. F-2116 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, PREM B.Sc.(Engg.), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-5311 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15919 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27381 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH B.E., F.I.V. F-23224 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, RAJESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-23121 Machinery and Plant -
KUMAR, RAM B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20999 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANDEEP B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27780 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANJAY B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9088 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANJAY B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. Cat.-I- 198/2006-07 F-11213 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANJAY B.Sc.(Engg.), M.I.E., C.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-12169 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANJEEV B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25547 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SANTOSH AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27208 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SATISH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27207 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SITARAM B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-21689 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SURENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22718 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, SUSHIL B.E., F.I.V. Approved valuer F-28403 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, UMESH B.E., F.I.V, Approved Valuer F-13625 Immovable Property -
KUMAR, VIJAY B.Sc.(Engg.)(Elect.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT- II/PAT/Tech/R.V./2012- 13/01 of Cat. III F-23560 Machinery and Plant -
LALL, SHYAMA KANT B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT/II/PAT/TECH/R.V./201 0-11/01 F-21991 Immovable Property -
MADHU SINGH B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25382 Immovable Property -
MAHASETH, VIRENDRA B.Sc.Engg., A.M.I.E, M.B.A., C.E., F.I.V. F-13049 Immovable Property -
MANISH KUMAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30446 Land & Building -
MANISH KUMAR YADAV B.Tech.,(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30727 Land & Building -
MD AFROZ ALAM AMIE(Mech), AMIE (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23768 Machinery and Plant Land & Building
MD IMRAN ALAM B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31823 Land & Building -
MD. RAFIQUE ALAM ANSARI B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23769 Immovable Property -
MEGOTIA, PRADIP KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil) M.Tech.(Struct.) F.I.V. F-6835 Immovable Property -
MEHROTRA, SANJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.) (Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28022 Immovable Property -
MISHRA, AJAY KUMAR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18341 Immovable Property -
MOMAMMAD ZOBAIR B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16332 Immovable Property -
NEERAJ KUMAR VERMA B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29265 Immovable Property -
NILAY KUMAR B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23992 Immovable Property -
OM PRAKASH GUPTA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29829 Land & Building -
PANDEY, RAMASHISH B.Sc.(Civil)(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-22571 Immovable Property -
PRABHAKAR, S.K. B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. CCIT- II/PAT/Tech/RV/07- 08/2898 F-22635 Immovable Property -
PRAMOD KUMAR B.Sc.Engg.(Civil) F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16120 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, AWADH KISHOR B.E. Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9132 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, JWALA B.Tech., F.I.E., F.I.V. Govt. Reg. No. CCIT- II/Pat/Tech/Gen./Valuer/ 12(05)/2013-14/11 Approved Valuer F-25381 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, MAHENDRA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25865 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, MANMOHAN B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. F-8945 Immovable Property -
PRASAD, RAM BALAK M.Tech., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved VAluer F-9879 Machinery and Plant -
PRAVEEN KUMAR AMIE, A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-28194 Immovable Property -
PRAVIN RAJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28111 Immovable Property -
PREM ADARSH B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31477 Land & Building -
RAGHUVEER KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30135 Land & Building -
RAI, PRADIP KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil),F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23698 Immovable Property -
RAJAN B.Sc. Engg. F.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. F-13518 Immovable Property -
RAJEEV RANJAN B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32088 Land & Building -
RAMAN KUMAR B.Arch., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29832 Land & Building -
RAMJI SINGH B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29831 Land & Building -
RANJAN KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29002 Immovable Property -
RANJAN, SHASHI B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27383 Immovable Property -
RAUT, MADHUSHREE B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27564 Immovable Property -
RAUT, SANJAY KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V Approved Valuer F-14796 Immovable Property -
RAVI RANJAN KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30196 Land & Building -
SAH, PRAKASH KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25615 Immovable Property -
SAHIL KUMAR Dip.(Civil), B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32526 Land & Building -
SAMEER SINHA B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-13739 Immovable Property -
SANCHITA , SAUMYA K C.A., A.I.V Approved Valuer A-23592 Stocks and Shares -
SANJAY AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27384 Immovable Property -
SANTOSH KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31504 Land & Building -
SATYAM KUMAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30199 Land & Building -
SATYAM, SUMIT B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28512 Immovable Property -
SHAHIN PRATIK B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31025 Land & Building -
SHANKAR, GAURI B.Tech., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24533 Immovable Property -
SHANKER, SANJIV B.Sc. Engineering Civil, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18509 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, ABHISHEK D.Arch., I.I.A., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27382 Immovable Property -
SHARMA, MAHENDRA B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-9160 Immovable Property -
SHASHI SHEKHAR B.Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-25156 Immovable Property -
SHASHI SHEKHAR B.E., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-30347 Land & Building -
SHIVAM KUMAR B.Tech.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-32066 Land & Building -
SINGH, ARUN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15473 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ARUN KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. 212/2012- 13/Cat-I F-22422 Immovable Property -
SINGH, ATUL KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-20649 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BALRAM A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-16121 Immovable Property -
SINGH, BRAJ KISHOR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24688 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DEVENDRA PRASAD B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24297 Immovable Property -
SINGH, DIGVIJAY NARAYAN AIME(Mech.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18658 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, DINESH B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17804 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JATA SHANKAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28110 Immovable Property -
SINGH, JITENDRA B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25219 Immovable Property -
SINGH, MANOJ B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27779 Immovable Property -
SINGH, PRABHAT NARAYAN B.Sc.(Engg.), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18245 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAGHUBANSH PRASAD B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-24111 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAJENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-18873 Immovable Property -
SINGH, RAM KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25777 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANJAY KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25468 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SANJIV KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25467 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SATYENDRA PRASAD B.Sc., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26237 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SHANKER PRASAD B.Sc.Engg. (Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-11214 Machinery and Plant -
SINGH, SHASHI KANT AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26423 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SHIV SHANKAR SUMAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26683 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SHYAM NANDAN B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13627 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SUDHIR KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. No. Cat.- I/171/02-03 F-15690 Immovable Property -
SINGH, SURENDRA PRASAD B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer Govt. Reg. Cat-I/68 of 1993- 94 F-8079 Immovable Property -
SINGH, UDAY PARTAP B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19728 Immovable Property -
SINGH, VIJAY KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15687 Immovable Property -
SINHA, ARUN KUMAR A.M.I.E., C.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15918 Immovable Property -
SINHA, ASHOK KUMAR B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-28193 Immovable Property -
SINHA, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13516 Immovable Property -
Sinha, BIJOY KUMAR B.Sc. Engg., F.I.V. F-8834 Immovable Property -
SINHA, KUMAR SUDHANSHU B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), M.I.E, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25380 Immovable Property -
SINHA, PRADEEP KUMAR B.Sc,(Mech.), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-14797 Machinery and Plant -
SINHA, PUSPRAJ BHUSHAN B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-26586 Immovable Property -
SINHA, S.N. B.Sc.Engg., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8128 Immovable Property -
SINHA, SATYENDRA KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15686 Immovable Property -
SINHA, SHEO SHANKAR PRASAD B.Arch., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-23770 Immovable Property -
SINHA, SUSHIL KUMAR D.C.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17480 Immovable Property -
SUMAN, SHUBA LAL B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-8452 Immovable Property -
SUNIL KUMAR B.E.(Civil), A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-31628 Land & Building -
TEWARI, SANAT KUMAR M.Tech., LL.B., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-25776 Immovable Property -
THAKUR, BRAJESHWAR B.E., A.I.V. A-21544 Immovable Property -
UPADHAYA, C.C. MANI B.Sc., B.E., M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-13246 Machinery and Plant -
URBEY, MANOJ KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-12253 Immovable Property -
VARMA, ASHOK B.Sc.Engg. (Civil), F.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-15135 Machinery and Plant -
VERMA, ABHAY KUMAR DUTT B.Sc.(Engg.)(Civil), F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27778 Immovable Property -
VERMA, ASHOK KUMAR B.E., F.I.V. F-13628 Immovable Property -
VINOD SHARMA B.Sc.(Engg)(Civil)., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29828 Land & Building -
VIVEK KUMAR B-Tech., A.I.V. Approved Valuer A-29343 Land & Building -
YADAV, BALKRISHNA B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19449 Immovable Property -
YADAV, SHASHI BHUSHAN PD B.E., A.M.I.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-17046 Immovable Property -
YADAV, SHYAM SUNDAR KUMAR AMIE, F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-27024 Immovable Property -
ZAFAR, SHAHNAWAZ B.E., F.I.V. Approved Valuer F-19726 Immovable Property -

We have a strong team of more than 32000 valuers.